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Dosen : Prof. Dr. Josef Prijotomo, Ir., M.Arch
Dr. Rumiati R Tobing Ir., M.T

ARSITEKTUR The First Part of Your Dissertation Research
NPM : 9112001006


Jalan Ciumbuleuit No.94, Bandung 40141, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Telp. (022) 203 2655; (022) 204 2004
Faks. (022) 203 1110
Email: COVER

Chapter Four The First Part of Your Dissertation Research Method

Introduction 66
Philosophy 101 67
The Research Paradigm 68
Identifying the Population and a Sample for Your Study 69
Nonrandom (Nonprobabilistic) Sampling 74
Summary of the Sampling Process 76
Data Collection Instruments 76
Instruments for Quantitative Research 77
Instruments for Qualitative Research 80
Reliability and Validity 82
Plans for Data Analysis 88
Ethical Considerations 89
Plans for Presenting the Results 90
Chapter Four
The First Part of Your Dissertation Research Method
HALAMAN pendahuluan
TUGAS II Membuat roadmap dari penelitian dengan membuat pernyatan akan
masalah, dengan valid dan andal seperti tujuan, mecaritau tujuan dan jalan
ANALISA METODOLOGI DISERTASI terbaiknya dan apa yang diunakan untuk pergi, terbang, kereta, jalankaki dst.
Dalam kita melakukan reset ada 3 hal yang penting qualitative dengan data
ARSITEKTUR numerik, quantitative dengan data tulisan dan wawancara kemudian

Given that, you should consider Chapter 3 of your proposal as a road map, a plan for how you can get from your problem statement
to your conclusions in a reliable, valid manner. Let me give you an example of what I mean

1. Research Problem: I want to go to Seattle.

2. Research Purpose: To investigate ways to get to Seattle.
3. Research Question: What is the best way to go to Seattle?

ROL and find I have many options: flying, driving, going by train, or even walking. Based on the review, I might decide that driving is
my best option

The two key components of your research method chapter (Chapter 3 of your dissertation proposal) are the actual research design of
your study and the procedures you will follow for conducting your study. We will focus on three major designs: quantitative studies,
where we collect numeric data; qualitative studies, where we collect interview, text, or recorded data; and mixed methods studies,
where we collect both quantitative and qualitative data

Chapter Four
The First Part of Your Dissertation Research Method
Philosophy 101
TUGAS II Gelar PhD fokus pada Filosofinya atau filsafat yang menurut penulis ada sebuah
jalan yang membosakan atau jika tidak Bagian D ( Doktor tidak akan pernah
Paradigma riset
ARSITEKTUR Axiologi ( Etis dan Berharga), Ontology (Keyakinan dan realitas) Epistemology
(Peranan pelaku/pengamat) Methodology ( berdasaekan 3 awal untuk
menjawa hipotesa-hipotesa yang ada)

Philosophy 101
attention to the first two letters; I knew they were the abbreviation for “philosophy” but, up to that point, we hadn’t talked about
Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, or anyone else like them. As I began my dissertation, however, I quickly found out that the time for that had
come; I had to pay attention to the “philosophy” part or the “doctor” part wasn’t going to happen. Keep in mind, however: I’m
describing my experience; these same ideas apply to students pursuing doctoral degrees in fields such as education (EdD) or one of
the science disciplines (ScD)

The Research Paradigm

paradigms has four major components (Neuman, 2011):
1. Axiology—a researcher’s beliefs about what is ethical and valuable.
2. Ontology—a researcher’s beliefs about reality. Is there only one reality that we can identify and verify, or are there multiple
realities that we can construct?
3. Epistemology—a researcher’s beliefs about his or her role during the research process. Should he or she be actively involved or try
to act as an observer?
4. Methodology—based on the researcher’s axiology, ontology, and epistemology, this is the methodological approach to
answering research questions or testing hypotheses.

