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Exp Brain Res

DOI 10.1007/s00221-017-4922-7


The knowns and unknowns of boredom: a review of the literature

Quentin Raffaelli1 · Caitlin Mills1 · Kalina Christoff1,2 

Received: 6 April 2016 / Accepted: 16 February 2017

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

Abstract  Despite the ubiquitous nature of boredom, validated taxonomy of different types of boredom, could
the definition, function, and correlates of boredom are serve to overcome the current roadblocks to facilitate fur-
still poorly understood. In this review, we summarize the ther progress in our scientific understanding of boredom.
“known” (consistent evidence) and “unknown” (inconsist-
ent evidence) correlates of boredom. We show that bore- Keywords  Boredom · Arousal · Task-unrelated thought ·
dom is consistently related to negative affect, task-unrelated Default network · Hippocampus · Anterior insula
thought, over-estimation of elapsed time, reduced agency,
as well as to over- and under-stimulation. Activation of the
default mode network was consistent across the few availa- Introduction: what is boredom?
ble fMRI studies, while the recruitment of other brain areas
such as the hippocampus and anterior insular cortex, was a Boredom is known by many names: “anguish, ennui,
notable but less consistent correlate of boredom. Other less tedium, the doldrums, humdrum, the blahs, apathy, listless-
consistent correlates of boredom are also reviewed, such ness, stolidity, lethargy, [and] languor” (Brodsky 1989),
as the level of arousal and the mental attributions given to name a few. While boredom is a commonly understood
to fluctuations of attention. Finally, we identify two criti- term in the colloquial sense, it is much more difficult to
cal factors that may contribute to current inconsistencies operationally define, and even harder to measure for empir-
in the literature and may hamper further progress in the ical purposes. Part of this difficulty may stem from the fact
field. First, there is relatively little consistency in the way that its connections to other important psychological phe-
in which boredom has been operationalized across studies nomena are poorly understood: How is boredom related to
to date, with operationalizations of boredom ranging from arousal? Does mind-wandering lead to boredom, or does it
negative affect paired with under-stimulation, over-stimula- help us escape from it? And how does boredom relate to
tion, to negative affect paired with  a lack of goal-directed time perception, mood, and fatigue?
actions. Second, preliminary evidence suggests the exist- Over the last few decades, researchers have advanced
ence of distinct types of boredom (e.g., searching vs. apa- answers to some of these questions through correlational
thetic) that may have different and sometimes even oppos- work, and in some cases by experimentally inducing bore-
ing correlates. Adopting a more precise and consistent way dom. However, there is still an active debate about what
of operationalizing boredom, and arriving at an empirically boredom actually is, and what its signature markers are. To
this end, the current paper presents a comprehensive review
on the neural, cognitive, and behavioral correlates of bore-
* Kalina Christoff dom across multiple domains including, psychology, neu-
roscience, and education. Our main goal is to provide a
Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, roadmap for researchers who wish to better understand
2136 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada boredom and further investigate boredom and its various
Centre for Brain Health, University of British Columbia, correlates.
2211 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 2B5, Canada

Exp Brain Res

Table 1  Overview of consistent and inconsistent correlates of boredom

Proposed correlate Consistent/ inconsistent Direction (increased boredom is associated with)

 Stimulation/task difficulty Consistent Over- and under-stimulation
 Task-unrelated thoughts Consistent More task-unrelated thoughts
 Attributions of attention Inconsistent Task-unrelated thoughts appraised as boredom vs.
boredom arises after boredom ensues
  Time perception Consistent Over-estimated time perception
  Agency Consistent Reduced agency
 Valence Consistent Negative affect
 Arousal Inconsistent High vs. low arousal
Brain regions
 Default mode network Consistent/probable Activation in MTL and vmPFC
 Hippocampus Inconsistent Activated in 1/3 studies vs. deactivated in 1/3 studies
 Anterior insula Inconsistent Activated in 1/3 studies vs. deactivated in 1/3 studies
  Fatigue Probable More fatigue/sleepiness
  Mood Probable Negative mood

