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------------------ SPACIAL TRASH --------------------

Surely you know that the human has traveled to space, right? But did you know that a
rocket, probe, or anything else that goes into space will
be a junk called SPACIAL TRASH?
This garbage can have three paths: to remain in space, without any consequences, to
collide with satellites, or even to return to Earth, and they can reach a surface and,
consequently, reach a populated area.
The European Space Agency, ESA, counted in space19,894 objects of spatial trash,
totaling 8,135 tons, "More than all the metallic structure of the Eiffel Tower." Source:
In order to be able to solve it, we can space borne scavenger probes to "pick up" this
garbage and bring it back to Earth, to recycle this and be another objects, or even
another spacecraft, so capable also save money.
These probes could mounted on a rocket so you can locate and caught the trash or can
be pre programmed to pick up a specific trash and come back to recycle.
That you think that so much of raw material sent to space do not return, we soon realize,
that if we continue this way, our materials will soon be exhausted, because it do not
have a recycling to reuse this.
The raw material, like those that were those up cited, exhausts, but before it is
exhausted, it is diminishing, and with that, the material becomes more expensive,
because when have less of anything more expensive it gets. This influences the prices of
rockets, satellites and other products made of the same material.

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