Chapter Four
The First Part of Your Dissertation Research Method
Paradigma Metoda campuran dengan mengumpulkan menganalisis data
TUGAS II kualitiarif dan kuantitatif seperti contoh tabel secara objektif kemudian
dipadukan untuk menjawab pernyataan masalah riset.

mixed methods research, we’ll objectively collect and

analyze both quantitative and qualitative data, and then
blend them to answer the study’s overarching research

Chapter Four
The First Part of Your Dissertation Research Method
Sampel harus dapat digeneralisi jika tidak maka tidak valit
Sampel acak adalah cara yang baik untuk melakukan identifikas pada populasi
A Couple of Caveats
Untuk mendapatkan data valid harus memiliki wakil dari sampe yang cukup
besar dan dibedakan berdasarkan jenis ter tentu ( kelamin, usia, pandangan
politik, etnis .

Identifying the Population and a Sample for Your Study

Random (Probabilistic)
Sampling As we said, the first step in selecting a sample for a quantitative study is to identify the population we’re working with; we sometimes call this the
sampling frame. If the sample isn’t generalizable, then the results based on the sample are likely not valid, and will not reflect the true values in the population;
we call this sampling bias.
Simple Random Sampling
random sampling is the best approach when you are trying to ensure your sample is reflective of the population it is selected from and thereby minimizing
sampling bias. “How can we create a good representative sample?” It’s quite easy, actually. In this case, one good way might be to get a numbered list of all
voters in the city and again use the random number software to help us select the members for our sample
A Couple of Caveats
While this system is very straightforward, you must be careful of two things. First, in order to lessen the chances of sampling error, your sample size should be
large enough to allow for equal representation of the characteristics that you have identified as important

Chapter Four
The First Part of Your Dissertation Research Method
Cluster sampling
TUGAS II Sampel cak tidak sepenuhnya dapat mewakili apa yang di inginkan oleh peneliti
seperti masalah izin jika melakukannya dalam sebuah sekolah dimana kita
ANALISA METODOLOGI DISERTASI mengiginkan 80 sampel maka hanya di berikan 20 sampel dari 4 kelas berbeda
sehingga hurus sangat objektif.
ARSITEKTUR Stratified Sampling
membuat stratifikasi ( pembedaan penduduk berdasarkan kelas tertentu)
populasi sebelum kita memulai proses pengambilan sampel untuk meyakinkan
bahwa sampel itu mewakili apa data yang ingin kita cari.

Identifying the Population and a Sample for Your Study

Cluster Sampling
As you can guess, sometimes it is not possible to use true random sampling

Stratified Sampling
In other cases, we might be faced with trying to select a sample that is representative of a population, but there
are issues within the population itself that might affect our ability to do so.
Chapter Four
The First Part of Your Dissertation Research Method
Systematic Sampling
TUGAS II Sistematis sampel paling masalah untuk mengenralisis data Menggunakannya, kumpulan
sampel diidentifikasi dan, dimulai dari titik acak dalam populasi.
Dalam bebrapa kasus tidak mungkin mendapatkan sampe acak yang valid sehinga harus
ARSITEKTUR dilakukan pemdekatan non probabilistik atau tidak memberikan peluang atau kesempatan
sama bagi setiap unsur atau anggota populasi untuk dipilih menjadi sampel. Kenyaman, kuota
dan kriteria tertentu.
Summary of the Sampling Process
Pengambilan sampe berdasarkan eksidental atau kebetulan berda dilokasi tersebut seperti
meminta mengisi kuisioner pada orang yang lewat di pusat perbelanjaan.
Systematic Sampling
Systematic sampling is the most problematic in terms of generalizability. Using it, the sample pool is identified and, starting at a
random point in the population, every nth subject is selected .

Nonrandom (Nonprobabilistic) Sampling

In some cases, it is simply not feasible to obtain a random sample, and we have to resort to nonprobabilistic approaches. Because
participant selection is not random, the validity and generalizability of the results can be negatively affected; sometimes this is
unavoidable and sometimes it’s not important. This will become evident as we look at the examples below.

Summary of the Sampling Process

This sampling technique is often called accidental sampling and uses participants that just happen to be in a given place at a given
time. For example, imagine a pollster asking opinions of shoppers in a mall. The sample is convenient because they’re already there,
but the generalizability is limited because they just happened to be in the mall at a given time.

