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Why I want to be a teacher

Why do I want to be a teacher? I have to answer this question constantly. People

are always asking me why I want to be a teacher. Honestly I have one answer to this
question, for the students. I simply want to be a teacher for the students. I want to help,
encourage, provide, protect, and love students. Though teaching is much more than
teaching students and has many challenges that come providing for the students have a
much greater reward.

To me teachers are the greatest impactors on this planet and without them
society would not learn how to function. We need future teachers who are passionate
about teaching. Currently there is so much controversy surrounding teaching because
the system has many problems. Future teachers are needed teachers who are willing to
look past the problems of the system and focus on the purpose of teaching. I continue
to be passionate about teaching. I want to be a teacher to encourage students. I want to
provide the building blocks for students so they can have a firm foundation. Providing
my future students with a foundation so they can become someone in society. I also
provide help for students who may need an extra boost. I want to provide for students.
Give students resources that they can use to successfully educate themselves and get
a good education. I want to teach students. I simply want to teach and educate students
so they can learn the simple things needed to be successful.

I want to love students. I want to be a supportive teacher. A teacher that students

can go to if they need anything. If they need help with a math problem or they need a
shoulder to cry on. I am not only their teacher but I am their mother in school, their
therapist, and their cheerleader. In conclusion, I want to be a teacher for the students.
My future students who walk into my future classroom will know that I am teaching
them. I hope I will become a teacher who encourages, protects, loves, and educates
students in the best way possible. I wish to be a great teacher when I grow and I want to
do it for the students.

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