Definitions and functions of boredom et al. 2012, p. 482): “an aversive state of wanting, but being
unable, to engage in satisfying activity”.
Many definitions of boredom exist, arising from differ- Using this definition by Eastwood et al. (2012), boredom
ent schools of thought (for a review, see Eastwood et al. has been proposed to have a unique function as an adap-
2012). While there are many similarities across defini- tive emotion (Bench and Lench 2013). That is, boredom is
tions, the differences center around various contextual an emotional cue that one needs to pursue a goal different
and explanatory factors (Malkovsky et  al. 2012). Psy- from what one is currently pursuing. Once a person reaches
chodynamic psychologists, such as Lipps (1904, cited in the aversive state of being unable to engage in a satisfying
Lewinsky 1943), originally considered boredom to be the activity, boredom signals the need to look for something
unpleasant feeling resulting from an unfulfilled need for different. More specifically, Bench and Lench (2013) pro-
psychic stimulation. This unfulfillment can occur due to pose that boredom might arise during times when goals are
either a lack of stimulation or a state of mind prevent- blocked or when  strong emotions (e.g., happiness or sad-
ing the bored individual from selecting and engaging in a ness) fade. In this sense, boredom can be viewed as a func-
stimulating activity (Fenichel 1953). Existentialist theo- tionally adaptive emotion that helps us continuously reori-
ries suggested that boredom results from the emptiness ent our goals.
following feelings of meaninglessness (Frankl 1992). The While the current definitions and functional accounts of
resulting absence of will causes inaction, which is expe- boredom have fostered the study of antecedents and con-
rienced as unpleasant and devoid of all emotions except sequences of boredom, the “gold standard” markers of
for the feeling of boredom. Arousal theorists view bore- boredom remain unclear. Beyond the signature negative
dom as the outcome of a mismatch between the need for valence of boredom, there is much less consistency with
arousal and the level of arousal provided by the envi- respect to other potential correlates. The aim of this review
ronment (O’Hanlon 1981), while cognitivists consider is therefore to synthesize the existing literature to identify
boredom to be an interaction between a non-stimulating those correlates of boredom that are “known” (that is, have
environment and an individual’s impaired ability to con- been consistently observed) and those that are as of yet
centrate (Fisher 1993). “unknown” (that is, are inconsistently observed).
The first attempt to provide a common definition was In what follows, we discuss the state of the literature in
made by Mikulas and Vodanovich (1993). They proposed each of five domains of work, each representing proposed
that boredom can be defined as “a state of relatively low markers or correlates of boredom: attention, time percep-
arousal and dissatisfaction, which is attributed to an inad- tion, agency, dimensions of affect, neural correlates, mood,
equately stimulating situation”. The most commonly and fatigue. For each domain, we discuss whether the cur-
employed definition of boredom at this point, however, is rent literature reflects a picture of relatively consistent
the one formulated by Eastwood and colleagues (Eastwood or inconsistent correlates of boredom (see Table  1 for a

Exp Brain Res

summary). Finally, consistent with the definitions of bore- require simple connections in kindergarten (e.g., describing
dom discussed so far, this review encompasses the corre- the physical world in geometric shapes), challenge is built
lates of boredom as a transient state, rather than boredom up incrementally as mastery is acquired  over time (e.g.,
as a trait. learning trigonometry  in high school). Vygotsky’s (1978)
zone of proximal development captures this idea perfectly.
From a developmental perspective, a child’s level of cog-
Boredom as an attentional failure nitive development should adequately match the difficulty
of a task, providing an optimal level of challenge, or else
Attentional failures are generally related to boredom (East- it would be judged “too boring” (Englert et al. 1994). For
wood et  al. 2012; Gerritsen et  al. 2014). In this section, example, boredom was strongly  correlated with being
we discuss evidence supporting the mismatch hypothesis, both under-challenged and over-challenged in a math class
which proposes an account of how task requirements and (Daschmann et al. 2011). Similar tendencies might be man-
attentional capacity are related to boredom. We also discuss ifested in the fast renewal rate of toys for younger children,
how attributions of attentional failures may influence the or the highly specific age that is recommended for various
subjective experience of boredom. games and toys. The wooden fire truck that was fun at age
four may eventually  be deemed boring by the child who
Mismatch hypothesis has now  turned six because it no longer elicits a stimula-
tion level that matches the child’s current stage of cognitive
According to arousal theorists, boredom arises when there development. Critically relevant for educational outcomes,
is a mismatch between task requirements and attentional boredom has been linked to academic underachievement
capacity (Berlyne 1960; Csikszentmihalyi 1975, 1990). (Pekrun et al. 2010; Wegner et al. 2008). Students who are
Specifically, boredom will occur when attention is not under-stimulated are more likely to experience boredom
maintained at an optimal level of arousal (Gerritsen et  al. and high achieving students have a propensity to get bored
2014; Pattyn et  al. 2008). This can be when a task is too at school (Larson and Richards 1991; Kanevsky and Keigh-
simple, resulting in under-stimulation (Eastwood et  al. ley 2003; Moneta and Csikszentmihalyi 1996; Robinson
2012), or too difficult, resulting in over-stimulation (Car- 1975).
riere et  al. 2008). While boredom occurs at either end of In sum, insufficient or excessive task difficulty are con-
the spectrum (over- or under-stimulation), the ability to pay sistent predictors of boredom: boredom is likely to arise
attention requires optimal levels of arousal—a phenomenon when the task is too easy (under-stimulation) or when it is
known as the Yerkes–Dodson law (1908). Similarly, the too difficult (over-stimulation). In addition, boredom stem-
state of flow (which can be conceptualized as the opposite ming from over-stimulation and under-stimulation may be
of boredom) requires a task that is challenging enough but qualitatively different subtypes, consistent with the distinc-
not too difficult (Csikszentmihalyi 1975, 1991). tion drawn by Goetz. et  al. (2014)—a distinction that is
Indeed, there is some experimental evidence that opti- important to consider in future research.
mal levels of challenge can promote engagement (Free-
man et al. 2004). Freeman et al. (2004) employed a yoked-
control design in which difficulty levels during a vigilance Task‑unrelated thoughts
task were dynamically adjusted using an engagement index
(based on EEG frequencies). In a negative feedback con- Task-unrelated thoughts1 are considered a hallmark of
dition (consistent with the mismatch hypothesis), the num- attentional failures, and thus are often directly connected to
ber of stimuli decreased when the engagement index went the experience of boredom (Critcher and Gilovich 2010;
up, and increased when the engagement index went down. Cunningham et al. 2000; Eastwood et al. 2012; Steinberger
A positive feedback condition received the opposite treat- et al. 2016). Indeed, task-unrelated thoughts are sometimes
ment: the number of stimuli increased when the engage- used to corroborate successful boredom inductions (Danck-
ment index went up, and decreased when it went down. The ert and Merrifield 2016; Mann and Cadman 2014), and are
yoked-control counterparts received the same number of considered to be a consistent correlate of boredom (i.e.,
changes in stimuli, but in a random fashion. Importantly, boredom is related to an increased frequency of task-unre-
only the positive feedback condition, which may have lated thoughts).
promoted over- or under-stimulation, showed a vigilance
Optimal levels of difficulty are also important in educa-  Although many studies refer to task-unrelated thought as mind-
wandering, we attempt to use more precise terminology here by refer-
tional contexts, which might be ideally structured to main- ring to what most of the studies are truly measuring: task-unrelated
tain optimal levels of challenge. Starting with materials that thoughts. See Christoff et al. (2016) for a more detailed discussion.

