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Rewrite the sentences with noun clauses.

The beginning has to be I

wonder ……….
25. Have you got high results in your exams last session?
26. Will you go anywhere in summer?
27. Are you preparing for your exams?
28. Do you feel good after the Editing Quiz?
29. Can you help me?
30. Are you at home?
31.Should you call your relatives on holidays?
32. Should we wait for you?
33. Does she need any help?
34. Is he having trouble?
35. Do we have enough time to go to Florida over vacation?
36. Does this book belong to him?
37. Is there life on other planets?
38. Will people live on the moon one day?
39. Will we get high grades in Grammar-based written project?
40. Is the teacher going to check all of the assignments?
41. Did you check all of the answers one by one yesterday?

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