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• Ancient methods
• Observation methods
• Hypnotism
• Brain Wave Fingerprinting


• Administration of truth serum
• Narcoanalysis or narcosynthesis
• Intoxication


• Word association test A severe test of character or endurance; a trying course of
experience, A medieval form of judicial trial in which the accused was
• Psychological Stress Evaluation subjected to physical tests, as carrying or walking over burning objects
• Polygraph test technique or immersing the hand in scalding water, the result being considered a
divine judgment of guilt or innocence.

It is also a term of varying meaning closely related in the

Medieval Latin “Dei Indicum” meaning “Miraculous decision.”
Ordeal is also an ancient method of trial in which the accused was
exposed to physical danger which was supposed to be harmless if he
was innocent.
Red hot iron ordeal - Practiced on Ordeal by balance - Practiced in
the hill tribe of Rajhmal in the North the Institute of Vishnu, India; Scale
Bengal; Accused placed his tongue to of balanced is used; In one end of
a red hot iron nine times (9) unless the scale, the accused is placed in
burned sooner; If burned, he is put to the other end, a counter balance;
death. Not only that (licking the iron), The person will step out of the scale
he is also made to carry the metal listened to a judge deliver an
into his hands. It is doubtful whether extortion is the balance and her
the ordeal is meant to determined the back in. If he were found to be
physiological changes occurring in lighter than before then he should
description for if this so, many false be acquitted.
observations must have been made.

Boiling water ordeal - Used in Africa;

the method was that the subject will Ordeal by rice chewing -
plunged their right arms into the Practiced by Indians; It is formed
boiling pot to the elbow and step into with a kind of rice called sathee,
the other side of the fire. All are told prepared with various incantations;
to undergo the test without a murmur. The person on trial eats, with his
And when all are finished, they are face to the and then spits upon an
told to return at the same tine the next eyeful leaf; If the saliva is mixed
afternoon. The one who by that time with blood or the corner of his
had lost some or showed blisters mouth swell or he trembles, he is
would prove the thief (Point out who is declared then a liar.
the one who steal among his tribe
Combination of Drinks and Food Ordeal -The accused first
Ordeal of the red water - Used in a fasted for 12 hours and the given small amount of rice to ear
wide region of Eastern Africa; The followed by large amount of black colored water. If the concoction
ordeal of the “sassy bark” or red was vomited, the accused was pronounced innocent; Otherwise,
water is used; The accused is made guilty. And practiced by “West African Regions”.
to fast for twelve hours; The swallow
a small amount of rice; Then he will
be imbibed in dark colored water. Trial by Combat - A fight between the accuser and the accused,
This water is actually an emetic and whoever lost the battle will be the adjudged guilty. Originated
if the suspects ejects all the rice, he from India and one of the examples of this: a rich man or accuser
is considered innocent of the chare, could hire somebody or bigger one to fight the accused. After the
Otherwise, the accused is guilty. fight the loser is adjudged guilty of crime.

Trial by Torture - The accused was put into a severe physical


Drinking Ordeal - The accused was given a decoction to drink

by a priest – if innocent; no harm befalls him, but if guilty, will die.
Practiced in Nigeria and India.

Trial of the Eucharist - This trial is reserved for the clergy, and
administered with pomp and ceremony. If the accused was guilty,
the Angel Gabriel will descend from heaven and prevent the
accused from swallowing the food given to him. Practiced in the
European countries.
Ordeal by heat and fire - The
accused was compelled to walk bare
footed through a fire; if he remains
unhurt then he is innocent. Practiced
in East Germany, Early Scandinavian
Countries and early England.

Ordeal of Red hot Needle - Red hot

needle was drawn through the lips of
the accused, if innocent; no blood will
be seen flowing out. Practiced in
Wanaka, East Africa.

Test of the Cross ordeal - The accuser

and accused each were made to stand
with arms crossed on their breasts. The
one who endured the longest was
deemed to have told the truth, the other,
Ordeal of the Tiger - Accuser and is the liar. Practiced in Europe.
accused were placed together in the
same and a tiger set loose upon them. If
both were spared, further elimination
followed. Practical in Siam. Donkey’s Tail Ordeal - Psychological
theory, the donkey placed in one room
alone and observed it, and if the donkey
cried is a judged of guilty of crimes,
because deep in side and conscience he
is guilty.
Burma - The accuser and accused were given each identical candle and both were
lightened at the same time.
Borneo - The accuser and accused were presented by shell fish placed on a plate.
Ordeal of the Bier An irritating fluid was then poured on the shell fish and the litigant whose shell fish
moved first was adjudged the winner.
It was an ancient belief that the slain dead could point out their Greece - A suspended axe was spun at the center of a group of suspects. When
killer. In England, it was customary for t he accused to approach the axe stopped, whoever was in line with the blade as supposed to be guilty as
the bier where the corpse lay. In the view of the witness, the pointed out by the divine providence.
Nigeria - The priest greased a clock’s feather and pierced the tongue of the
wounds of the victim were observed to see if they began to bleed accused. If the feather passed through the tongue easily, the accused was
again. They believe that when murderer is near, he will cause the deemed innocent. If not, the accused is guilty. Another Method (same country) Pour
corrosive liquid into the eyes of the accused who was supposed to remain
blood to flow out from the wound of the victim. unharmed if innocent. Pour boiling oil over the hand of the accused with he usual
requisites for guilt or innocence (if remain unharmed, he is innocent).
Europe and Early United States (17th Century) - Trial by water was commonly
used on those accused of witchcraft. The accused was bound (hand and foot) and
then cast into the body of water. If the accused sank, he was hauled to the surface
half-drowned and deemed innocent. If the floated, he was deemed guilty and
burned to death.

Verbal Clues. This clues to deception includes the words that

OBSERVATION METHOD are spoken, speed of delivery of the words, choice of words, tone
of voice and the tense of the language. The following are
included as verbal clues:
A good criminal investigator must be been observer and a
good psychologist. A subject under stress on account of the a. Methods of responding to the question – The way the
stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system may exhibit respondent answers questions is clue to deception. In general,
changes which may be used as a potential clue of deception and truthful people tend to be direct; untruthful people tend to be
since just one or a combination of the following signs and cautious about their answers.
symptoms is not conclusive or a reliable proof of guilt of the b. Length of time before giving response – In general, truthful
subject, their presence infers further investigation to ascertain the persons answers questions immediately after the question is
truth of the impression in the same manner. asked; untruthful persons take their time in giving response. An
awkward silence or a delaying tactic, such as ―who me? or
―why would I do that? May be used by the respondent.
c. Repetition of question – The act of repeating the question is
another means for the deceiver to gain time to frame his or her
answer. The question may be repeated word per word, or the e. Being overly polite – Anger is a common response to an
respondent may frame the answer with a request to repeat the unjust accusation, as well as answering the statement with
question. Example: ―Are you asking me if I took the bribe? abrupt ―no‖.
d. Fragmented or incomplete sentences – Untruthful persons f. Oaths – lying persons will frequently utter oaths, such as ―I
often speaks in disjointed or curtailed sentences. This is usually swear to God I didn‘t do it‖ or I swear on my Father‘s grave‖.
because he has started the answer, then thought better of it. Most truthful people do not need to swear or affirm: they are
Statements such as ―I…I…. can‘t think…. It seems to me… can ardent in their denials.
be a clue of lying. Many liars will speak half-truth as well, and add
qualifiers, such as ―…to the best of my memory… or ―…. If I
recall correctly.