Exp Brain Res

Attributions of attention Time perception

It has also been hypothesized that the relationship One of the more consistent correlates of boredom is slowed
between boredom and task-unrelated thoughts can be time perception (the well-known everyday experience
explained based on how an individual interprets atten- of time passing too slowly). The subjective estimation of
tional failures: a task is more likely to be experienced elapsed time is referred to as ‘psychological time’ (Gron-
as boring when individuals make an appraisal that their din 2001). Boredom has been associated with an over-esti-
attention is not sufficiently engaged by a task (Bench and mation of elapsed time (Bench and Lench 2013; Danck-
Lench 2013; Carriere et  al. 2008; Daniels et  al. 2015; ert and Allman 2005; Eastwood et  al. 2012; Mercer-Lynn
Mercer-Lynn et al. 2014; Pattyn et al. 2008). Specifically, et  al. 2014). For example, when people are led to believe
Critcher and Gilovich (2010) argued that negative  task that they spent more time than they estimated on a task,
appraisals are made after task-unrelated thoughts have they report higher levels of boredom (London and Monell
occurred and reached metacognitive awareness. One 1974). Furthermore, individuals who scored high on trait-
might then make appraisals about the task that are con- level boredom measures were more likely to overestimate
sistent with a state of boredom (e.g., ‘non-satisfying’; how much time they spent on a task, while those with low
‘not able to engage’; ‘I shifted my attention towards an proneness to boredom were more likely to underestimate
internal stream of thought’). Critcher and Gilovich also that duration (Danckert and Allman 2005).
propose that appraisals of boredom may depend on the Although slowed time perception is a consistent corre-
content of the task-unrelated thoughts, such that bore- late of boredom, it is not clear why they are related. Some
dom is less likely if current concerns are the subject authors suggest that time perception may be important for
of an task-unrelated thought  rather than some negative maintaining motivation to perform a task (Conti 2001) and
task appraisal. However, it is also possible that task- for the experience of pleasure (Rolls 1999). Alternatively,
unrelated thoughts are an outcome of boredom, resulting Zakay (2014) suggests the experience of time passing
from a search for new goals (Bench and Lench 2013), slowly is a signal communicating to the executive system
or an escape from boredom when one cannot meaning- that action ought to be taken to remedy the current unful-
fully engage in the current task, yet needs to continue filling state.
performing it. Thus, it is unclear if boredom is a product Distorted time perception may also be linked to the
of the appraisals made about the task-unrelated thoughts changes in physiological arousal associated with boredom
themselves or if task-unrelated thoughts arise once bore- (discussed in detail below). An over-estimation of time can
dom has already ensued. be associated with increased physiological arousal, induced
Finally, the extent to which an individual can identify by either perceptual stimulation (presentation of fast
the cause of attentional failure may influence whether repeated visual or auditory series of stimuli), physiological
they judge the task as boring (Damrad-Frye and Laird manipulation (alteration of body temperature), or pharma-
1989). In an experiment in which participants were cological manipulation (administering a psychostimulant;
exposed to an inaudible, moderate, or loud auditory dis- Buhusi and Meck 2005; Meck 1996).
traction, those in the inaudible condition judged the task
more boring and less pleasant. Indeed, this suggests that
boredom is influenced by perceptions and attributions of Agency
the current task. In this experiment, when it was possible
to blame attentional disruptions on task-unrelated audi- The feeling of agency is also a consistent negative cor-
tory distractors, the task was experienced as less boring. relate of boredom (Martin et  al. 2006; Mercer-Lynn et  al.
In sum, boredom is consistently correlated with over- 2014; Pekrun et  al. 2010, 2002, 2014; Steinberger et  al.
and under-stimulation, as well as with task-unrelated 2016). Agency can be thought of as the ability to freely
thoughts. However, it remains unclear how attributions determine what tasks or actions one will undertake (Snibbe
of task-unrelated thoughts relate to the experience of and Markus 2005). Similarly, in their review, Eastwood
boredom. Does boredom arise when making negative and colleagues (2012) describe constraint in terms of indi-
attributions about a task after experiencing task-unre- viduals having to “do what they do not want to do or can-
lated thoughts, or are task-unrelated thoughts a product not do what they want to do” (p. 488). Further, Eastwood
of being bored? Investigations assessing the more fine- et  al. (2012) view constraint as integral to the experience
grained temporal dynamics of an entire episode of bore- of boredom. It is also one of the cognitive components pro-
dom might help answer some of these open questions. posed by Hill and Perkins (1985) in their model of bore-
dom, and has been mentioned as a potential factor that
induces boredom (Fenichel 1951; Geiwitz 1966; Hill and

