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Aproximación al texto

1. Lee el texto en su totalidad

2. Presta atención a la diagramación del texto(elementos paratextuales: títuto,
subtítulo, párrafos, etc)
3. Responde las siguientes preguntas

 A- ¿Qué fue dicho?

 B- ¿Cómo fue dicho?

 C- ¿Quién lo dijo? (autor y/o fuente del texto)

 D- ¿Para qué lo dijo? (propósito del texto)

 E- ¿A quién se lo dijo? (tipo de lector)

    4.Identifica palabras transparentes (palabras parecidas en ambos idiomas)

    5.Busca en el diccionario los significados de las palabras subrayadas

 History of Accounting

 The history of accounting has been around almost as long as money itself. Accounting
history dates back to ancient civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt and Babylon. For
example, during the Roman Empire the government had detailed records of their finances.

However, modern accounting as a profession has only been around since the early 19th
century.Luca Pacioli is considered "The Father of Accounting and Bookkeeping" due to his
contributions to the development of accounting as a profession. An Italian mathematician
and friend of Leonardo da Vinci, Pacioli published a book on the double-entry system of
bookkeeping in 1494.

By 1880, the modern profession of accounting was fully formed and recognized by the

Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. This institute created many of
the systems by which accountants practice today. The formation of the institute occurred
in large part due to the Industrial Revolution. Merchants not only needed to track their
records but sought to avoid bankruptcy as well
A- What was said: The previous text talks about the history of accounting, from ancient
civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Babylon, through the Roman Empire, and up
to the modern profession of accounting that was consolidated in the 19th century thanks
to the contributions of Luca Pacioli and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in
England and Wales.
B- How it was said: The text presents the information clearly and precisely, explaining the
historical evolution of accounting and highlighting the most important milestones in its
development as a profession. Additionally, it uses simple and easy-to-understand
language for the reader.
C- From Investopedia
D- The purpose of the text is to provide information about the history of accounting, from
its origins in ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Babylon to the
consolidation of the profession in the 19th century thanks to the contributions of Luca
Pacioli and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. The text also
highlights the importance of accounting in tracking and managing finances, as well as
its role in preventing bankruptcy in the context of the Industrial Revolution.

RESPUESTAS 4 Y 5: Palabras transparentes y su significado (EN INGLÉS)

Historia History The concept of history refers to the study of past events,
particularly human affairs, through the analysis of sources and
evidence. It involves the interpretation of historical records and
the investigation of the social, political, cultural, and economic
contexts of different time periods. The purpose of studying
history is to gain a deeper understanding of the past, and to use
that understanding to inform present and future decisions.
Civilizaciones Civilizations Refers to complex societies that have developed advanced
systems of government, culture, education, religion, and
technology. They are characterized by a high degree of social
organization and specialization of labor, as well as significant
achievements in the arts, sciences, and architecture.
Imperio Empire Refers to a large and powerful political entity that exercises
control over multiple territories or nations through military
force, political influence, or economic dominance. Empires
often arise through conquest or colonization and are
characterized by centralized authority, hierarchical governance,
and the imposition of the ruling culture or language on
subordinate regions or peoples.
Finanzas Finances Refers to the management of money and investments by
individuals, organizations, and governments. It involves the
study and application of various financial principles, such as
financial planning, risk management, asset allocation, and
valuation, with the goal of maximizing financial returns and
minimizing financial risks.
Profesión Profession The concept of profession refers to a type of occupation that
requires specialized education, training, and expertise in a
particular field, and is typically regulated by a professional body
or association. Professions often have high ethical standards,
codes of conduct, and a commitment to serving the public good.
Considerado Considered Refers to something that is carefully thought about or taken into
account. It implies a deliberate process of evaluation or
analysis, often involving a range of factors or perspectives
Contribucione Contributions The concept of contributions refers to the act of giving or
s providing something, such as money, resources, ideas, or labor,
to a group or organization.
Matemático Mathematician Refers to a person who specializes in the study of mathematics,
which is a branch of science that deals with the properties and
relationships of numbers, quantities, shapes, and patterns.
Publicó Published The concept of "published" refers to the act of making
something available to the public, typically in written or
electronic form. This can include books, articles, research
papers, reports, and other types of written materials.
"Published" implies that the material has been formally
reviewed, edited, and approved for dissemination by a
recognized authority, such as a publisher, academic journal, or
government agency.
Sistema System Refers to a set of interconnected or interdependent components
or parts that work together to achieve a specific function or
purpose. A system can range in complexity from simple
machines, such as a lever or pulley, to complex systems, such as
a computer operating system or an ecosystem.
Moderna Modern The concept of "modern" refers to something that is of the
present time, as opposed to something from the past or outdated.
The term "modern" can be used to describe a wide range of
objects, ideas, or styles, including architecture, art, technology,
fashion, and culture.
Instituto Institute Refers to an organization or institution that is dedicated to a
particular field of study, research, or training. Institutes can be
found in a wide range of fields, including education, science,
technology, medicine, and the arts.
Practican Practice Refers to the act of repeatedly performing a particular activity
or skill in order to improve proficiency or achieve a desired
outcome. Practice can involve physical or mental activities,
such as practicing a musical instrument, rehearsing a dance
routine, or honing a particular technique in a sport or other
Formación Formation Refers to the process of development, organization, or creation
of something. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as the
formation of a new organization, the formation of a new idea or
concept, or the formation of a particular shape or structure.
Parte Part Refers to a component or piece of a larger whole or entity. Parts
can be physical objects, such as parts of a machine, a car, or a
computer, or they can be abstract concepts, such as parts of a
theory, a plan, or a process.
Revolución Industrial The "Industrial Revolution" refers to a period of significant
Industrial Revolution social and economic change that occurred in the late 18th and
early 19th centuries in Europe and North America. The
Industrial Revolution was characterized by the transition from
traditional, agrarian economies to industrialized, urban
economies based on mass production, mechanization, and
factory systems.

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