g. Use of words – As a general rule, truthful subjects have no trouble

denying the allegation in precise terms, while untruthful ones will have
problems with the used of words. Untruthful suspects also tend to Non-Verbal Clues. These encompass patterns in the body
deny specific instances. Example: ― I did not take P 5,000.00 in movements, gestures, facial expression, body postures,
kickbacks. That may be a truthful answer; perhaps the amount was P positioning and movements used to explain chosen words. It
100,000.00. includes the following:
Emblems – emblems are often performed deliberately, these are
expressions made with the body, whose meanings are clearly
h. Inconsistencies – Contradicting testimonies made by the witness understood. Here are examples of emblems: shaking or nodding
are one of the best indicators of dishonesty; liars get caught up in their of head, shrugging the shoulders, the universal ―thump up sign,
own web of deceit. In the interview or interrogation, if Pedro says that
he meet Juan for drinks, and then later denies the same statement, etc
there can be two explanations; he was mistaken, or he was lying.
Breathing – although breathing is an involuntary movement,
Manipulators – These are usual behavior or touching one‘s self breathing is very much affected by stress. This stress may have
like grooming the hair, and picking imaginary fur from a coat. nothing to do with lie. But an increase in breathing rate or volume
Props, like cigarettes, pencils and others can be used in the may be a sign of deception.
manipulation. Social scientists have documented that body Sweating – this is another uncontrollable body function.
movements, fidgeting, and other behavior arise with stress. Perspiration occurs with heat as well as with emotion. The rate of
perspiration is not the same for all emotions, such as fear and
anger. Too much sweating could very well indicate an involuntary
reflex with deception.

Frequent swallowing – A dry mouth frequently accompanies

Eyes – the eyes most likely express as much emotion as any
deep emotion. Often subject is not aware of increased efforts at
other part of the anatomy. Blinking, pupil dilation, and tears are
swallowing. During the time of critical question, increased
some of the signs indicative of emotion in the eye.
swallowing might indicate deception.
Face – people believe that lies will commonly show up in the face
Facial Muscles – other muscles are not easy to control but
and eyes. The face can have two messages: what the liar is
people can control certain facial muscles with spirit. Example, to
trying to show as well as what he or she trying to hide.
force a smile is easy, but even beginners will notice something is
Reddening or blushing of the face is supposed to be a sign of
wrong about it.
embarrassment and can not be controlled. Such indicators may
indicate strong emotion but is not reliable sign of deception.
Introduced by FRANZ • The hypnotic state is characterized by:
ANTON MEZMER as a method
of detecting deception in 1778. • That it is a comfortable state or complete relaxation in which the
subject will readily and willingly to cooperate in every way with
the hypnotizer.
It is the alternation of • That it is not actually a sleep.
consciousness and concentration
in which the subject manifests a • That the subject will do whatever he is told to do.
heightened of suggestibility while • That the hypnotizer will not order him to do anything injurious.
awareness is maintained. Not all • After the test, the subject will wake up with feeling of comfort
persons are susceptible to and refreshment.
hypnotic induction.

Reasons Why Deception Detection Obtained

Through Hypnosis Is Not Admissible in Court: BRAIN WAVE FINGERPRINTING
The basic principle is that
1. It lacks the general scientific acceptance of the reliability of hypnosis per se in different regions of the brain light
ascertaining the truth from falsity;
up when a person tell the truth or
2. The fear that the trier of fact will give uncritical and absolute reliability to a lie, and further, that different
scientific device without consideration of its flaw in ascertaining veracity. regions are activated depending
3. The possibility that the hypnotized subject will deliberately fabricate; upon the type of lie. However,
4. The prospect that the state of heightened suggestibility in which the hypnotized
researches conducted looks at a
subject is suspended will produce distortion of the fact rather than the truth; and
specific type of electrical brain
wave, called P300, which
5. The state of the mind, skill and professionalism of the examiner are too subjective activates when a person sees a
to permit admissibility of the expert testimony (Am. J. of Trial Advocacy, 1981, p. familiar object.
603). Confession while under hypnotic spell is not admissible as evidence because
such "psychiatric treatment" is involuntary and mentally coersive (Leyra v. Demro,
347 U.S. 556, 74 S. Ct. 716, 98, 948 (1954). Although hypnosis may not yield Inventor – LAWRENCE
admissible evidence it may be of some use during investigation as a discovery FARWELL
The term "truth serum" is a misnomer.
The procedure does not make someone tell the This method of deception
truth and the thing administered is not a serum detection is practically the same as
but is actually a drug. In the test, hyoscine that of administration of truth serum.
hydrobromide is given hypodermically in
repeated doses until a state of delirium is The only difference is the drug used.
induced. When the proper point is reached, the Psychiatric sodium amytal or
questioning begins and the subject feels a sodium penthotal is administered to
compulsion to answer the questions truthfully. the subject. When the effects appear,
The drug acts as depressant on the questioning starts.
nervous system. Statements taken from the
subject while under the influence of truth serum Like the administration of truth
are evolutionarily obtained hence they are not serum, the result of the test is not
admissible as evidence. admissible in court.


• The ability of alcohol to reveal the real WORD ASSOCIATION TESTS
person behind the mask which all of us are
said to wear ("mask of sanity") is reflected in
the age-old maxim, "In vino Veritas" ("In • Here is another method of deception
wine there is truth"). (Pathology of detection which was introduced in
Homicide by Lester Adelson, Charles
Thomas, 1974, p. 895). 1879 by SIR FRANCIS GALTON.
• The questioning must start during the • A list of stimulus and non-stimulus
excitatory state when the subject has the words are read to the subject who is
sensation of his well-being and when his instructed to answer as quickly as
action, speech and emotions are less
strained due to the lowering of the inhibition possible. The answers to the
normally exercised by the higher brain questions may be a "yes" or a "no".
centers. Unlike the lie detector, the time
• Confessions made by the subject while interval between the words uttered by
under the influence of alcohol may be the examiner and the answer of the
admissible if he is physically capable to subject is recorded.
recollect the facts that he has uttered after
the effects of alcohol have disappeared
• When the subject is asked questions with reference to his This is sometimes called voice stress
name, address, civil status, nationality, etc. which has no analysis, is based on the use of a certain
relation to the subject-matter of the investigation, the tendency machine developed in the late 1960s that
presumably detects ―guilt-revealing
is to answer quickly. But when questions bear some words laryngeal micro tremors (inaudible
which have to do with the criminal act the subject allegedly frequency modulations) which exist in the
committed, like knife, gun or hammer which was used in the voice and are associated with stress and
killing, the tendency is to delay the answer.
When a person is relaxed and
responding honestly to the questions, those
inaudible frequencies are registered clearly
• The test is not concerned, with the answer, be it a "yes" or "no". on the instrument. But when a person is
under stress, as when he is lying, these
The important factor) is the time of response in relation to frequencies tend to disappear.
stimulus or non-stimulus words.