Exp Brain Res

Perkins 1985; Mikulas and Vodanovich 1993; Vodanovich state (e.g., Bench and Lench 2013; Berlyne 1960; Sommers
and Kass 1990). and Vodanovich 2000). Below we summarize the literature
Empirical evidence for the relationship between agency on two measures of arousal: subjective reports and auto-
and boredom comes from findings that voluntarily engag- nomic arousal as measured by heart rate and electrodermal
ing in a task appears to lower estimation of time spent on activity.
the task. When one group of participants performs a task
by choice while another group performs the same task but Subjective reports of arousal
with no choice, participants who did not choose the task
showed increased levels of boredom (as measured via time There is some evidence that boredom is correlated with low
perception) compared to participants performing the same arousal (Geiwitz 1966; van Tilburg and Igou 2016). For
task by choice (Troutwine and O’Neil 1981). example, Geiwitz (1966) induced boredom and found that
participants reported lower levels of attention and arousal,
as assessed by questions about sleepiness and tiredness.
Dimensions of affect Evidence that boredom is a low arousal state also comes
from findings that boredom is correlated with low effort
Boredom has long been viewed as an affective state (Bench and reduced attention. While not measures of arousal per
and Lench 2013; Goetz et  al. 2007, 2013; Pekrun et  al. se, both variables are related to arousal (Pekrun et al. 2002;
2010; Smith and Ellsworth 1985). Affective states can be Smith and Ellsworth 1985). For example, Pekrun et  al.
characterized by two orthogonal dimensions: valence (i.e., (2002) proposed that boredom is generally a negative-deac-
pleasantness) and arousal. This two-dimensional space has tivating emotion in which students experience low arousal
been referred to as the Circumplex Model of Affect (Posner and reduced attention which ultimately leads to superficial
et al. 2005; Russell 1980). Where does boredom fall in this processing in educational settings. While they acknowledge
two-dimensional space? that there are times when boredom might be a high arousal
state, no direct evidence for this type of boredom was pro-
Valence vided so it is unclear when it would arise.
While the Circumplex Model of Affect (Russell 1980)
Feelings of unpleasantness, or negative valence, are reliably assumes two underlying dimensions of affect (valence and
associated with boredom (Goetz et al. 2007, 2014; Pekrun arousal), additional appraisal dimensions may also be rele-
et  al. 2010; van Tilburg and Igou 2016). This is the case vant (Smith and Ellsworth 1985). In addition to the valence
across domains: in the laboratory (van Tilburg and Igou (pleasantness) appraisal, some of the relevant appraisal
2012), educational classrooms (Goetz et  al. 2013), work- dimensions from Smith and Ellsworth (1985) include atten-
places (Fisher 1998; van Hooff and van Hooft 2014), or in tional activity, control of the situation, anticipated effort,
everyday life (Steinberger et  al. 2016). Though unpleas- etc. Of all the negative emotions, boredom was the only
ant, the negative feelings of valence are typically mild in one that was “passive,” not requiring an increase in activa-
nature, rather than being extremely aversive (e.g., Fisher tion or any exertion. Boredom was also the lowest scoring
1993; Goetz et al. 2007). Such findings are consistent with emotion on their scale of attentional activity, suggesting
Plutchik’s (2001) description of boredom as a mild version that boredom entails lower-activation. Although they did
of disgust, where disgust is typically marked with more not explicitly measure the arousal dimension, their findings
intense negative valence. This is also consistent with find- are more in line with the idea that boredom is a low-arousal
ings from Smith and Ellsworth (1985), where boredom was state.
found to involve a less unpleasant feeling compared to that
felt during anger, frustration, contempt, and sadness. Autonomic arousal

