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Tuesday, September 20st, 2022


Write a 150 word informal email to your friend

1. Mention the place you visited during your school break

2. Describe the accommodations
3. Explain the booking process
4. Invite the person to join you during the summer break

Dear Maria,

Hey! How are you doing? It’s surely been a while since we last saw each other! I miss school
tbh. My holidays were amazing; I went to Vegas! Could you believe that? Not only was the city
in its entirety nice, but you should’ve seen our hotel! It looked modern inside out.

The booking process was a bit tedious, but since we booked the hotel before arriving, that made
it easier. The room we booked was massive; it was 10x bigger than my own room back home.
First thing I did, as soon as I opened that door, I jumped in bed. It was really comfortable, like
honestly, the room alone was an entire experience. Then I started to explore a bit, I got to the
bathroom, and it was literally the same reaction; it was almost like those bathrooms from the
movies which had almost floating sinks and sci-fi showers. It was so modern and the bathtub
was massive too. My mom just slept, but I went on a journey to discover the world I had just
walked into. The pool was double the size of our school's pool. The restaurant wasn’t open at
the time we got there, but the smell that was coming from the kitchen was amazing. There were
a lot of gardens to walk in. The hotel in general looked expensive, and it was. It was incredibly
well designed.

You should totally join me the next school break to the usual travels my mom plans when I’m
out of school, she’ll totally let you come! It’d be so cool if you did, but your choice anyway. I’ll
see you around !

Lots of love,

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