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Ought-to-L2 self

the attributes that one believes one ought to possess to meet expectations and to
avoid possible negative outcomes.
The Ought-to-L2 Self is a product of the individual's perceived obligations and
responsibilities as a language learner.

An example of ought to l2 self are positive role model people that you look up
tosuch as public figures and friends that are successful language learners


 Forming causal attributions 

 Elaborating standards and strategies 
 Dismissing the intention and further planning 
 Attributional factors 
 Self-concept beliefs (self confidence and self-worth) 
 Received feedback, praise, grades

Postactional Stage or MOTIVATIONAL RETROSPECTION is the third stage, this stage

focuses on learners’ retrospective evaluation of how things went. The way students
process their past experiences in this retrospective phase will determine the kind of
activities they will be motivated to pursue in the future socio-economic factors

Socioeconomic Factors: On a theoretical level, socioeconomic status has an important

influence on the kinds of goals and consequently, on the effort students invest in foreign
language learning.

A study made by Gardner reveals that social class has effect on two important language
learning goals: international posture (psychological stance that foreign language learners
take regarding the cultures associated with the language being learned) and instrumental
motivation. (practical or pragmatical reason, like a monetary rewards or better chances to
get into an university)

In the investigated Chilean context, only students upper-middle and high social classes
were confident about the success of their language learning, and the students from lower
social classes were not optimistic at all about their future language competence.

Instruments: there was also a questionnaire designed by Kormos and Kiddle to

understand various aspects of language learning motivation. It consisted of 64 questions
where participants could choose their responses on a five-point scale.

The questionnaire focused on important factors that influence motivation to learn a second
language, based on previous research. We also included scales to measure self-
regulatory strategies and specific aspects of independent learning behavior.

These types of questionnaires aim to determine the conditions that could affect your
The Neurobiology of Motivation

By using advanced techniques to scan and image the brain, scientists can now directly
study and understand mental processes related to motivation that were not observable
before .Schumann's theory (Acculturation Model)

there’s 2 types of acculturation:

1. Learners are socially integrated with the TL (Target Language) group and develop
enough contacts with TL speakers to enable them to acquire the TL
2. Learners Consciously or unconsciously desire to adopt the life style and values of
the TL group
 Both Types of acculturation are important to provoke acquisition of the TL

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