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4) Discuss the concept of community-based Disaster

Management and highlight its principles and

challenges.(250 words)

InsightsIAS July 25, 2019

Topic:Disaster and disaster management.

4) Discuss the concept of community-based Disaster Management and highlight its

principles and challenges.(250 words)

National policy on disaster management. IGNOU Notes on Disaster Management.

Why this question:

The question is directed to evaluate the significance of community-based Disaster


Key demand of the question:

The answer must discuss in detail the community-based Disaster Management- its
features, importance and challenges.


Discuss – This is an all-encompassing directive – you have to debate on paper by

going through the details of the issues concerned by examining each one of them.
You have to give reasons for both for and against arguments.

Structure of the answer:


Begin with brief on what you understand by community-based Disaster



Discussion should include the following: 

Community-based disaster management (CBDM) is an approach to building the

capacity of communities to assess their vulnerability to both human induced and
natural hazards and develop strategies and resources necessary to prevent and/or
mitigate the impact of identified hazards as well as respond, rehabilitate, and
reconstruct following its onset.

Explain the principles of CBDM.

CBDM empowers communities to be pro-active in disaster management and

creates a space for them to develop strategies on their own terms rather than
waiting for already overstretched governments and NGO’s.

Bring out associated challenges if any.


Conclude with way forward.


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