What is Polygraphy? It is the scientific method of
detecting deception with the use of a polygraph From the word POLY means MANY OR MORE
instrument. This is the new name of LIE

What is a Polygraph? It is a scientific diagnostic

instrument used to record physiological changes in
the blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration and skin
resistance of an examinee under controlled

What is the other name of the Polygraph? It is

also called “Truth Verifier” since statistics show that
is the vast majority of the instances the instrument
verifies an innocent person’s truthfulness.
DECEPTION – It is an act of deceiving or misleading usually accomplished by
LYING – It is the uttering or conveying of falsehood or creating false impression
Lie of Fabrication – is something made up or a misrepresentation of a
with the intention of affecting the acts or opinions of others. truth. It is often used by the subject in an interview. Lie of Omission – a lie
DETECTION – The act of discovering the existence or presence of fact of used by omitting an important fact, deliberately leaving another person with
something hidden or obscure. a misconception.
EMOTION – is a complex state of feeling involving conscious experience, internal Noble Lie – is one that would normally discord if uncovered but offers
and external physical responses, and power to motivate the organism to action. some benefit to the liar and assists in an orderly society therefore
FEAR – The emotional responses to specific dangers that appears to be potentially potentially beneficial to others.
beyond a person‘s defensive power. The lying person fears detection of the lie
causing psychological these changes that can be recorded with the use of Puffery or promotion Lie – is an exaggerated claim typically found in
Polygraph machine.
advertising and publicity announcements. For example, “the highest quality
SUBJECT – Refers to any person undergoing polygraph examination at the lowest price.” Such statement is unlikely to be true but cannot be
POLYGRAPH EXAMINER/ POLYGRAPHIST or EXPERT/EXAMINER – is the one proven false and so do not violate trade laws.
conducting the test or examination
POLYGRAPH TEST OR POLYGRAPH EXAMINATION – is the whole process of Lie of Compliment or False Reassurance – a lie intended to please
the questioning or the taking of one chart from series of questions or all of the others. For example, “that looks good to you” or “everything is going to be
charts and questions sheets used in the test. alright.”
tracings of all the emotional patterns permanently on the charts or graphs from
series or questions.

White Lie or Benign Lie – a lie that would cause only relatively Bald-Faced lie - A bald-faced ( or barefaced) lie is a lie that is
minor discord if it were uncovered and typically offers some told when it is obvious to all concerned that is it a lie.
benefit to the hearer. It is often used to maintain harmony of
friendship in the home or in the office. Lie-to-children -A lie-to-children is a lie, often a platitude that
may use euphemism, that is told to make an adult subject
Red Lie – a lie used to destroy the ideologies by means of acceptable to children.
propaganda which is common in communist countries.
EMERGENCY LIE - An emergency lie is a strategic lie told when
Malicious or Judicial Lie – a lie usually used to mislead or a the truth may not be told because, for example, harm to a third
dishonesty intended to obstruct justice. party would come of it.
Pathological Lie - this is a lie made by persons who cannot PERJURY - It is the act of lying or making verifiably false
distinguish right from wrong. statements on an material matter under oath or affirmation in a
Black Lie - a lie accompanies pretensions and hypocrisies, court of law or in any of various sworn statements in writing.
intriguing to cause dishonor or discredit ones good image.
BLUFFING - Pretending to have capability or intention one TYPES OF LIARS
doesn’t. Bluffing is an act of deception that is not usually seen as
immoral because it takes place in the context of a game where Panic Liars - one who lies in order to avoid the consequences
of a confession, He/She is afraid of embarrassment to love ones
this kind of deception is consented to in advance by the players. and it is a serious blow to his / her ego, He/She believes that
MISLEADING/DISSEMBLING- A misleading statement is one confession will just male the matter worst.
where there isn’t an outright lie, but still has the purpose of Occupational Liars - Is someone laid for spare years, this
making someone believe in an untruth. person is a practical liar and lies when it has a higher “pay off”
EXAGGERATION - An exaggeration occurs when the most than telling the truth.
fundamental aspect of a statement is true, but the degree to Tournament Liars - Loves to lie and is excited by the challenge
which it is true is not correct. of not being detected, this person views an interview as another
contest and wants to win, this person realizes that he or she will
JOCOSE LIE - Are lies that are meant in jest and are usually probably be convicted bur will not give anyone the satisfaction of
understood as such by all present parties. hearing him or her confesses, he wants that people will believe
that the law is punishing an innocent person.


Psychopathic Liars - the most difficult type, this person has no 1. PSYCHOLOGICAL LEG PREMISE - states that specific
conscience. He shows no regret for dishonestly and no nervous system component whose stimulation can thus be
manifestation of guilt, diagnosed are so stimulated by the involuntary and emotional
Ethnological Liars - is one who is taught not to be a squealer, processes of the individual who is continuously attempting
*squealer – to cry or to shrill voice, used by underworld gang in concealment of deception especially if that individual has
something at stake and the prevailing circumstances lead him to
order for their member not to reveal any secret of their believe that exposure to deception is quite possible although
organization. undesirable.
Pathological Liars - A person who cannot distinguish right from 2. PHYSIOLOGICAL LEG PREMISE - that among the
wrong (his mind is sick.), Is an insane person. physiological responses that may be recorded are those that
Black Liars - A person who always pretends, (What he thinks of automatically occur only following the stimulation of specific
nervous component system
himself, what kind of person he is, and what he is.)
3. MECHANICAL LEG PREMISE - polygraph is capable of
making graphic record containing reliable information regarding
physiological responses of the subject.
PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY – Effect of the human mind to the body
• Used to test an individual for the purpose of detecting deception due to the application of stimulus.
or verify the truth of statement
• Records identifiable physiological reactions of the subject, such STIMULUS – refers to the motion or force reaching organism and
as; blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration and skin resistance. excites the receptors. It is a force that produces the organism or
• The effectiveness of the polygraph in recording symptoms of any of its parts to activity.
deceptions is based on the theory that a conscious mental effort
on the part of a normal person to deceive causes involuntary REACTION – It refers to any activity aroused in an organism by a
physiological changes that are in effect a body’s reaction to an stimulus. It is an action or mental attitude induced by an external
imminent danger to its well being. influence.


