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EEEE3001 Final Year Project - BEng - Thesis Assessment Rubric Moderator

Category Assessment Very Poor Outstanding

Extensive background review of the field and
Good literature review of the Good background review of Good background review of the Extensive background review of the
Very limited and inappropriate Limited background review of excellent awareness of industrial applications and
Student fails to summarise the background, immediate project area, written in the immediate project area project area, with good awareness field and excellent awareness of
Background review (5%) or section is missing.
background review or cut-and-paste with immediate project area. Limited attempt
student's own words but narrowly with some elements of broader of broader/industrial applications industrial applications and relevance.
relevance. Publishable with further work.
no value added. to rephrase referenced material. Identifies most recent advances in the area that
focussed or sparse in coverage. focus. and relevance. Publishable with further work.
are related to the project. Publishable as it is.
Knowledge and

Understanding of methodology

Good demonstration of
of work related to understanding of theoretical/
Very good demonstration of Excellent understanding of Excellent understanding of
Appropriate demonstration of understanding of theoretical/ theoretical/experimental appreciation of theoretical/experimental appreciation of
theoretical/practical/program Student demonstrates basic flaws in key understanding of theoretical
experimental methodology of
experimental methodology, fundamental principles, extending to fundamental principles, extending to adoption or
Limited demonstration of theoretical Basic demonstration of understanding of fundamental principles and
ming principles underpinning

concepts and fails to convincingly /experimental methodology and fundamental principles, and how adoption or rejection of advanced rejection of advanced principles.
/experimental understanding of the the theoretical /experimental extrapolation to the project.
the main work in the Thesis, demonstrate their understanding of
methodology. methodology with gaps or minor flaws.
explanation of fundamental
Industrial/research context
they are applied to the project. principles. Industrial/research context Industrial/research context clearly established
methodology. principles. Relation of project to Industrial/research context includes clearly established with critical with critical comparison. Identifies current works
and their relevant to the industrial/research context.
well explained with key
a comparative relation to competing comparison. Publishable with further in the field, relating current state of the art in
players and technologies
industrial or research context identified.
and complementary technologies. work. relation to the project work. Publishable as-is.

of the Project. (10%)

A comprehensive range of A comprehensive range of references are
references are included in the text included in the text A comprehensive range of up-to-date references
Lack of suitable references in the text,
Suitable references are used in the text; The range of references is (books/journals/conference (books/journals/conference are included in the text
references from poor sources (i.e.
Number and quality of sources No evidence of suitable references in the text; Wikipedia and non-credible internet sites balanced showing variety of sources (as appropriate for the project - papers/web/data sheets) as papers/web/data sheets) as appropriate (books/journals/conference papers/web/data
Wikipedia, internet forums), majority of
dominate. books/journals/web/data sheets); Majority of references are from
cited (5%) references are incorrectly cited or are
appropriate for the project; All for the project; All references are from sheets) as appropriate for the project; All
reputable sources; References are correctly cited and sorted. references are from reputable reputable sources and correctly cited references are from reputable sources and
mostly web addresses or blogs etc.
sources and correctly cited and and sorted. Publishable with further correctly cited and sorted. Publishable.
sorted. work.

Time Plan: Clarity of Project Clear project Aims and realistic breakdown into
Aims/Objectives/Deliverables Aims and objectives are stated but Clear project Aims and realistic breakdown into measurable Objectives, evidencing measurable Objectives, evidencing a detailed
No evidence of objectives or reflection Weakly defined Aims and Objectives. No Aims stated and Objectives defined. Plan breaking the task into steps is appreciation of the challenge. Reflection on the original
and their translation into explanation and relevance lacks clarity. a detailed appreciation of the challenge. Reflection on the original plan takes into

statements. reflection on original plan. formulated and explained. Good reflection on the original plan. plan takes into account measurable outcomes. Reflection
Limited Reflection on the original plan. account measurable outcomes. Of publishable standard with further work.
reality through the project on task planning and management explains risks and

mitigation strategies. Of publication standard as-is.


Basic steps are taken to apply, test, Capable application of the Competent application of the Accomplished skills employed to analyse/validate
No evidence that outlined methodology has Accomplished skills employed to
Very limited attempt to tackle the problem Limited attempt to address the problem. and validate the methodology. proposed work/methodology proposed work/methodology with the methodology. Practical parameters and
been applied (e.g. no results/measurements, analyse/validate the methodology.
Application of the proposed (only few results to validate proposed There is evidence that results are used to Parameters and results may be with adequate steps taken to rigorous steps taken to validate the typical errors are squarely addressed. Extensive
no attempt at verification of the Practical parameters and typical errors
work/methodology (10%) accuracy/validity of any theoretical or
work or methodology, obtained in an validate the work/methodology, but poorly justified or lacking in validate results. Awareness of work. Good knowledge of practical
are clearly addressed. Publishable with
techniques applied beyond initial objectives and
inappropriate or inconsistent manner). largely inconclusive or unfinished. evidence of being applied in a practical parameters and parameters and typical errors, which consistent tested and validated in a practical
practical work). further work.
practical context. errors that are expected. are addressed. context. Publishable as-is.