Arousal Based on the subjective reports of lower arousal during

boredom, autonomic arousal (i.e., heart rate and electroder-
While most work suggests that boredom has a negative mal activity; EDA) might be expected to display the same
valence, the findings on relations between arousal and bore- pattern. Instead, much (but not all) of the research on auto-
dom are much less consistent. Strictly speaking, boredom nomic arousal suggests that boredom is a high arousal state.
does not quite fit the Circumplex Model of Affect because London et  al. (1972) provided some of the first evi-
it is unclear exactly where it falls on the arousal dimen- dence that boredom is related to an increase in autonomic
sion. Boredom is sometimes characterized as a low arousal arousal. They investigated two measures of autonomic
affective state (Mikulas and Vodanovich 1993; also see arousal (EDA and heart rate). Increased EDA, which
Hebb 1955; Titz 2001), and sometimes as a high arousal measures the electrical properties of the skin, was found

Exp Brain Res

in a boredom condition (induced by a sustained attention Different boredom types

task) in comparison to an interesting condition (writing
stories in response to pre-specified themes). Heart rate It is possible that there are different types of boredom,
showed the same pattern, increasing in a boredom condi- each with a different signature of valence and arousal.
tion (writing “cd” over and over) compared to an inter- Such differences between types of boredom may help rec-
esting condition (write stories based on pictures from a oncile the inconsistency in findings regarding valence and
magazine; London et  al. 1972). Since then, other stud- arousal (Goetz et  al. 2014). Evidence for the existence of
ies have replicated the finding that boredom produces an different types of boredom comes from an experience sam-
increase in autonomic arousal using similar experimental pling study, in which participants rated their current level
paradigms (Lundberg et al. 1993; Ohsuga et al. 2001). of experienced boredom, as well as their current level of
Trait-level boredom (i.e., boredom proneness) has also arousal and valence (Goetz et al. 2014). Clusters in valence
been linked to increased heart rate. Boredom proneness is and arousal were used to create five different boredom cat-
considered to be a trait-level disposition to boredom and egories: indifferent, calibrating, searching, reactant, and
is often measured using the Boredom Proneness Scale apathetic boredom (see Fig.  1). Indifferent (more positive
(Farmer and Sundberg 1986). Merrifield and Danckert valence) and apathetic boredom (more negative valence)
(2014) asked participants to watch a boring video and were both low arousal states, but differed on the valence
then rate the video for boringness. After accounting for dimension. Calibrating (average = 2/5 on arousal scale),
participants’ boringness rating, those who scored higher searching (average = 3/5 on arousal scale), and reactant
on the Boredom Proneness Scale also displayed higher boredom (average = ~4.25/5 on arousal scale) were all in
heart rate level (Merrifield and Danckert 2014). Their the middle of the valence scale, but had markedly different
findings provide further support for the conclusion that levels of arousal, all three of which had higher arousal than
boredom, even at a trait-level, is related to a state of indifferent and apathetic boredom (1/5 on arousal scale).
higher arousal. There are two important points to take away from the
Alternatively, boredom may influence heart rate and Goetz et  al. (2014) study. First, the authors suggest that
EDA in dissociable, opposite directions. This is known there may be up to five types of boredom, each with distinct
as the directional fractionation hypothesis (Lacey 1959; levels of valence and arousal. On one hand, this implies
Lacey and Lacey 1970), which posits that EDA decreases that it is critical to know what type of boredom is being
during boredom, while heart rate increases. In support induced or measured to properly interpret the findings
of the directional fraction hypothesis, Frith and Allen from a given study, and to draw meaningful comparisons
(1983) found that lower EDA was related to decreases in across studies. On the other hand, these findings should be
attention. The same pattern was then found in an exper- applied cautiously since these five types of boredom may
imental study by O’Connell et  al. (2008) in which par- not be entirely consistent with common operationaliza-
ticipants either completed a Self-Alert Training session tions of boredom. For example, boredom is almost never
(autonomic arousal biofeedback training) or a placebo associated with positive valence, which contrasts with the
condition (playing the video game Tetris). Participants in indifferent boredom in Goetz et  al. (2014) that was found
the Self-Alert Training condition made fewer errors and to be associated with positive valence. Moreover, there
had higher EDA during a sustained attention, whereas the are known discrepancies between self-reported levels of
placebo condition made more errors and were associated arousal and measures of autonomic arousal (Bench and
with reductions in EDA over the task (O’Connell et  al. Lench 2013; Eastwood et  al. 2012), which indicates that
2008). On the other hand, previous work suggests that more work needs to be done to verify the validity of these
decreases in attention may also be related to increases in different types of boredom before adopting this five-type
heart rate. This conclusion is in part based on the close classification.
relationship between attention and heart rate, where heart Furthermore, individuals in the experience sampling
rate slows down during periods of high attention (Coles study by Goetz et al. (2014) tended to report the same cat-
1972). egory of boredom over time. This may suggest that there
It is important to note that most of the evidence support- are consistent individual differences in the way people
ing the directional fractionation hypothesis used perfor- experience boredom, whereas one person might experience
mance on a sustained attention task as the dependent vari- low arousal boredom, others might experience high arousal
able rather than a directly manipulating boredom. These boredom. Although such individual differences have not yet
studies, however, are nonetheless relevant for consider- been validated with measures of autonomic arousal, assum-
ing the correlates of boredom given the close relationship ing that individuals experience boredom in a uniform way
between boredom and decreased attention (Eastwood et al. may be hampering our understanding and further research
2012). into boredom.