SYSTEM – motor and
SYSTEM – Nerve
sensory, occurs at
above threshold
Endings The Polygraph machine is basically composed of three
major components serving as the detecting mechanism
AUTONOMIC NERVOUS and five major sections by adding kymograph component
Receives and SYSTEM
transmits stimuli
Sending signals SYSTEM
and pen and inking system to serve as the recording
(Voluntary) mechanism.
(Main Concern in
SIGNALS Brain to Spinal
Spinal Chord to SYMPHATHETIC
Brain Emergency/Action
Braking System

Hormonal Stimulator E
The fight/flight Response
Designed to detect and record changes in respiration of the subject which consists
of the ff:
◼ Rubber Convoluted Tube = about 10 inches corrugated rubber attached to the
body of the subject.
◼ Beaded Chain = used to lock the rubber convoluted tube.
◼ Recording Pen Unit = consisting of two 5 inches recording pen
◼ Centering Knob = used to center the pen
◼ Sensitivity Knob = used to adjust the desired size of tracings
◼ Vent = used to release excess pressure from the system
◼ Pneumo Module = located inside the instrument that receives the reactions
detected by the corrugated tube and moves the pen to record the reactions on the

Pneumo 1 – pneumatic connection for upper (thoracic) pneumograph.

Pneumo 2 – pneumatic connection for lower (abdominal) pneumograph.

CARDIOSPHYGMOGRAPH Cardiosphygmograph provides a record of the following:

Designed to detect changes in the cardiovascular activity/ 1. Relative Blood Volume/Pressure = is the changes in the average
changes in blood pressure and pulse beat of the subject. It consists of: value of the cardio tracing (waveform) with respect to a baseline.
a. Blood Pressure Cuff = attached to the upper right arm of the a. Diastolic Blood Pressure = refers to the downward blood pressure
subject, above the brachial artery. representing the low pressure to the closing of the valves and heart
b. Sphygmomanometer = used to indicate the amount of air pressure relaxed.
inflated to the system. Usually about 60 mm of mercury for male b. Systolic Blood Pressure = the upward blood pressure as the apex
subject. of the curve caused by the contraction of the heart, valves are open
c. Recording Pen Unit = five (5) inches length and blood is rushing into the arteries.
d. Air Pump/Pump Bulb = designed to supply air to the system 2. Pulse Amplitude = changes in pulse amplitude (tracing height)
e. Cardio Module = located inside the instrument that receives the independent of baseline.
reactions detected by the cuff and moves the pen to record the 3. Pulse Rate = changes in heart rate or time between pulses.
reactions on the chart
f. Sensitivity Control = used to adjust the desired size of tracings 4. Dicrotic Notch = changes in relative position of the dicrotic notch
or pulse waveform
g. Centering Control = designed to center the pen on the chart
= short horizontal notch in a cardio-tracing located at the middle of the
h. Vent = Used to release excess pressure from the system diastolic stem
Designed to detect changes in skin resistance of the subject. Consists
a. Finger Electrode Assembly consists of:
a.1. Finger Electrode Plate and Retainer Bond = attached to the
index and ring finger of the subject.
a.2. Connecting Plug = attached the system to the instrument
b. Recording Pen Unit = usually 7 inches
c. Amplifier Unit = designed to support the galvanometer in
converting electrical to mechanical current.
d. Sensitivity Control = used to adjust the desired size of tracings
e. Centering Control = designed to center the pen on the chart
f. GSR Module = located inside the instrument that receives the
reactions detected by the finger electrodes and moves the pen to
record the reactions on the chart

Serves as the paper feed mechanism of the polygraph machine
It is a motor that pulls or drives the chart paper under the recording
pen simultaneously at the rate of five seconds per vertical chart division or
twelve divisions in one minute run.
a. Cutter Bar = used to cut the paper at the end of the test.
b. Rubber Roller = the one responsible for pulling the paper out of the
c. Pen Table = flat portion where the pen writes on the chart.
d. Paper Rail Guide = serves as the security for the unnecessary
movement of the chart paper or to ensure
the paper’s forward movement without shaking.
e. Synchronous Motor = runs the chart paper at the uniform rate speed
regardless of the voltage change

Polygraph Chart = approximately 100 ft. rolled graph paper with

approximately ¼ inch horizontal division and ½ inch vertical division
equivalent to 5 second’s runs
The one that provides for the permanent record of the test
Capillary Ink = a water-based ink intended for polygraph


Angelo Mosso
In 1878, science came to the aid of the truth seeker through
the research of an Italian psychologist
He made use of an instrument called plethysmograph in his
research on emotion and fear and its influence on the heart and
Developed a scientific cradle and focus on the importance
of fear as a strong influence to detect deception
Cesare Lombroso
In 1895, Cesare Lombroso, an Italian Criminologist and
Dr. William M. Marston (William Moulton Marston)
tutor of Angelo Mosso, published the second edition of his book
entitled “L’Homme Criminel” which he relates the use of In 1915, he made use of a sphygmomanometer was
hydrosphygmograph (1st scientific instrument) during credited as the creator of the systolic blood-pressure test used
interrogation of suspects. He called it blood pressure pulse in an attempt to detect deception during questioning and using a
test. standard blood pressure cuff and stethoscope, requiring repeated
inflation of the pressure cuff to obtain readings at intervals during
He is considered as the first person to conceive the idea of
examination. This was called Discontinuous Technique.
lie detection and the first to apply the technique in actual criminal

John A. Larson (John Augustus Larson) PNEUMOGRAPH

Encouraged by August Vollmer of the Berkeley Police Archer
Department to conduct a research on deception.
The first polygraphist to record simultaneously on
Cardio-Pneumo Psychogram was Larson’s first instrument
which was borrowed from Dr. Robert Jessel and was invented by
regular basis the chest and abdominal breathing patterns.
Earl Bryant (Pneumo 1 and Pneumo 2)
In 1921, Earl Bryant made an instrument for Larson in Credited as the creator of Stimulus Marker
which he used a breadboard as a base and from that it became Developed an instrument with two Galvanic Skin
in the industry as Breadboard Polygraph – capable of recording Resistance
continually and simultaneously the respiration and cardiovascular
Today, he is known as the Father of Scientific Lie
Detection and at the same time the Father of Polygraphy.
Vittorio Benussi Harold Burtt
In March 1913, he presented a paper before the second In 1918, Burtt suggested that the changes in respiration
meeting of the Italian Society for Psychology in Rome where he were an indication of deception.
described how he records the subject’s breathing patter using a He was able to determine that the changes in respiration
Marey Pneumograph which he noted the changes in were of less value in the detection of deception
inspiration-expiration ratio during deception. than the changes in blood pressure.
He also included recording of heart rate and blood pressure Considered respiration as a weak basis in determining
curve in detection of deception and probably the first person to deception and incorporate the systolic blood pressure to
record more than one physiological response. respiration.