Chapter Four
The First Part of Your Dissertation Research Method
Instrumen pengumpulan data
TUGAS II Selalu ada berbagai alat pengumpulan data seperti Penelitian kuantitatif membutuhkan
metode berbasis numerik seperti tes, survei, jajak pendapat, peringkat olahraga, dan
ANALISA METODOLOGI DISERTASI sejenisnya. Peneliti kualitatif umumnya gunakan observasi atau wawancara berbasis teks
untuk mengumpulkan data kualitatif.

Data Collection
In our research, there is always the need to collect data and, as was the case with sampling, there are different data collection tools
for the types of studies we conduct. Quantitative research calls for numerically based methods such as tests, surveys, opinion polls,
sport rankings, and the like. Qualitative researchers generally use text-based observations or interviews to collect qualitative data

Chapter Four
The First Part of Your Dissertation Research Method
Instrument quantitative
Achievemen tests mengembangkan tes pencapaian, menggunakan tes yang disediakan oleh
TUGAS II penerbit, atau mengelola tes standar, kita harus fokus pada validitas test.
Affective Tests mencari nilai yang diketahui tapi tidak berwujud misal tentang minat yang
ANALISA METODOLOGI DISERTASI disusikan dengan dunia kerja.
Behavioral Observation Scales melakukan observasi pada kasus tertentu dengan parameter
ARSITEKTUR identitas keluarga, lingkungan dan tingkat keparah prilaku.
Ranking Scales melakukan perengkingan dari 7 sampen untuk menentukan urutan berdasarkan

Instruments for Quantitative Research indar manusia.

survei dengan email, internet atau langsung pada lokasi
Achievement Tests
We’re all familiar with achievement tests that are developed to measure performance in a specific subject area. We also use them as standardized
examinations for overall achievement (e.g., the Stanford Achievement Test [SAT]), college credit (e.g., the College Level Examination Program [CLEP]), and
admissions purposes (e.g., the Graduate Record Examination [GRE]). Whether we develop an achievement test, use one that is provided by a publisher, or
administer a standardized test, we must focus on the tests’ validity
Affective Tests
Affective Tests are instruments that are used to numerically measure constructs, that is, values we know exist but aren’t tangible. For example, I use the
Strong Interest Inventory to help students focus on the type of job or profession that meets their interests. Upon completion, my students’ learning and
vocational preferences are matched to careers or vocations that have shown to be enjoyed by workers with similar interests.
Behavioral Observation Scales
Teachers usually have to deal with disruptive students; it may be appropriate to track this with a behavioral observation scale. The administration and guidance
counselors want to know such things as the identity of the student, the severity of the problem, and the particular classes where the student is being
Ranking Scales
Let’s suppose we are at a wine tasting and the organizers ask us to rank our preference from seven different varieties; their goal is to determine the preference
for each wine and then stock their stores accordingly.
We’ve all filled out surveys and, with the growth of the Internet and e-mail, it seems we’re asked to fill them out more than ever. Surveys are used to gather
information about people and can be used to measure almost anything. For example, at the end of each semester, my students receive an e-mail wherein they
are asked to evaluate my class and me.
Chapter Four
The First Part of Your Dissertation Research Method
Interview Protocols
TUGAS II Membentuk dewan juri dan melakukan metoda menggunakan salah satu dari tiga pendekatan:
wawancara terstruktur, wawancara semi-terstruktur, atau wawancara tidak terstruktur.
data demografis. Informasi seperti jenis kelamin, etnis, usia, dan ras dikumpulkan dan disimpan
ARSITEKTUR dalam formulir data demografis. mendeskripsikan karakteristik grup tempat kami bekerja dan data
demografis juga dapat digunakan untuk lebih memahami data lain yang telah kami kumpulkan
Projective Tests
Instruments for Qualitative Research tes proyektif untuk mengukur konstruksi atau ide yang kami tahu ada, tetapi kami tidak dapat
mengumpulkan data secara standar.