Exp Brain Res

Fig. 1  Re-creation of Goetz
et al’s (2014) five different types
of boredom based on two expe-
rience sampling studies

Neural correlates non-goal-directed activity (e.g., no goal-directed moves

being made in the game for 10 s). Analyses were then com-
Brain regions pleted by assessing the fMRI response during low goal-
directed activity with affect changes (where a positive to
Only three published studies so far have used neuroimaging negative affect represented a bored state).
to measure the neural correlates of boredom. All three stud- Boredom was associated with bilateral activation in the
ies reported activation in parts of the default mode network ventromedial PFC (vmPFC) and insula. In addition, the
(DMN), while activation of other regions of brain was less right precuneus and hippocampus were deactivated during
consistent. boredom, prompting the authors to suggest that the hip-
Ulrich et  al. (2014) investigated the neural correlates pocampus and precuneus might play a role in counteract-
of flow. Boredom (operationalized as under-stimulation ing boredom. However, this finding should be interpreted
through the performance of very easy arithmetic problems) cautiously for a number of reasons. First, the reduction in
and anxiety (operationalized as over-stimulation through activity in the hippocampus contrasts the findings of the
the performance of difficult arithmetic problems) were used Ulrich et  al. (2014) study where boredom, there induced
as comparison conditions. The arithmetic problems in the by under-stimulating arithmetic problems, was associated
flow condition were adjusted to ability, providing optimal with an increase in hippocampal activation. Second, while
levels of difficulty. All conditions were completed while Mathiak et  al. operationalized boredom as a passive state
undergoing perfusion MRI. Compared to the flow condi- with negative affect, it is unclear whether participants actu-
tion, the boredom condition yielded greater activation in ally experienced boredom. For example, a negative and
the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), as well as in a cluster passive state may also be confusion or frustration at points
of areas in the medial temporal lobe (MTL), including left when the game became more difficult.
amygdala, hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus. A third experiment recorded brain activity under four
In another study, participants played a first-person conditions: (1) resting state, (2) performing a sustained
shooter video game and filled a questionnaire measuring attention task, (3) watching a low-content video of people
their level of positive and negative affect before and after hanging clothes (i.e. boring condition), and (4) watching an
each 12-minute scan session (Mathiak et  al. 2013). Bore- interesting nature documentary (i.e. interesting condition;
dom was operationalized as a drop in valence (i.e., becom- Danckert and Merrifield 2016). The first three conditions
ing more negative) combined with a sustained period of (resting state, sustained attention, and boring video) elicited