Believed that the origin of the galvanic skin
Luigi Galvani – 1791
phenomenon was under the influence of the exciting mental
He was accorded the distinction for developing the impressions and that the will has no effect upon it.
galvanic skin reflex or the galvanometer, which records
He made the earliest application of
electrical bodily resistance in terms of ohms, the lower
psychogalvanometer to forensic problems.
current ever recorded. The GSR reflected emotional changes
by measuring changes in persons‘ skin resistance to Study the influence of the sweat glands to skin
electricity. resistance.
Leonarde Keeler
In 1926, he made a modification of Larson’s instrument. He
Veraguth – 1907 developed that metal bellows and kymograph that pulled a chart
paper at a constant speed under recording pens from a roll of chart
He was the first to use the term ―psychogalvanic skin located inside the instrument.
In 1938, Keeler included the Psychogalvanometer (PGR), a
He believed that the electrical phenomena are due to third measuring component of his instrument which was also
the activity of the sweat gland. known as Galvanic Skin Reflex (GSR) invented by Italian
Physiologist Galvani in 1791.
Credited as the creator on Relevant-Irrelevant Technique.
Today Keeler is known as the Father of Modern


POLYGRAPH Thomas Jefferson
First person known who used the term Polygraph to describe one of
MODERN POLYGRAPH – is a computer outfit with sensors. Sensors are used to his inventions.
measure and record a number of physical changes that are related to the
vegetative nervous system. Sir James Mackenzie
DR. JOSEPH F. KURBIS – first researcher who used potential computer An English clinician and cardiologist, constructed the Clinical
applications for the purpose of polygraph chart analysis. Polygraph in 1892, an instrument to be used for medical examinations with
the capability to simultaneously record undulated line tracings of the
DR. JOHN C. KIRCHER AND DAVID C. RASKIN – developed the COMPUTER vascular pulses (radial, venous and arterial) by way of a stylus onto a
ASSISTED POLYGRAPH SYSTEM (CAPS) which incorporated the 1st algorithm to revolving drum of smoked paper.
be used for evaluating physiological data collected for diagnostic purposes. In 1906, Sir James Mackenzie refined his clinical polygraph of 1892 when
he devised the Clinical Ink Polygraph with the help of Lancashire
1992 – the polygraph made its official entrance into computer age. Watchmaker, Sebastian Shaw. This instrument used a clockwork
DR. DALE E. OLSEN AND JOHN HARRIS – completed the software program mechanism for the paper-rolling and time-marker movements and it
produced ink recordings of physiological functions that were easier to
called POLYSCORE. acquire and to interpret.
2003 – US Department of Energy commissioned a review committee of the A heart specialist who published in two British Journal the machine he
National Academy of Science to study the scientific evidence on the polygraph used in his work and named it “INK POLYGRAPH”.
In 1936, the term Psychogalvanic Reflex used by Veraguth was
repudiated by Ruckmick and proposed the term Electrodermal Response.
John E. Reid PHASE I (PRELIMINARY PREPARATIONS) - Initial Interview with the investigator handling the
case or person requesting it. The group involve in this stage are the Victim / Complaint, Suspects,
In 1950, he developed the Control Question Test which consists of a Witnesses. This stage includes obtaining and evaluation of facts, determining the areas the subjects
known lie and incorporated it into the relevant/irrelevant technique.
needs to be asked and the investigator must furnish the examiner of the following:
He developed a movement or activity sensor a means of recording
arm and leg movements • Sworn statement of the suspect / witnesses/ victim/ complainant, Incident or spot report, B.I. of the
suspect, witnesses, and victim / complainants, rough sketch or pictures of the crime scene and
Reid also developed the silent answer test and guilt-complex test to other facts such as Specific article and exact amount of money stolen.
be administered to overly responsive examinee.
• Peculiar aspect of the offense or any strange set.
Cleve Backster
• Exact time the offense was committed.
Developed the psychological set theory and the anticlimax
dampening concept. • Known facts about the suspect’s action or movement.

He also developed and introduced the Quantification System of Chart • Facts indicating any connection between the suspects, victim and witnesses.
Analysis (Numerical Scoring) which permits the examiner to score the charts • Exact type of weapon, tool or firearms used.
numerically according to standard rules. • Result of laboratory test.
• Unpublished facts of the offense known only by the victim, suspects and the investigator.

The following rights of the subject must be informed clearly to him/her:

• The right to remain silent
PHASE II - PRE-TEST INTERVIEW with the subject - The primary purpose • Anything he/she say may be used in favor or against him/her
of the pre-test interview of to prepare or condition the subject for the test
• The right to have a lawyer of his/her own choice
The appraisal of subject’s constitutional right.
Obtain subject’s consent to undergo polygraph test by signing a statement of
• Right to refuse
The taking of personal data of the subject. As earlier noted, subjects will not be scheduled for examination when
Determining his/her suitability as a subject. they:
Evaluating the psychological preparation of the subject. • are obviously fatigued or in ill health.
Informing the subject of his involvement with the case. • are physically injured or in pain.
• their judgment is obviously influenced by or impaired by drugs or
• have just suffered emotional trauma.
all consideration that bears on the examination. This is done just after the
PHASE III (THE EXAMINATION/INSTRUMENTAL TEST) – The instrument is turned off. If the Polygraph test result indicates deception, the
conduct of Instrumentation and Actual Test. examiner will then proceed to conduct short interrogation. The purpose of
which is to obtain confession. However, if the Polygraph indicates that the
After the pre-test interview, the examiner should proceed to subject is innocent; the examiner will just release the subject cordially and
place the attachment on the subject. The first to be attached is thanks him/ her for his/her cooperation.
Pneumograph, then the Cardiosphymograph and the
Galvanograph. Review all the questions with the subject before The purposes of further questioning after the test are:
the actual examination is made. The examiner should
discourage any comments or statement by the subjects. Test • to clarify the findings;
instrument must be given to the subject.
• to learn if there are any other reasons for the subject’s responding to a
relevant question, other than the knowledge of the crime; and
• to obtain additional information and an admission for law enforcement
purposes, if the results suggest deception.

The interrogatory technique is applied to

secure admission or confession using the ff.
An interview is conducted when the subject indicates • Inform the subject that he cannot be cleared from his chart;
innocent response while interrogation is undertaken if
symptoms of deception are indicated by the results of the • Convince the subject that the responses were result of his
emotion & not by means of any mechanical manipulations;
actual polygraph test.
• Use sympathetic and persuasive attitude as well as
perseverance in eliciting confession or admission;
• Point out recorded reactions with brief explanations of their
importance as objective, tangible & concrete evidence to be
used against the subject
• Listen attentively to any implications, pursue a line of mild
interrogation as to the reasons why the criminal act was
General Rules in formulating Test Questions
• Rationalize the subject’s act by offering a way to excuse his
conduct or minimize the significance or swing the blame to ◼ Questions must be simple and direct
someone or to some situation. ◼ They must not involve legal terminologies
◼ They must be as simple and as short as possible
• If confession is coming allow the subject to relate it in his own
version; ◼ Answerable by Yes or No.
◼ They must not be in a form of accusatorial.
• Carefully listen to specific details & write it down at first ◼ Their meaning must be clear and they must be phrased in a language that the
instance; subject can easily understand.
• Never make any promise as to immunity, reward or leniency; ◼ They must never contain inference which presupposes knowledge on the part
of the subject.
• Inform the investigator on case; ◼ They must refer to one offense only
• If no confession was given, cordially release the subject; ◼ They must refer to one element of the offense.
◼ They must not contain inference to one’s religion, race or belief.