All objectives fully met to a very All objectives fully met to a high
Attainment of objectives / There is no evidence that any objectives are Very limited outcomes with minimal Limited outcomes but evidence of some A reasonable amount of project The majority of expected All objectives fully met to the highest standard
good standard, publishable with standard and extent/quality of outcomes
value of work (10%) completed. evidence of effort in the project effort. work completed. work completed satisfactorily.
work. are publishable with some work.
and extent/quality of outcomes are publishable.

Detailed, thorough and imaginative analysis with

Some correct explanation and discussion Sound analysis and discussion, consistent through the thesis, showing excellent
Ability to explain and discuss
Critical skills

Fails completely to explain or discuss Unclear, confusing, or incorrect Appropriate routine analysis and discussion of results, both own and those insightful discussion (appreciation of
of results which may be flawed or understanding of the influence of different factors/parameters on own and prior
obtained from the literature.
results (10%) results, or their lack. explanation and discussion of results.
incomplete. work. May be publishable with further work.
limitations/errors/ or conflicting requirements).
Publishable as-is.

The conclusions section consists of a

Coherent and effective summary; coherent summary and individual The conclusions section consists of a coherent
Ability to critically reflect on The conclusions sections gives a partial The conclusions section consists of a good summary and an individual
Reflection on own work is effective reflection on own work. Reflections summary and individual reflection on own work.
The conclusions, if they exist, bear little explicit connection to own work; Failure to critically and evidences awareness of wider consider the work of others, clearly Reflections consider the work of others, clearly
own results/work and draw analyse own results.
summary of presented work. Reflection reflection on own work is presented, which evidences specific learnings
context and clearly articulated positioning the Project within the field. positioning the Project within the field.
on own work is factual. in the Project journey, as well as its results.
conclusions (10%) learning in the process of Shortcomings of the work are Shortcomings of the work are acknowledged.
completing the Project. acknowledged. Publishable with further Publishable as-is.

Presentation of the Project Structure well suited to material. Well-balanced

sections, appropriate use of Appendices,
writing skills (10%)

Thesis as a technical document: Structure correct containing all sections, appropriate use of Appendices, consistent consistent sub-heading depth. Figures and tables
Technical report

Title; Abstract; Contents; Document of appropriate length and reasonable sequence of sections. sub-heading depth. Figures and tables cross-referenced in text. Contents page, cross-referenced in text. Contents page,
Introduction; Logically sequenced Fails completely to meet the standards Attempts to conform to expected structural constraints, but some crucial elements are Largely correct use of page, section, figure and table numbering and bibliography, list of figures etc. Appropriate page, section, sub-section, figure, table bibliography, list of figures etc. Appropriate
body of text; Conclusions; described in the category. absent or seriously flawed. captions. Mostly consistent use of fonts for body text and headings, page and equation numbering, headings and captions. Consistent and appropriate page, section, sub-section, figure, table and
layout is appropriate with balanced sections. typography, equations, pagination and layout. Clear and appropriate styles. equation numbering, headings and captions.
References; Appendices; Page/ Publishable with further editing. Consistent and appropriate typography, equations,
Section/Figure Numbering & pagination and layout. Clear and appropriate
Captions. (5%) styles. Publishable as-is.

Clarity of Communication: Text written clearly in student's own Complex ideas are mostly logically
Complex ideas are logically developed and
language and illustrations; grammar, words using an appropriate style; developed and clearly explained and
Text written clearly in student's own words, but not in an appropriate clearly explained and illustrated. Clear, concise
Fails completely to meet the standards Ideas difficult to follow with little or no use of illustration; Figures are of poor quality; ideas easy to follow and organised. illustrated. Clear, concise and correct
spelling, clear & succinct described in the category. Spelling and grammar contain large number of mistakes.
style; ideas easy to follow and organised. Limited use of illustration.
Appropriate use of illustration. use of language. Sensible choice of
and correct use of language. Sensible choice of
Mostly correct grammar and use of language. plots/tables/figures to clearly present results and
communication of complex ideas, use Largely correct grammar and use of plots/tables/figures to clearly present
key information.
of good quality figures. (5%) language. results and key information.

Student was prepared for the interview, explaining the main undertakings
Interview performance: Interview fails to explain the essence of the work undertaken, was poorly prepared (slides Student prepared excellent slides that clearly outline the essence of the work. All questions answered correctly, and with flair and mastery
Student failed to arrange or attend the of the work using slides or clear communication. Overall, questions
Summary presentation, responses to interview.
unclear or absent) and questions sparsely handled. Log Book incomplete, missing, or
handled competently, Log book evidences regular effort and diligent
(Exceptional). Log book evidences regular, diligent, effort with sufficient detail for others to recapitulate or base future work on the current
disorganised. effort with minimal difficulty.
questioning, Log Book records (20%) accountability.

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