Interview Protocols
Whether it be for a job, as part of a jury pool, or admission to college, we’ve all been interviewed at some point in our lives. In order to ensure that interviewers
capture the exact data they want, good interviewers will use one of three approaches: a structured interview, a semistructured interview, or an unstructured
interview. Each of these is approached differently and each is designed with a specific goal in mind.

Demographic Data Forms

Almost every type of study we conduct requires us to collect demographic data. Information such as gender, ethnicity, age, and race are collected and saved on
a demographic data form. This allows us to describe the characteristics of a group we’re working with and demographic data can also be used to better
understand other data we’ve collected. For example, if I administered an achievement test, I could also collect gender information that would allow me to
make comparisons between males and females.

Projective Tests
In the field of psychology we use projective tests to measure constructs or ideas that we know exist, but we are not able to collect the data in a standard
manner. For example, we have all seen the famous Rorschach exam (i.e., the inkblot) that mental health professionals use to help better understand issues
their client is experiencing.

Chapter Four
The First Part of Your Dissertation Research Method
TUGAS II Test–Retest Reliability :
Melakukan test berulang pada jarak waktu yang tidak pberdekatan pada kelompok tertentu
ANALISA METODOLOGI DISERTASI seperti test IQ pada narapidana dilakukan dengan jarak 2 bulang ( waktu tidak merubah
ARSITEKTUR Equivalent Forms Reliability :
Membuat varian soal ( A,B,C) berbeda dalam usaha menemukan objektivitas test yang baik
dan tidak bekerja sama.
Interrater Reliability :
setelah memberikan materi dibutukannya test diakhir untuk menentukan kualitas pemberi
materi ( feed back)
Reliability and Validity Split-Half Reliability :
Membuat 40 pertanyan dengan varian 20 genap 20ganjil untuk membedakan secara acak
Reliability :
well-developed test must consistently measure what it’s intended to measure; inshort, it must be reliable
Test–Retest Reliability :
Imagine working as a prison psychologist and giving an IQ test to a group of inmatesand, after a month, administering the same IQ test to the same group of
Equivalent Forms Reliability :
At some point in our lives, most of us have taken a test that’s labeled Form A, Form B, Form C, etc. Test developers create different versions of a test, to help
prevent dishonesty or to keep students from researching and memorizing the answers incase the same test is administered again.
Interrater Reliability :
We saw earlier that my students have used a survey to rate my performance as a teacher ( FEED BACK )
Split-Half Reliability :
We can wrap up our discussion of reliability by looking at the concept of split-half reliability. This is simply where we take the questions from an exam, divide
them equally, and make two exams from the original set of questions. For example, if we had an exam with 40 items, we could include the 20 even-numbered
items in one of the new exams, and the 20 odd-numbered questions in the second exam

Chapter Four
The First Part of Your Dissertation Research Method
Validity ( absaj, jelas dan terukur dan tepat)
TUGAS II Construct Validity
Nilai Iq yang tidak tampak tapi ada tetapi harus dapat menkonstruksinya agar valid dari apa
ANALISA METODOLOGI DISERTASI inti dari yang ingin di ukur
Content Validity
ARSITEKTUR Tenang isi dari pertanyaan yang mencakup intisari dari hal yang ingin diteliti seperti tentang
antariksa apakah seluruh pengetahuan tentang antariksa sudah terdapat dalam pertanyan.
Criterion Validity
Kriteria yang valid yaitu melaukan pengecekan ulang dari instrumen yang sedang
dilaksanakan dengan hasil instruen sebelumnya
Reliability and Validity
Obviously, even though a test consistently measures what it is supposed to measure, it’s even more important that it is valid, or that it measures what it’s
supposed to measure
Construct Validity
constructs are values such as IQ and personality that we know exist but are not tangible. When we focus specifically on construct validity we’re investigating
the degree to which an instrument measures what it claims to measure. This is the most important type of validity because it attempts to answer the question,
“What is this test really measuring?
Content Validity
Content validity asks the question “Is the entire content area I want to measure covered?” We ensure content validity by looking at each of the items (i.e., item
validity), as well as the scope of the exam (i.e., sampling validity). For example, if I wanted to evaluate the sampling and item validity of a test designed to cover
my students’ knowledge of the first manned landing on the moon, I would ask two questions:
1. Does my test cover the entire flight, from launch to landing?
2. Is each question on the exam pertinent to the content area?
Criterion Validity
Criterion validity is concerned with how well the results of a survey or test you develop correlate with a previously validated instrument (i.e., the criterion)
Depending on the purpose of your instrument (i.e., its criterion), you must establish concurrent or predictive validity