Relevant Questions
These are questions pertaining to the issue under investigation.
QUESTIONS They must be unambiguous, unequivocal and understandable to the
subject. They must all be related to one issue or one criminal act.
Irrelevant Questions Relevant questions must be very specific to obtain an accurate result.
These are questions that have no bearing to the case It is further classified according to its stimulation effect when applied,
under investigation. The question may refer to the subject‘s age, namely:
educational attainment, marital status, citizenship, occupation, A. STRONG RELEVANT. It has an intense and specific relationship
etc. The examiner asks these types of questions to ascertain the to the crime or problem being considered. This is intended to produce
subject‘s normal patter of response by eliminating the feeling of strong emotional response in guilty subjects.
Example: Did you steal Hazel‘s watch?
Examples: Did you eat today?
B. SECONDARY OR WEAK RELEVANT. Questions that concern
Do you smoke? some secondary elements of the crime and deal mostly on guilty
Are you from Baguio? knowledge and partial involvement.
Example: Do you know where the missing watch of Hazel‘s in now?
a. Primary Control Questions – it is based on a known lie. E.g.
subject denying having done something, which is verified, or
Control Questions known to be true would be a good basis for the construction of
These questions compare the physiological response to control questions.
relevant questions about the crime with the response to Example: Before reaching the age of 25, have you ever stolen
questions relating to possible prior misdeeds. These are also anything?
questions designed to produce a response in the innocent b. Secondary Control Questions – is of a more specified in
subject. ―This question is often used to determine whether nature and is based upon another set of wrong doings, which will
certain criminal suspects should be prosecuted or classified as enhance the opportunity for responsiveness. Its scope includes
uninvolved in the crime (American Psychological Association) up to present period of examination.
Example: Have you stolen anything from this locality? In
formulating the Secondary Control Questions, the examiner, in
case of theft, asks the subject whether he had stolen anything
from the place of his employment but not related to the offense
under investigation.

Evidence-Connecting Questions
Knowledge Questions
This is designed to stimulate the guilty subject and focus
These are questions designed to prove whether the subject his attention on the probability of incriminating proof that would
possesses information regarding the identity of the offender or tend to establish his guilt. In formulating these questions, the
location of evidence or facts of the case under investigation. examiner must secure information from the investigator on the
Example: Do you who stole the watch of Hazel? availability of evidences collected from the crime scene.
Example: Were the found footprints outside of Hazel‘s house
Guilt-Complex Questions
This is specialized control question designed to safeguard Symptomatic Questions
against mistaking relevant questions response and is based on a
This is a question designed to detect and evaluate the
fictitious crime under investigation. The examiner, prior to
presence of outside issues, which may suppose responses to
approaching the subject, must be certain that the fictitious crime
relevant questions. As outside issue factor is present in subject
was never actually committed. The details of the question must
who fears that he might be asked about another case in which he
be specific enough that the guilty subject can be sure he did not
is involved, but not the subject matter under investigation.
commit this particular offense.
Example: "DO you understand that I'm not going to ask any trick or
Example: Did you steal the gold coin of Juan?
surprise questions?"

S-K-Y Question
Sacrifice or DYAT Question
These are three (3) questions grouped together by Backster and
This is intended to obtain responses usually produced by used only on the third chart in the zone comparison test. They are
the introduction of the first relevant question in the sequence. designed to confirm the previous charts and detect indirect
These divulge the subject’s norm plus and excitement stage. involvement or guilty knowledge.

S stands for suspect

Do you suspect anyone in particular of stealing any of that
ANSWER K stands for know
TRUTHFULLY? Do you know for sure who stole any of the money?
Y stands for you
Did you steal any of the money?
The polygraph test consists of asking the subject/person though
the transducer of the instrument, a list of prepared questions in a
planned sequence; comprising of not more than twelve. At least 3 test A. REID AND INBAU RELEVANT – IRRELEVANT TECHNIQUE
charts are taken, each lasting not more than four (4) minutes with a
rest interval of five (5) to ten (10) minutes between charts. Developed the reviewed control question consisting of a
known lie incorporated into relevant/irrelevant test. Reid‘s control
question represents a major breakthrough in polygraph
This test is about case under investigation. These are sequence
of relevant, irrelevant and control questions asked in a designed order.
The questions are arranged in order to contrast the subject’s
responses between relevant and control questions. The answer to the
questions is restricted to YES or NO only.


1. Irrelevant Question – Have you ever been called by the name Pedro? Backster devised standardized technique incorporating
2. Irrelevant Question – Do you drink water? relevant/irrelevant questions, to identify any outside issue factor that might
interfere with the test, conceived the psychological set theory and the
3. Weak Relevant – Were you in the vicinity of Jolina Walangdangal‘s anticlimax dampening concept, which form a basis of his zone of
house between 10:00 and 12:00 p.m. last night? comparision.
4. Irrelevant Question – Do you finish college? EXAMPLE
5. Strong Relevant Question - Did you steal the gold necklace of Jolina 1. Irrelevant Question
2. Sacrifice Relevant Question
6. Primary Control Question – Before reaching the age 25 have you ever
stolen anything? 3. Symptomatic Question
7. Irrelevant Question – Are you married? 4. Control Question
8. Evidence Connecting Question – Were the fingerprints in the jewelry box 5. Strong Relevant Question
of Jolina Walangdangal yours? 6. Control 7. Strong Relevant Question
9. Knowledge Question – Do you know for sure who stole the gold necklace 8. Symptomatic Question
of Jolina Walangdangal?
9. Guilt Question
10. Secondary-Control Question – Have you ever stolen anything from this
locality? 10. Weak Relevant Question
11. S-K-Y Question
BACKSTER ZONE COLOR CODING Provide mechanism for the identification of ―inside issue factors that adversely affect the
control question, permitting timely corrective measures.
GREEN ZONE 1. Irrelevant Question – neutral
2. Relevant Question – weak
For the control questions
3. Symptomatic Question –
4. Control Question – strong
RED ZONE 5. Relevant Question – strong
For the relevant question 6. Control Question – strong
7. Relevant Question – strong
8. Control Question – variable strength
BLACK ZONE 9. Relevant Question – variable strength
for the symptomatic questions 10. Symptomatic Question
11. Relevant Question – weak


