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612572004 Monophystism - Wikipedia | WoréDisk Monophysitism - Monophysitism (/2"nofisar tizern/ or /me'nofiss txzar/) or Menephysism (/sn2'nofizizar/) Isa Christological term derived from 1Hév0¢ monos, "alone, solitary") and pdots physis, a word that has many meanings but in this context means "a doctrine that in the person of the incarnated Word (thats in jesus Christ) there was only one nature—the divine” 2) ".ttis defined as Part ofa series on Christology Christ (Messiah) ‘Sonof God: God the Son Kyrios Logos: Incarnation Pre-existence of Christ Person of Christ Hypostatic union Love of Christ Imitation of Christ Knowledge of Christ Intercession of Christ Perfection of Chris Threefold office Lutheran Christology Background ‘The First Council af Nicaea (325) declared that Christ was divine (hormocusios, consulbstanta, of one being or essence, with the Father) and human (was incarnate and became man), Inthe fifth century a heated controversy arose between the sees and theological schools of Antioch and Alexandria about how divinity and humanity existed in Christ! the former stressing the humanity, the latter the divinity of Christ. Cyril of Alexandria succeeded in having Nestorius, a prominent exponent of the Antiochian school, condemned at the Counc cof Ephesus in 431, and insisted on the formula “ene physis ofthe incarnate Word, claiming that any formula that spoke of two physeis represented Nestorianism, Some taught that in Christ the human nature was completely absorbed by the divine, leaving onlya divine nature. In 451, the Counci of Chalcedan, on the basis of Pons Leo the Great's 449 declaration, defined thatin Christ there were two natures united in one person‘) Those who insisted on the "one physis' formula were referred to as Monophysites, while those who accepted the Chalcedonian "wo natures’ definition were called Dvophysites, aterm applied also to followers of Nestorianism, Groups called Monophysite The forms of Monophysism were numerous, and included the following: Acephali were Monophysites who in 482 broke away from Peter Ill of Alexandria who made an agreement with cacius of Constantinoole, sanctioned by Emperor Zeno with his Henotikan edict that condemned both Nestorius and Eutyches, as the Council of Chalcedon had done, but ignored that council's decree on the two natures of Christ, They saw this as a betrayal ofS, Cyrils use of "Mia Physis' and refused to be subject to the Chaleedonian Patriarch of Alexandria, preferring to be instead ecclesiastically "without a head” (the meaning of acephai) 5) hips Mwordelsk comiwikiMonophystes! 15 612572004 Monophystism - Wikipedia | WoréDisk Agnoetae, Themistians or Agnosticists, founded by Themistius Calonymus around 534, held that the nature of Jesus Christ, though divine, was lke other men's in ll respects, including limited knowledge. (2) They must be distinguished from a fourth-century group called by the same name, who denied that God knew the past and the future, 2) Aphthartodocetae, Phantasiasts or, after their leader julian of Halicarnassus, Julianists believed "that the body of Christ, from the very moment of his conception, was incorruptible, immortal and impassible, as it was after the resurrection, and held that the suffering. and death onthe cross was a miracle contrary tothe normal coneitions of Chris's humanity"! Emperor Justinian | wished to have this teaching adopted as orthodox, but died before he could puthis plans into effec Apollinarians or Apollinarists, named after Apollinars of Lodicea (who died in 390) proposed that Jesus had a normal human body but had a divine mind instead of a regular human soul, This teaching was condemned by the Eirst Council of Constantinople (381) and died out within a few decades." Cyril of Alexandria declared it a mad proposal.("2) Docetists, not all of whom were Monophysites, held that Jesus had no human nature: his humanity was only a phantasm, which, united with the impassible, immaterial divine nature, could not realy suffer and die.