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(Performance Task in ORAL.COM)
Marjielyn Mae T. Cariaga Date: 01/23/23

Proper communication will always be a main ingredient for building family solidarity and
permanence.”-Marvin J. Ashton. A strong family relationship and structure must be established
and maintained, which requires effective communication. Every family member needs to be
willing to listen, comprehend, and express themselves respectfully for the family to succeed and
thrive. As a result, there will be more peace and stability within the family and all family
members will be able to relate to one another in a healthy and good way. When one of the family
members does not feel respected or heard by the others, he or she may become frustrated and
angry which will eventually affect how they communicate with others.

Arguments and miscommunication among family members are just a few issues that can
arise in families as a result of poor communication. Families that communicate well with one
another are better equipped to work through issues as a unit rather than fighting. In addition to
fostering respect and trust among family members, effective communication also strengthens
those relationships. Understanding one another and solving problems requires effective
communication. The development of a child depends on the family's capacity for effective

School success is aided by family members' effective communication. Everyone can

benefit from working together to properly communicate and can help each other with their
challenges and aspirations. However, if you want your argument or disagreement to be settled
quickly, you should try using some successful conflict resolution techniques on your family
members so that they will pay attention to what you are saying and not just ignore it or leave the
room when things get heated between the two of you.

A family where communication is encouraged develops an atmosphere where people may

express themselves fully. Because they are uncomfortable meeting new people, shy kids
frequently avoid trying new things and engaging in new activities. Teenagers who are shy may
show common symptoms such as feeling uneasy around others, avoiding social events and
gatherings, struggling with poor self-esteem, and having trouble communicating.

In order to receive help for their children as quickly as possible, parents and other adults
who are responsible for them must be able to identify the symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Family members should communicate effectively with one another so that they may solve
difficulties and prevent confrontations. Listening is the first stage in effective communication.

In conclusion, there are many effective ways of communicating with family members
because it helps us in expressing our feelings and emotions as well as sharing important
information regarding the things that have happened to us or our family members. Family
communication helps to better understand each family member and offers suitable resolutions to
any issues. Honesty and open communication help build trust among family members, which
fosters a climate where people can express their opinions without fear of retaliation or being
contradicted. However, they won't feel as though they have the support they need to succeed if
members aren't honest with one another or don't communicate openly with one another.
Individuals must practice effective communication with their families in order for their
relationships to be peaceful.

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