1. Irrelevant Question – neutral
2. Relevant Question – medium strength
A degradation of the Quadri-Zone Comparison technique in 3. Symptomatic Question –
that three relevant questions are included in the test instead of 4. Control Question – strong
the usual two relevant questions; all of the control questions 5. Relevant Question – strong
found in the QZC technique plus one additional control question 6. Control Question – strong
to compare against the third relevant question. 7. Relevant Question – strong
8. Control Question – strong
9. Relevant Question – strong
10. Relevant Question – medium strength
11. Relevant Question – variable strength
12. Symptomatic Question
13. Relevant question – weak
TEST) This test contains question previously asked in GENERAL
- Done while all the instruments are still attached to the body. QUESTIONS TEST with the same number of the same questions on
- Upon finishing of the 1st test, here is another part of the test; the the earlier test.
examiner will show to the subject 7 variously numbered cards, face
down. The numbers 7, 11, and 13 should not be used because other
subjects are too superstitious and numbers 6 and 9 should not be TEST IV – MIXED QUESTION TEST
included to avoid confusion on the part of the subject.
The test is the same with Test III but the questions of GQT is
- The subject is given an instruction to get a card, look at it and again mixed and the sequences of the question are rearranged.
memorize the number of the card that was chosen and return it
without showing it to the examiner or telling the number. TEST V – SILENT ANSWER TEST (SAT)
- After the selection is finished, the examiner shuffles the cards and In this test the subject is instructed by the examiner to avoid
will instruct the subject to answer NO to each question regarding the from giving any verbal answer to the questions that are to be asked of
cards even if the number of the card he has chosen is asked. In him during the test.
short one of the subjects answers to the question will be a lie.
- The verification on test is intended to assure the innocent examinee The subject is instructed to pay attention to each question and
of the accurateness of the test and of the competency of the answer the question only to himself, silently. In short, the subject
polygraphist. It further serves to arouse the guilty examinee. should sub vocalize his answer, in addition he should think of truthful
answer and give that truthful answer silently to himself.

A. Peak of Tension Test
This type of test is only made possible when there is no widespread
publicity about a crime where intimate details as to the method of
commission of certain facts of the case is only know by the
perpetrator, the victim and the investigator. It is answerable by NO
only. resemble, in every general way, the card test, for it consist
essentially of the asking of a series of question in which only one has
any bearing upon the matter under investigation.
= padding questions before and after the relevant questions. INTERPRETATIONS
B. Guilt Complex Test
This test is applied when the response to relevant and control
questions are similar in degree and consistency and in a way that the
examiner cannot determine whether the subject is telling the truth or
Are made with the use of sign and symbol to facilitate
evaluation and interpretation in charts.

Two Types Chart Markings

◼ Primary Markings = these are markings which indicate the
beginning and end of examination as well as the questions and
answers of the subject. These are usually placed at the bottom or
top of the polygraph chart
◼ Secondary Markings = are markings which are placed only if
the examinee does something which will cause the physiological
tracings to distort. These markings are usually placed below the
affected tracing

+ - Yes answer to question

X / 60 / 1.5 A - first markings of the examiner on the chart
- - No answer to question
XX / 60 / 1.5 A - examiner’s mark after the test
A - adjustment
X - start oaf the test
T - subject talked instead of answering with single Yes
XX - end of the test
or No
60 - millimeter of mercury shown in sphygmamometer
R - subject request for repetition of question
C - coughing
1.5 - ohms of skin electrical resistance
N - noise
A or M - refers to automatic or manual galvo amplifier used
S - sigh by the subject
| | - point where each question begins and end (also
called stimulus mark) PJ - paper jam
SN - subject sniffed
BI - breathing instruction
OS - tracing changed caused by outside stimulus CHART PROBING
M - movement
IM - movement instruction Every after taking of each chart, probing should be
conducted. The examiner shows the recorded result with brief
L - laugh explanation as to the importance of the recorded reactions.
B - used to signify belch He points out the difference between reactions
C+ - increase in galvo sensitivity accompanying irrelevant questions. The examiner informs the
C- - decrease in galvo sensitivity subjects that the probing being done is essential, in order to
attain the test objectives.
Y - yawn
IS - ink stop
CT - clearing of throat


The accurateness of instrumental deception of detection is a. There must be a specific response.
dependent upon the examiner’s capability to diagnose truth or b. To be a specific response, the response must from deviation
deception by reading and interpreting the chart of the subjects. from the norm
c. It must appear in at least two test charts
The keynote to accurate chart interpretation is GOOD QUESTION d. The BEST INDICATION of deception is the simultaneous
FORMULATION. specific responses in the THREE (3) tracing of the charts.


Any change from normal requires explanation
False Positive – an erroneous decision that an examinee is
1. Normal Responses are responses of the subject that has being deceptive when the examinee is actually truthful.
no bearing on the matter under investigation. False Negative – an erroneous decision that an examinee is
2. Specific Responses are responses which contain being truthful when the examinee is in fact actually being
deviations or signs of deception which has direct bearing deceptive.
on the matter under investigation. Inconclusive result – this is the examiner‘s required diagnostic
opinion when an examinee‘s polygraph record shows responses
that are insufficient to determine truthfulness of deception.


Be set aside for polygraph examinations. It must have one
TWO TYPES OF RELIABILITY way mirror and a concealed microphone so that a person or
persons in the observation room may hear as well as see what
occurs in the examination room.
1. Interrater reliability = denotes agreement among examiners 1. It must be spacious for two person.
2. Intrarater agreement (test-retest reliability) = pertains to an 2. It must be well-lighted.
examiner agreement with his own decisions when evaluating the
charts on different occasions. 3. It must not be decorated.
4. It must be 90% sound proof.
5. Must be well-ventilated.
1. To ascertain if a person is telling the truth by verifying
statement or comparing conflicting statement.
2. Obtain additional investigative leads to the facts of an offense.
3. Locate fruits or tools of the crime or whereabouts of wanted
4. Eliminate innocent suspects, which is the most important.


1. It is an invaluable aid but never a substitute for an 1. The subject must have a good night sleep prior to the test.
investigation. 2. Subject must refrain from smoking for at least s2 hours before the
2. It is not a lie detector; it is a scientific diagnostic instrument.
3. Must be free from physical and sexual abuse.
3. It does not determine facts; it records responses to what the 4. The subject must not be interrogated for a prolong period.
subject knows to be true. 5. Must refrain from the use of alcohol and drugs for at least 12 hours
4. It is only as accurate as the examiner is competent prior to the test.
6. Subject must not be hungry.
7. Must not be suffering from illness, fever, cold, cough, allergy, etc.
8. Must not be highly nervous.
9. Female subject must be free from menstrual cycle.
10. He/she must not have sex indulgence prior to the test.
1. Technically, he must have a complete knowledge of the instrument
and its capabilities and limitations; the most modern polygraph
technique; proficiency in the conduct of polygraph examinations; test
construction; and chart study and research.
2. Morally, he must have a sincere desire to be a polygraph examiner
U.S. United States v. Frye – 1923 – NOT ADMITTED AS
in its strictest sense, by devoting himself to the polygraph profession EVIDENCE (First case in Polygraphy)
through maintenance of high personal integrity and increasing
personal proficiency through constant study and research.
3. He constantly bears in mind his primary obligation to his subject,
that is to afford him all possible safeguards against errors and must
never accept for a polygraph examination, any subject who is not
physically or mentally fit.
4. He must be an impartial seeker of truth by conducting examination
in a professional and ethical manner, and never allow prejudice to
influence the result of the examination.