(!31*4) Eutychians taught that Jesus had only one nature, a union of the divine and human that is not an even compound, since what is divine is infinitely larger than what is human: the humanity is absorbed by and transmuted into the divinity, as a drop of honey, mixing with the water of the sea, vanishes, The body of Christ, thus transmuted, is not consubstantial homoousios with humankind: {8 in contrast to Severians, who are called verbal Monophysites, Eutychianists are called real or ontological Monophysites,'12!*SI5) and their teaching, hhas been called (220 "an extreme form of the Monophysite heresy that emphasizes the exclusive prevalence of the divinity in Christ.) Miaphysites are often labelled monophysites, a label that they ceject, basing their theology on the forrnula of Cyril of Alexandria that spoke of mia(one) physis,not of a mane lone) physis\2) and they distance themselves from and denounce the Eutychian interpretation of monophysitism 22 Miaphysitism isthe official doctrine of the Oriental Orthodox Churches,(23| who hold that the one hypostasis of Christ fully divine and fully human,2 so that Christ became a real and perfect Man in body, mind, and soul without ever ceasing to be God,(2) Severians accepted the reality of Christ's human nature to the extent of insisting that his body was capable of corruption, but argued hat, since a single person has a single nature and Christ was one person, not two, he had only a single nature. Agreeing in substance, ‘though net in words, with the Definition of Chalcedon, Severians are known also as verbal Menophysites.(2128) “Tritheists a group of sixth-century Monophysites said to have been founded by a Monophysite named john Ascunages(2U of Antioch Their principal writer was jann Philoporus, who taught thatthe commen nature of Father, Son and Holy Spict isan abstraction oftheir isin nevidua natures, 2122) Verbal Monophysitism Concerning verbal declarations of monophysitism, juste L. Gonzalez stated, "in order not to give an erroneous idea of the theology of the so-called monophysite churches, that have subsisted until the twentieth century, one should point out that all the extreme sects of ‘monophysism disappeared within a brief span, and that the Christology of the present so-called monophysite churches is closer to a verol than toa real monophysism. 22) Political situation of Monophysitism after Chalcedon Under Emperor Basiliscus, who ousted Emperor Zeno in 475, "the Monophysites reached the pinnacle of their power". In his Encyelon, which he issued in the same year, he revoked the Council of Chalcedon and recognized the Second Council of Ephesus of 449 except for its approval of Eutyches, whom Basiliscus condemned. He required his edict to be signed by each bishop. Among the signatures he hips sMwordelisk comiwikiMonophystes! 25 612572004 Monophystism - Wikipedia | WoréDisk obtained were those of three of the four Eastern Patriarchs, but the Patriarch and the populace of the capital protested so resolutely that In 476, seeing that his overthrow was imminent, he issued his Ant/-Encyclion revoking his former edict. In the same year, Zeno returned victoriously 222) Events had made it clear that there was a split between the population, staunchly Chalcedonian in sympathies, of Constantinople and the Balkans and the largely anti-Chalcedonian population of Egypt and Syria. In an attempt to reconcile both sides, Zeno, with the support of Acacius of Constantinople and Peter Il of Alexandr tried to enforce the compromise Henoticon (Formula of Union) decree of 482, which condemned Eutyches but ignored Chalcedon. Schisms followed on both sides. Rome excommunicated Acacius (leading to the 35-year Acacian schism), while in Egypt the Acephall broke away from Peter Il, The Acacian schism continued under Zeno's successor, the Monophysite Anastasius | Dicorus and ended only with the accession of the Chalcedonian justin lin 518,222) Justin 1was succeeded by the Chalcedonian Justinian | (527-565), whose wife, however, the Empress