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Natural sciences for schoolteachers YEAR: 2020 - 2024, cuass:_A name:__lONAC\O ANDRES ROMERO _ NAME: NAME Earth, the Moon and the Sun Fill in the gaps of the texts with the missing information, and use original photos and/or rawings to illustrate the explanations. You will lose 0.2 points for each incorrect answer and 0.5 for each non-original or incorrect illustration, Earth's motions Earthisa planet of the___Solac System __ that orbits around its only star, the Sun Since the distance from __Yhe Su __ to Earth is \SO 000 000 km, its tight takes__ 93 minvtes to reach Earth. carth’s _(otechion consists in Earth rotating around its own axis. Earth rotates from __ west _ to east Earth makes a complete turn every 5 days approximately. This movement results in days end night garth’s __tanslabion consists in Earth moving around the Sun in an elliptical orbit. A complete turn occurs every year approximately The seasons occur because Earth's rotation axis is tilted nS * to the plane of Earth’s orbit around the sun, so Earth’s northern and southern hemispheres receive different amounts of sunlight depending on the time of the year. During spring and summer, the northern hemisphere is__ leaning so the Sun rays reach it more _Pacperdiculelly, focusing the solar radiation on a smaller area and producing an c(ase- in temperatures. June 24 (summer __ Sols Kee. ) is when the Sun reaches its highest apparent height in the sky. During autumn and winter, the northern hemisphere is nok leaning so the Sun rays reach it more obliquely spreading out the solar radiation on a larger area and producing a decrease in temperatures, 2.4. December Facultad de Magisterio - Universitat de Valencia 1 Natural sciences for schoolteachers (winter___So|shee ) is when the Sun reaches its lowest apparent height in the sky, Earth's axial tilt also affects the length of chy and night during the seasons. In the northern hemisphere, in the spring and autumn @4unokes | the Sun rises exactly inthe east __and sets exactly in the ___ west so. the length of dey ___wight is the same. During spring and summer, the path of the Sun moves towards the __notthwesh __ so the Sun is visible during __ aoe hours and the length of dayis__MaxiU97_ During autumn and winter, the path of, the Sun is shifted to the — Solhwest so the Sun is visible during Jewel __hours and the length of day is_ ean Figure 1 shows Earth's relative position from the Sun in each season: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Equnox Facultad de Magisterio — Universitat de Valencia Natural sciences for schoolteachers Figure 1 (part 1). Earth’s relative position from the Sun in each season. [a)_ SPRING \ SUNCLGHT | b)_ SUMMER | SUN SONLIGHT Facultad de Magisterio - Universitat de Valencia 3 Natural sciences for schoolteachers Figure 1 (part 2). Earth’s relative position from the Sun in each season. Z a {Gun 5 | N ~ ‘d)_ WINTER EE / ~~ XnWfFry - SUN | 3 B \ Facultad de Magisterio~ Universitat de Valencia, 4 Natural sciences for schoolteachers Phases of the Moon The Moon is Earth's only satelbte and it takes about 2 days to make 2 complete orbit around Earth. The Moon does not emit light, but feJlects the Suns light _ The Moon always shows the same face to Earth since the Mann cotates about its axis coincides with He here bo dehes bh obit around Earth. ‘The phases of the Moon refer tothe shage of the illuminated portion of the Moon 3s seen by an observer on Earth due to its change of position relative to_tte_Easth and___dhe_ Sun Figure 2 shows the Moon's relative position to the Earth and the Sun, as well as the Moon seen by an observer on Earth, in each of the following phases: Full Moon, New Moon, Waxing Crescent and Waning Crescent. wowing «teat Full toon Waking (Bent Facultad de Magisterio - Universitat de Valencia . Natural sciences for schoolteachers Figure 2 (part 1). The Moon's relative position to the Earth and the Sun and the Moon seen by an observer on Earth in its phases. FULL MOON Facultad de Magisterio ~ Universitat de Valencia 6 Natural sciences for schoolteachers Figure 2 (part 1). The Moon's relative position to the Earth and the Sun and the Moon seen by on observer on Earth in its phases. )_ WAXING CRESCI yyy d)_ WANING CRESCENT £ Vresbur by Facultad de Magisterio — Universitat de Valencia 7 Natural sciences for schoolteachers Eclipses Eclipses occurwhen_\wht from on aslorornicel chet « Uocked by a A solar eclipse occurs. when tte Moc passes between tre Sun and Earth | fully or partially occulting __ the Sm Solar eclipses can only happen at New loon _ A lunar eclipse occurs when th {100M _ passes directly behind Each into its shadow. Lunar eclipses can only happen at Full Moon. Figure 3 shows the relative positions of Earth, the Moon and the Sun during a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse. Facultad de Magisterio ~ Universitat de Valencia 8 Natural sciences for schoolteachers, Figure 3. Relative positions of Earth, the Moon and the Sun during eclipses. a) SOLAR ECLIPSE b)_ LUNAR ECLIPSE Facultad de Magisterio ~ Universitat de Valencia 9

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