Exp Brain Res

higher level of self-reported boredom and mind wander- arising thoughts (Ellamil et al. 2016). Therefore, a potential
ing (both questions assessed on a scale from 0 to 8 about explanation of these fMRI results is that when the aversive
how bored they were/how much they mind wandered dur- experience of boredom occurs, attention is directed toward
ing the task) compared to the interesting video condition. a new internal source of stimulation, which may be pre-
Independent component analyses were then used to iden- sented by spontaneously arising thoughts.
tify clusters of regions of activation that were either cor- A complimentary explanation is that the vmPFC is
related (co-activated) or anti-correlated (when one region is active during boredom, in part, due its involvement with
activated, the other has reduced activation) with the DMN. appraisals—some of which may be more likely during a
Findings revealed similar clusters of correlated activity in boring task (e.g., appraisals of spontaneous thought con-
the default mode network (DMN) in the boring, sustained tent and the self). Indeed, different PFC subregions have
attention, and resting state tasks. The size of clusters and recently been proposed to underlie specific appraisal func-
spatial patterns of the correlated activity was reported to be tions (Dixon et al. in press). Two of these regions are par-
“consistent across the majority of participants” (Danckert ticularly relevant, given the results of the fMRI studies
and Merrifield 2016, p.  6). More specifically, the consist- reviewed here: Appraisals of internally generated events
ently activated regions of the DMN included bilateral acti- (either episodic or imaginative in nature) are associated
vation of the posterior cingulate cortex and precuneus, as with medial orbitofrontal cortex activation, while apprais-
well as bilateral activation in the lateral temporal cortex and als of one’s self-image (including subjective feelings and
mPFC. Indeed, this study provides further evidence that the autobiographical narratives) are associated with rostro-
DMN may play a key role during states of boredom, when medial prefrontal cortex activation. These two appraisal
attention might be directed towards internal thoughts. dimensions are consistent with the type of internally gener-
One of the novel findings in Danckert and Merrifield’s ated content expected to occur during an episode of bore-
(2016) study was the differential patterns of activation dom: When one is unable to engage in external activities,
observed in the anterior insular cortex across the four con- one may cope by focusing on self-referential thoughts or
ditions. First, activity in the insula was correlated with internally generated mental simulations (including spon-
DMN activation during the interesting condition, which taneous thoughts), and their continuous valuation. This
was proposed to indicate successful engagement with the is also consistent with the idea that daydreaming helps to
interesting movie. An opposite pattern was observed during cope with boredom (Eastwood et  al. 2012; Smith 1981;
the boring condition and sustained attention tasks, reveal- Tushup and Zuckerman 1977).
ing bilateral anticorrelation between the anterior insula There were significant differences, however, in how
and the DMN. Finally, a third pattern was seen for the rest boredom was operationalized across the three studies, and
condition scans: there was no correlation (or anticorrela- in the brain areas that were observed to be recruited (e.g.,
tion) between the anterior insula and DMN. Thus, despite hippocampus and insula). For example, while Danckert and
all three tasks (resting state, sustained attention, and bor- Merrifield (2016) induced boredom with a video, Mathiak
ing condition) having similar subjective ratings of state- et al. (2013) observed boredom, as operationalized by nega-
boredom, the differences in correlations with the insula tive affect and inactivity in a video game. Furthermore, the
may reveal different pathways to boredom. Specifically, the three studies differ in terms of the observed involvement of
authors suggest the differences might be attributed to the the MTL during boredom: Ulrich et al. (2014) implicating
fact that the anterior insula acts as part of the salience net- an active hippocampus, Mathiak et  al. (2013) suggesting
work, representing important information in the environ- the opposite (deactivation), and Danckert and Merrifield
ment: While the resting state scans provided no meaningful (2016) reporting no evidence of its involvement either way
information in the environment to engage in (no correlation (no mention).
between anterior insula and DMN), the boring video and
sustained attention tasks may represent a failure to engage Neural oscillations
(anticorrelation between insula and DMN). Neverthe-
less, both situations (either failure to engage or nothing to One of the major challenges in studying boredom is that
engage with) resulted in the same end results, elevated lev- it is an inherently internal experience, making it diffi-
els of state-boredom. cult to experimentally determine when boredom begins
The three published neuroimaging studies converge in and ends. This makes it challenging to use high temporal
demonstrating a link between boredom and the DMN, espe- resolution technologies, such as electroencephalography
cially the MTL and mPFC. One reason for such activation (EEG), to study boredom. Nevertheless, a link between
in the DMN might be that participants are directing their neural oscillations and the experience of boredom has
attention internally as a way of coping with boredom; the been reported. Oswald (1962) was among the first to
MTL and the vmPFC have been linked to spontaneously suggest that boredom has neuropsychological markers,