Theodora, protected and assisted the Monophysites.25] Ghassanid patronage of the Monophysite Syrian Church during this time, under ghylarch Al-Harith ibn jabalah, was crucial for its survival and revival, and even its spread."22 Justinian | was followed by justin il, who, after being, perhaps because of Theodora's influence, a Monophysite, converted to the Chalcedonian faith before obtaining the imperial throne. Some time later, he adopted a policy of persecuting the Monophysites.22 From Justinian | on, no emperor was a declared Monophysite, although they continued their efforts to find compromise formulas such as monoenergism and monotheltism. References © Liddell & Scott Orlando ©. Espin; James B. Nickolof (2007), An Jatroducrony Dictionary’ of Theology and Religious Studies, Liturgical Press. p. 902, ISN 978.0. 146.5856-7, Ted Campbell (1 January 1996). Christian Convessions: Historical intraduction, Westminster John Knox Press. p. 43 SEIN 978-0.664.755500 Christopher Kleinhenz (2 August 2004). Madioval aly An Encyclopedia, Routledge. p. 762. ISBN 278.1.125-24880.4 * John aseah Aecket,“Acephal” in Catholic Engwcopedia(New York “187) Frank Leslie Cross; Elizabeth A. Livingstone (eds. (2005). The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, Oxford University Press. p. 29, ‘SBN 978- 1019.280290-3,C51 maint: extra text: authors list ns) ‘+ Justa L. Gonzalez (1 September 2010). 4 History of Christian Though Volume i: From Augustine to the Eve of the Reformation. Abingdon Press. 81, [SBN 978-1.4267.2101.5, + J.€. Cooper (23 October 2013), Dictionary of Christianiy, Routledge. p, 119, SBN 978-1-134-76S46-5, ‘+ Mary Clayton (1998), The Apocryphal Gospels of Mary in Anglo-Saxon England, Cambridge University Press. p. 43. ISBN 978-0-521.58165-4, Wiliam Holmes (12 December 2017). The Age of ustiian Jovian Press. p. 280. [SBN 978-1-S378-1078.2. *+ Soller Joseph, “Anolinarlanism "The Catholic Encyclopedia Vo. 1. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1907. 8 February 2019 McGuckin (1 July 1994) St. Cyril of Alevandhia: The Christologcal Controversy Its History, Theology. and Texts. BRILL. p. 109, ISBN 978-00.04- 2200-6 Daniel & Steet (27 January 2011). They Went Out from Us: The identity of the Opponents in ist john, Walker de Gruyter. pp. 3-38. SEN 978-3. *+ JR. Coustand (16 November 2017), Holy Terror: fesus in the Infancy Gorge! of Thomas. Bloomsbury Publishing. p. 99. ISBN 978-0-567-66817-2 + EA Livingstone: M, W. D. Sparks; RW. Peacocke (12 Septernber 2013). "Menophystism’, The Concise Oxford Dictionary ofthe Christian Church, ‘OUP oxford, (Sa 978.0.19.965962-3. «+ Fred Sanders; Klaus Isler (2007), Jesus in Tnntarlan Perspective: An introductory Christology, B&H Publishing Group. p. 22, SBN 978.0.8054. 402, ‘John D, Hannah (26 March 2019), invitation to Church Mistry: World: The Stony of Christianity. Kregel Academic. p, 153, [SN 978-0.8254.2775-6, Hans van Loon (7 April 2009), Ihe Dyoohysite Christology of Gril ot Alexandria BRILL. p. 33. SBN 978-90-474. 2665.1 Bernhard Bischof; Michael Lapidge (1994), Biblical Commentaries trom the Canterbury Schoo! of Theodore and Hadrian. Cambridge University Press. p. 11, SBN 978-0:571-33080 + sEuryehes | Orthodox abbot! Ken Parry (10 May 2010). The Blackwell Companion to Eastern Christianity john Wiley & Sons. pp. 104, 125. SBN 978.1-4443.3361.9, + John Anthony McGuckin 15 December 2010). Zhe Encuciopedla of Eastern Orthodox Christianity john Wiley & Sons. p. 785. SBN 878.1-4843- 2548, + Oliver Nicholson (19 April 2018). The Oxtord Dictionary of Late Antiquity OUP Oxford, p. 1076, [SBN 978-0-19-956244 * Wiisionary + Tan Nevsoyan.“the Armenian Church A Brief History hips sMwordelisk comiwikiMonophystes! 35 612572004 Monophysiism - Wikipedia | WordDisk *+ Justa L. Gonzalez (1 September 2010). A History of Christian Thought Volume I: From Aurustine to the Eve ofthe Reformation Abingdon Press. pp. 77-78, 81. ISBN 978-1.4267.21915, + Simplicius (22 April 2014). On Avistate On the Heavens 1.2.3. ABC Black. p. 9, ISBN 978-1-8725.0166.0 + E-A Livingstone; M. WO. Sparks; RW. Peacocke (12 September 2013), Ibe Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, OUP Oxford. 