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System Analysis and Design (SE320)

Project Description
 Group Construction:
 The first step of any project is building a group, students will work in groups of (3-4)
 For every project, members must assign a project manager.
 Project manager will divide the tasks between the members based on their skills and
 Any group must provide a report about each member activity in the project (such as,
meeting minuets, the main roles for every member).
 It is not necessary that all members got the same mark, the mark will be assigned
based on the work for every member and the overall knowledge of the

 Project Title:
 The second step is choosing the software Project. Your project will provide a full
documentation for the project you choose. The best project is an application you
know about OR you know somebody who knows about it.

Phase One:

 Planning phase:
 You must provide the following:
1. Scope of you project, the boundaries in other words what is the project
going to accomplish. (Context Diagram)
2. Risks you may face while you are doing the project.
3. Feasibility study, is this project achievable (doable) financially,
4. Schedule (timetable) of starting and finishing all activities of your project.
(You must present this in a GANTT chart, download any application from
the net and construct the chart using the application)

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