Exp Brain Res

hypothesizing that increased alpha waves may be linked in the midst of boredom episodes to determine if they are
to both visual inattention and boredom. This hypothesis separable.
is consistent with Gevins and Schaffer’s (1979) notion of
an inverse relationship between the magnitude of alpha
waves and the level of task-related cortical recruitment: Mood and fatigue
alpha waves typically occur during wakeful relaxation
and mental inactivity (Klimesch 1999). Two additional factors are worth mentioning: mood and
Since increased whole-brain alpha power is proposed fatigue (we refer to these as probable correlates; see
to be a positive correlate of boredom, we might expect Table 1). Although there is limited empirical evidence link-
to see the opposite pattern for beta waves since they have ing each to boredom, they may be related to boredom due
been consistently associated with sustained attention to their close relationships with failures in attentional allo-
(Okogbaa et  al. 1994; Tinguely et  al. 2006). A decrease cation. Indeed, such failures in attention are considered to
of beta power during boredom would be consistent with be a hallmark of the boredom experience (Eastwood et al.
the idea that boredom is linked to attentional failure (the 2012).
opposite of sustained attention; Eastwood et  al. 2012). Inducing negative mood has been linked to reduced
Indeed, a recent study by Tabatabaie et  al. (2014) found performance on the attentional blink task (Jefferies et  al.
that the power of beta-2 waves (i.e., 16.5–20 Hz) over the 2008), SART (Smallwood et al. 2009), and the Stroop task
dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) was significantly (Crocker et al. 2012). In contrast, thirty-minute meditation
lower when subjects listened to self-reported boring sessions over a two-week period reduced negative affect
music compared to self-reported arousing music. and increased correct response rate on an attention task
It is also worth mentioning that engagement indexes (Menezes and Bizarro 2015). Furthermore, an ecologically
can be calculated using EEG, which might help us infer relevant study in which workers were allowed to play their
what EEG frequencies are likely not related to bore- favorite music whenever they wish displayed improved
dom. According to Pope, Bogart, & Bartolome (1995), a mood along with improved cognitive performance scores
common calculation for engagement is the ratio of (beta (Lesiuk 2010).
power/ alpha power) or [beta power/ (alpha power + theta The neural mechanisms by which mood affects atten-
power)]. These indexes highlight the fact that engagement tional allocation are still not well understood. One study
is reflected by increases in beta power, while a decrease provided preliminary insight by investigating the neu-
in engagement is reflected by alpha and theta. Consistent ral correlates of negative affect during an attentional task
with this, Tabatabaie et al. (2014) found lower beta power (Crocker et  al. 2012). The study revealed an increase in
during boring music. Indeed, given the recent advances activation in cognitive control areas (dlPFC and dorsal
in identifying cognitive load and engagement from EEG anterior cingulate cortex), as well as in rostral anterior
indices (Berka et  al. 2004; Mills et  al. in press), future cingulate cortex and precuneus. Crocker et al. (2012) con-
work may reveal that boredom can be reliably detected cluded that high levels of negative mood lead to increased
as well. difficulty attending to stimuli related to current goals. Neg-
In summary, although the existing evidence about the ative mood was also associated with an increased tendency
neural correlates of boredom is at present limited, a ten- to process the emotional stimuli.
tative initial picture is emerging. The DMN appears to be Fatigue, similar to mood, may also be related to bore-
a consistent correlate of boredom (across three studies), dom. Sleepiness, as well as trait-level boredom proneness,
while other brain regions, such as the hippocampus and have been found to predict cognitive failures in a sample
insula, may play a more variable role. In terms of neural of military personal and university students (Wallace et al.
oscillations, there is some evidence linking boredom to 2003). There is also evidence that engaging in a non-stimu-
increased alpha power and decreased beta power, but the lating activity can induce more boredom depending on the
literature examining the direct relationship between neural time of day (Mavjee and Home 1994). Specifically, bore-
oscillations and boredom is scarce. Both fMRI and EEG dom may be more likely to occur during the early after-
are important tools for investigating boredom in the future, noon, when individuals experience high levels of sleepiness
as they might help explain the mechanisms behind this phe- (Lavie 1986, 1989; Mavjee and Home 1994). It is possible,
nomenon. More work needs to be done to take advantage of therefore, that individuals’ chronotypes (e.g., their ten-
the temporal sensitivity offered by EEG. On the other hand, dency to be morning or night person) may moderate bore-
fMRI results suggest that boredom may share neural corre- dom intensity throughout the day.
lates with states such as mind-wandering. Future research, In sum, both mood and fatigue have the potential to
however, will need to undertake fine-grained temporal influence one’s attentional allocation, and thus may influ-
analyses to attempt to distinguish states of mind wandering ence levels of boredom. Boredom may be correlated with

Exp Brain Res

negative mood and more fatigue, however, empirical Boksem MAS, Tops M (2008) Mental fatigue: costs and ben-
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dom as well as inconsistent and unknown (not enough evi- Cheyne JA, Carriere JS, Smilek D (2006) Absent-mindedness: lapses
of conscious awareness and everyday cognitive failures. Con-
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