573, 1SBN 978.0-19.965967-3 ‘+ John Chapman, "Theiss" in Catholic Encyclopedia (New York 1912 ‘Justo L. Gonzalez (1987), A History of Christign Thought Volume 2: From Aygustine to the Eve ofthe Reformation, Abingdon Press, p. 82. SEN 978 .687.1718355. ‘Glenn Hinson (1996), Zhe Early Church: Origins tothe Dawn of the Mideile Ages. Abingdon Press p. 298, ISBN 9178-0-687-00603-8, + Philip Hughes (1 January 1948), History ofthe Church: Vlume 1: The World in Which The Church Was Founded. ARC Black. p, 265, ISBN 978-0. 20.1981:2. * Bryan Ward-Perkins: Michael Whitby (2000). Zhe Cambaidge ancient history 14, late antiquity emoire and successors. AD. 425.600. Cambridge University Press, pp, $152. ISBN 978.0.571.32591.2, ‘+ Justo L, Gonzalez (1 September 2010). A Mistory of Christian Thought Volume i: From Augustine tothe Eve of the Reformation. Abingdon Press. pp. 79-82. \SEN 978-1.2267-21915, *+ John Wesley Barker (1966), ustnian and the Later Soman Empie, UnWv of Wisconsin Press. pp. 212-213, SEIN 978.0.299.0394.8, ‘+ Rome in the East, Warwick Ball, Routledge, 2000, 9.105 Christian theology, wie Inspiration - Preservation - Canonics- Biblical studies - Exegesis pal sles Attributes Paterology-Chrstology- Pasumatology- Theocentrciam - Theology proper - Immutabilty -Impsssibil Betichoresis Social trnitarianiern Father - Son (ypostatic union + ric Inarnation + Resu Ascension) Holy Spi Cosmology, Creation Angels Angelic hierarchy Humanity ls -Satan Theodiey Absolution - Adaotion- Assurance - Atonement - pte - Calling» Conditional Security+ Conversion «Divination « » lection Eterna life os faith -Eorelveness« Gloifcation ible» reveniend + yamatie screclogy imputation ustifeation Means of grace Monerssm - Mortification - Ordo sais - Perseverance Predestnation- ecaptulation - Reconciliation - Redemotion - Regeneration - Repentance - Resurrection» Salvation - Sanctification + ‘Synergism «Theosis- Union with Christ Hamartiology Adam - Anthropology The Fll- Incurvatus in se Orginalsin Sin -Theodiey Total deoravity Ecclesilogy, 3 Cucharst) - Missology Polly (Congregational Eoisconal Preshysesian) «Synod « Conc ‘Mstoncism Idealism -Dispensational'sm -Eutuism -Preterisn Milenavianiin (Pre/Post: Asmllennialsi) Eschatology Adventiem - Antichrist - Apocslypse - Apocalyptciem - Covenant / New Covenant theology - End mes - Heaven -Hell~ |Last Judgment Millennials - New Jerusalem - Rapture» Second Coming - Soulsleep Tribulation - War in Heaven, History of Chistian theology - Calvin'st-trminian debate - Apostolic Age - Canon Patristis - C2esaropapism. 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Theologicl- Theology ofthe Crass + Confessional Lutheranism + Haugean + Autheran eran orthodony- Lutheran scholasticism - Neo-Lutheranism (Christian eacanstructionizm» Covenant tneolony Free Grace Monergiem - Predestination Total depravity TULIP Pentecostalist Baptism withthe Holy Soir itn healing - Glossolalia Adventiem - Anabaptism -Dispensationalm - Evangelicalism (Evangelical theology) Fundamentalism + Orher essaniludtsm Pits Prosperity theology Restorations ‘Qutline of Christian theology fh Christianity por Beliefs condemned as heretical by the Catholic Church wie Adoptions - Apolinarism «Ariane (Anomosanism - Semi Arianirn)-Antidicormaranices - Aucanism« Docetem wisn lions) « Duals» Eblonkes » Euchites« (Manichawism + Pauliiansm Prise laassenes - Ophites »Sethianism - Valentinianism) |canoclasm Lucifrianism + Macedanlanism - Marconism + ratiguity Ophites 5 al Iconaclasm + Luc Maced M: Melchisedechiane- odalism - Monarenianism (Athingano) Monophysiem - Moncthelim - Montanism ‘Nestorianism « Novatianism Patepassianism-Pelagianism (Semipelaganisi)- Peymatomachians Pslanthrapism - Sabelianism - Subordinationism -Valentinianism Widte ages 28D: Bosnian Church -Catharsm *onclarin-ratcell Fe Sot Menricans Huse -Mnpanaton Middle AWS | tardy. 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