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JoyStick Controlled Relay Board Updated Jul 2.2021 Joystick with Arduino simply by controling four Channel relay Board as per the movement ef the Joystick We have placed 4relays in the such away that repre the drection of thejoyetick shart movernent, This joystick algo ha push button which canbe leftidie ed for various other purposes or can be The fist thing that comes ‘the game controler Yes, ts exactly the same and can be used for in eur mind istening to the word Joysticks gaming purpose. Apart From gaming. ithas many other applications ioe, The ovetiekis nothing but @ combination oF Wo Potentiometers forXand ¥ plane respectively Itveade the voltage. ‘through the potentiometer and gives analog value tothe Arduino, and the analog value changes as we move the joystick shaft (which = DIY eteowo simply the potentiometer pointer) Circuit Diagram + Arduino UNO + PS2.Jaystick Module Breakout Senzor + AGhannalReley Boare soystick onsiog oysticks on PS2 PlayStation 2) contrallere Directional OVERVIEW + Dimensions: 4027.15 (LAW) mm, Weight: 10gm (without Hat) + 254mm pininterfoce leads Operating Voltage: Sv + Long service fe and stable performance + Stondardinterface and ele tenc bulding biocks + Widelyuse in Avduine OY proects Appeations “LAs square wave signal generator which generates 9 square wave signal 2.To provide a signal tothe stepping motor ever 3. Adustable pulse generation for chip use 4 Produce variable pulse signa, the contro related cicur (PWM slimming. speed) ‘Subscibe and Download code Installing the Arduino Library No specialLibrary require for this project Testing of Joystick Arduno code intxPin 7 intyPin o Inthuttonbin=2 Intx@esiton =O intyPesition =0 Intbuttonstate= 0, void setup ‘niaize seal communieations 21 9600 ps ‘Sriabegin(9600), pinMode(ePi INPUT) pinMode(yPin INPUT): ‘Hectivate pul up resitor onthe push-button pin pinMode(buttenPin, INPUT _PULLUP): pnMade(button, NPUT_PULLUP) {For versions prt to raano 101 1 pinModefoutionPNPUT) 1 dahotvteuttonPin GH) ) veonp0 ( sPositon = nalagRead(iPa) Positon = nalagResd(yPn) buttonState=agtaReadouttorPi Seta print(X) SenalprntiaPesition: Seviatprintt1¥ SeriatprintyPosition). Seriatprint¢ | Button 7 Seriatprintnguttonstate) delay(100): add some delaybe ween reads ) Result in serial aniter es ee a Main arduino code 2etine vk Ad

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