OF POLYGRAPH TEST RESULT People v. Adoviso, 309 SCRA 1 (1999). Supreme Court:
“American courts almost uniformly rejected the results of
1. People v. Daniel (G.R. No. L-40330 Nov. 20, 1978) Supreme Court: polygraph tests when offered as evidence for the purpose of
establishing the guilt or innocence of one accused of a crime,
“Polygraph test is unreliable considering that the subject took the test whether the accused or the prosecution sought its introduction,
after the trial was over. The court reasoned that the subject no longer for the reason that the polygraph had not yet attained scientific
felt any fear or emotional distress that would allow any finding that he acceptance as a reliable tool for ascertaining truth or deception.
committed the crime charged. It said the accuracy of a polygraph test “The rule,” according to the Supreme Court, “is no different in this
depended largely on the time and place of the test, and if the subject jurisdiction.
was already distanced from the commission of the crime, the results
were bound to fail
People v. Carpo, G.R. No. 132676, 4 April 2001, the Supreme
People v. Reanzares, G.R. No. 130656, 29 June 2000.
Supreme Court: ―The court does not put credit and faith on the result of a lie
detector test in as much as it has not been accepted by the
―Lie detector test has never been accepted in our jurisdiction as scientific community as an accurate means of ascertaining truth
a means of ascertaining the truth. or deception.


1. Polygraph techniques are still on experimental stage and have not
yet received degree of standardization of acceptance among THANK YOU FOR
*** US Supreme Court: People Vs. Becker, People vs. Fonte. ―It is LISTENING FUTURE
useful in the investigation of a crime but no place in the court room
2. The trier of the fact is apt to give almost conclusive weight to the
polygraph expert‘s opinion.
3. There is no way to assure that a qualified examiner administered
the test.
4. Test can‘t be relied upon because of many
It is the scientific methods of detecting deception done with the aid of
a polygraph machine.
A. Lie Detection
C. Polygraphy
D. Lie Detector

He is known as the first man who used the word “Polygraphy”? It is a principle of polygraphy which says that a polygraph is capable of
A. Francis Galton making graphic record consisting of dependable information regarding
the physiological changes of the body.
B. Isaac Newton
A. Psychological Leg Basic Premise
C. Thomas Jefferson
B. Physiological Leg Basic Premise
D. Henry Fox Talbot
C. Mechanical Leg Basic Premise
D. None of these
It is an act of deceiving or misleading committed by a person usually 7. It refers to an emotional response to a specific danger, which
accompanied by lying. A. Admission B. Lying C. Deception D. Confession appears to go beyond a person’s defensive power. A. fear B. stimuli C.
response D. reaction

Ordeal is a term of varying meaning closely related in the Medieval It is one of the ancient practices in detecting deception wherein an
Latin “Dei Indicum” which means – A. Divine intervention B. accuser will fight against the accused in a duel and whoever lost the
Miraculous decision C. God’s hand D. God’s favor fight will be adjudged guilty. A. Red Hot Iron Ordeal B. Rice Chewing
Ordeal C. Balance Ordeal D. Trial By Combat
He is the heart specialized who is credited for the invention of the “Ink Intoxication of alcohol used the Latin maxim “In vino, veritas” as
Polygraph” A. Sticker B. Veraguth C. James Mackenzie D. Cleve Backster underlying principle. This latin maxim is literally translated as
____________. A. there is wine in truth B. In truth, there is wine C.
there is truth in wine D. In wine, there is truth

The polygraph instrument is also known as a lie detector, but research This component records the changes of breathing of the subject A.
clearly shows that it cannot determine or detect a lying person. What Cardiosphygmograph B. Pneumograph C. Kymograph D. Galvanograph
then is the use of polygraph instrument? A. To record physiological
reactions of the subject. B. To record psychological reactions of the
subject. C. To record and determine the facts of the case based on the
chart taken. D. To record psychogalvanic reflex of the subject
Cold damp perspiration is a manifestation of shock, fear and anxiety. What part of the polygraph instrument that drives the chart paper at
Perspiration means? A. Breathing B. Pulse beat C. Sweating D. Heart six inches per minute during the test? A. Kymograph assembly B.
rate Electronic motor drive C. Chart drive mini-motor D. Reactograph drive

The primary purpose of pre-test interview. A. Obtain confession B. . Prior to the examination the subject should have at least ___ hours of
Prepare subject for polygraph test C. Make the subject calm D. Explain sleep. A. 5 hours B. 12 hours C. 2 hours D. 3 hours
the polygraph test procedures
What is the first step to be done in a pre-test interview? A. ask the In polygraph test, after the subject affirms that he is involved in a crime
subject regarding all information the circumstances surrounding the the examiner should report it to the? A. Investigator B. Object relative
commission of the crime B. examiner tells the nature and C. Prosecutor
characteristics of the polygraph examination to the subject C. you are
informed of your rights against self incrimination and your right to a
counsel D. facts of the case must be prepared prior to the questioning
of the subject to monitor response

The following are specific rules to be followed in the formulation of the It is conducted after the actual test designed to obtained confession or
questions in a polygraph test except one. A. Questions must be clear admission from the subject. A. Post-test Interview/interrogation B.
and phrased in a language the subject can easily understand. B. Actual Test C. Chart Probing D. Investigation
Questions must be answerable by yes or no. C. Questions must be as
short as possible. D. Questions must all be in the form of accusation
Refers to the brief confrontation between the subject and the A list of stimulus and non-stimulus words are read to the subject who is
polygraph examiner done every after taking each chart. A. Initial instructed to answer as quickly as possible. A. Word association test B.
Interview B. Pre-Test Interview C. Chart Probing D. Post-Test Interview Psychological stress evaluator C. Card test D. Hypnosis

These are questions unrelated to the matter under investigation but . What is the symbol used to indicate start of the polygraph test marked
are of similar nature. A. Relevant Questions C. Control Questions B. in the chart? A. X C. W B. Y D. XX
Irrelevant Questions D. Conclusive Questions
What test is given if a subject of interrogation is not yet informed of the . An ancient method of detecting deception practice in Bengal, India
details of the offense for which he is being interrogated by the was accused to prove his innocent would touch his tongue to an
investigation, or by other persons or from other sources like the print extremely hot metal. A. boiling water ordeal B. red hot iron ordeal C.
media? A. Peak of Tension test C. IQ Test B. Control test D. Guilt Donkey’s tail ordeal D. Trial by combat
Complex Test

A part of the pneumograph component which was attached to the If polygraph tracing of a subject indicates that he is truthful, the
body of the subject with the usual length of 10 inches. A. beaded chain examiners finding should be: A. Conclusive B. Inconclusive C. Negative
B. rubber convoluted tube C. finger electrode plate D. blood pressure D. Positive
The deviation from normal tracing of the subject in the relevant f the polygraph test result indicates innocence, what should the
question. A. Reaction B. Normal response C. Positive response D. examiner do? A. release the subject cordially B. thank the subject for
Specific response his cooperation C. ask the subject if he has any questions D. all of the

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