Chapter Four
The First Part of Your Dissertation Research Method
Plans for Data Analysis
TUGAS II Metoda penelitian menjadi rencanya pemandu peta jalan penelitian anda sehinga dapat
menbuat peneliti merasa yaman dan siap akan kekurang data, data yang bermasalah dari
ANALISA METODOLOGI DISERTASI proses penelitian tersebuat kemudia antisipas awal dapat disiapkan untuk melakukan
perubahan secara dramatis

Plans for Data Analysis

Much like the way your research method guides your study, this section is your “road map” for analyzing your data (Gibbs, 2007). Keep in mind that our
experience and research classes have prepared us to feel comfortable in writing this section but, as we have in other parts of the proposal, we also have to rely
on the ROL to guide us in analyzing our data. I’ve found that, in many instances, a student researcher will go into great detail in his or her plan to analyze his or
her data but then problems arise. Issues such as the inability to collect enough data, data distributions that are problematic, and statistical tests that prove to be
invalid or unreliable in a particular situation can change his or her plans dramatically.

Chapter Four
The First Part of Your Dissertation Research Method
Ethical Considerations
TUGAS II Beneficence. Partisipasi etis, manusiawi, menghormati keputusannya
Respect eserta sebagai individu yang mampu membuat keputusan yang mempengaruhi
Justice arus menerima semua manfaat yang menjadi hak mereka tanpa beban
ARSITEKTUR three specific areas are focused
Informed consent : partisipasi diberitahu tujuan dan haknya
Assessment of risks and benefits : penyelidikan menyeluruh, ruang lingkup dan resiko yang
Selection of subjects : harus dapat memilih peserta dengan adil

Ethical Considerations
we talked about in Chapter One when discussing the characteristics of a good problem, when we conduct research with human participants, it must be ethical.
mandates three overarching principles for conducting research using human subjects:
1. Beneficence. Participants in a research study must be treated ethically by having their decisions respected, being protected from harm, and having their
well-being ensured.
2. Respect for persons. Participants in a research study should be treated as individuals capable of making decisions affecting their well-being. Participants
incapable of acting autonomously are entitled to protection.
3. Justice. Participants in a research study should receive all benefits to which they are entitled, with no burdens imposed unduly.

In particular, three specific areas are focused on:

1. Informed consent. Researchers must ensure that participants in a study are made aware of the purpose of the study and their rights as a participant.
Following that, participants must provide written acknowledgment of and their agreement to participate.
2. Assessment of risks and benefits. Researchers must conduct a thorough investigation of the nature and scope of risks and benefits inherent to the study.
This allows an institution to make the judgment as to whether any risks to participants are minimized and justifiable, as well as to provide participants the
information they need to decide whether to participate in the study.
3. Selection of subjects. Researchers must establish and follow fair procedures for identifying and selecting participants for a research study. Participants
should not be purposefully included or excluded for reasons of risk or reward.

Chapter Four
The First Part of Your Dissertation Research Method
Plans for Presenting the Results
TUGAS II Pada bak 4 atau 5 dari disertasi dan diberikan laporan untuk dilihat oleh publik bahwa
disertasi anda sudah menghasilkan sesuatu hal baru yang bermamfaat.

Plans for Presenting the Results

This section is very straightforward. First, you’re always going to tell the reader that you plan on presenting your results in Chapters 4 and 5 of your
dissertation. In cases where you’re conducting research in a “real-world” environment, you will also indicate any reports and the like that you will supply to
interested parties.

Chapter Four
The First Part of Your Dissertation Research Method

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