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Olympiad, the four year period

excerpt from wikipedia

An olympiad (Greek: Ὀλυμπιάς, Olympiás) is a period of four years, particularly those associated with
the ancient and modern Olympic Games.

Although the ancient Olympics were established during Greece's Archaic Era, it was not until Hippias
that a consistent list was established and not until Ephorus in the Hellenistic period that the first
recorded Olympic contest was used as a calendar epoch. Ancient authors agreed that other Olympics
had been held before the race won by Coroebus but disagreed on how many; the convention was
established to place Coroebus's victory at a time equivalent to the summer of 776 BC in the Gregorian
calendar and to treat it as Year 1 of Olympiad 1. Olympiad 2 began with the next games in the summer
of 772 BC.

Thus, for N less than 195, Olympiad N is reckoned as starting in the year 780 − ( 4 × N ) {\displaystyle
780-(4\times N)} BC and ending four years later. For N greater than or equal to 195, Olympiad N
started in AD ( 4 × N ) − 779 {\displaystyle (4\times N)-779} and ended four years later. By
extrapolation, the 3rd year of the 700th Olympiad began roughly around 2 August 2023.

In reference to the modern Olympics, their Olympiads are four year periods beginning on January 1 of
the year of the Summer Games. Thus, the modern Olympiad I began 1 January 1896, Olympiad II
began 1 January 1900, and so on. Olympiad XXXII began 1 January 2020.[1] Because the Julian and
Gregorian calendars go directly from 1 BC to AD 1, the cycle of modern Olympiads is ahead of the
ancient cycle by one year.

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