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Mr. MOURAD BOUMAHADI– English Class – ……………….. High School

I. Classroom Rules
There is only one thing you need to know about this class: as long as you don't do something to
interfere with anyone's learning— meaning you, your classmates, the students in other classrooms,
and I—you're fine.

 Classroom Language: Always SPEAK English in this class to improve your level.
 Homework: ALWAYS do your homework and turn it in on due time.
 RESPECT yourself, me, your classmates, school property, instructions, directions, deadlines etc.
 SILENCE: Pay attention at all times, and never speak to your seat partner unless it is pair work.
 Participation: ALWAYS raise your hand (Silently: NO calling teacher) for permission to answer.
 Textbook, Notebook, and all other school supplies must always be PRESENT and CLEAN.
 Lesson writing: All your lessons must be copied (in case you are absent, copy from classmates).
 Seating Arrangements: You CAN sit WHEREVER you like. Just be the first to be there.
 Punctuality: BE punctual, being late is ABSOLUTELY NOT ACCEPTED.
 Restrooms: do your business during breaks. SPECIAL CASES will be considered
 Electronics: make your mobile phone plane mode once you are in the classroom.
 Bullying is EXTREMLY prohibited and can lead to REPORT & EXPULSION.
 Cheating is definitely not allowed, and you will get A ZERO on your exam if caught.
 Dress code: / dress respectfully.

II. Consequences of breaking the above-mentioned RULES:

 Warning !
 REPORTS sent to the administration.
 Marks will be deducted from your scores (-1, -2, -3 etc.).
 Mobile phones, if seized, will be given to the administration.
 Breaking one of the rules may even prevent the student from attending classes for two weeks.
Above all, I will do whatever it takes to make sure you are learning and that everyone else can learn as
well. Depending on the situation, this could mean a short meeting between just you and I, a phone call
home, Assistant Principal, call up parents/guardians... or anything else that will help get you back on track.

III. What if I do well and respect all classroom rules?

 Praise and encouragement.
 Extra credit (added to the mark of activities).
 Sending Positive remarks to the administration and parents.
 Most importantly: A good and beneficial education to help you become a better person.

Parent's signature: _______________ Student's signature: __________________



Mr. MOURAD BOUMAHADI– English Class – ……………….. High School

IV. Classroom Rules
There is only one thing you need to know about this class: as long as you don't do something to
interfere with anyone's learning— meaning you, your classmates, the students in other classrooms,
and I—you're fine.

 Classroom Language: Always SPEAK English in this class to improve your level.
 Homework: ALWAYS do your homework and turn it in on due time.
 RESPECT yourself, me, your classmates, school property, instructions, directions, deadlines etc.
 SILENCE: Pay attention at all times, and never speak to your seat partner unless it is pair work.
 Participation: ALWAYS raise your hand (Silently: NO calling teacher) for permission to answer.
 Textbook, Notebook, and all other school supplies must always be PRESENT and CLEAN.
 Lesson writing: All your lessons must be copied (in case you are absent, copy from classmates).
 Seating Arrangements: You CAN sit WHEREVER you like. Just be the first to be there.
 Punctuality: BE punctual, being late is ABSOLUTELY NOT ACCEPTED.
 Restrooms: do your business during breaks. SPECIAL CASES will be considered
 Electronics: make your mobile phone plane mode once you are in the classroom.
 Bullying is EXTREMLY prohibited and can lead to REPORT & EXPULSION.
 Cheating is definitely not allowed, and you will get A ZERO on your exam if caught.
 Dress code: / dress respectfully.

V. Consequences of breaking the above-mentioned RULES:

 Warning !
 REPORTS sent to the administration.
 Marks will be deducted from your scores (-1, -2, -3 etc.).
 Mobile phones, if seized, will be given to the administration.
 Breaking one of the rules may even prevent the student from attending classes for two weeks.
Above all, I will do whatever it takes to make sure you are learning and that everyone else can learn as
well. Depending on the situation, this could mean a short meeting between just you and I, a phone call
home, Assistant Principal, call up parents/guardians... or anything else that will help get you back on track.

VI. What if I do well and respect all classroom rules?

 Praise and encouragement.
 Extra credit (added to the mark of activities).
 Sending Positive remarks to the administration and parents.
 Most importantly: A good and beneficial education to help you become a better person.

Parent's signature: _______________ Student's signature: __________________


‫أنا ال أفهم‪ ،‬هل يمكنك تكرار ذلك‪ ،‬من فضلك؟ ‪1. I don't understand, could you repeat that, please ?..................‬‬
‫يمكنك أن تشرح ذلك مرة أخرى‪ ،‬من فضلك؟‪ .‬هل ‪2. Can you explain it once more, please ?............................‬‬
‫كيف يتم نطق هذه الكلمة؟ ‪3. How is this word pronounced ?..................................................................‬‬
‫كيف تتم تهجئة تلك الكلمة؟ ‪4. How do you spell that word ? .................................................................‬‬
‫هل يمكنني الدخول؟ ‪5. Can I come in ? ...............................................................................................‬‬
‫‪6. May I open/ close the window ?........................................................‬‬ ‫هل يمكنني فتح ‪ /‬إغالق النافذة؟‬
‫ماذا علينا أن نفعل اآلن؟ ‪7. What do we have to do now ? .....................................................................‬‬
‫كيف نقول ‪ .......‬باللغة اإلنجليزية ؟ ‪8. How do we say……. in English ? ..................................................‬‬
‫‪...........................................................................‬ما الصفحة التي نحن عليها؟ ?‪9. What page are we on ‬‬
‫أنا مستعد‪ .‬هل لي أن أبدأ؟ ‪10. I am ready. May I start ?.....................................................................................‬‬
‫هل يمكن أن تساعدني من فضلك؟ ‪11. Could you help me please ?.......................................................................‬‬
‫ما هو الواجب المنزلي لهذا اليوم؟ ‪12. What is the homework for today ?............................................................‬‬
‫هل يمكنني االنضمام إلى هذه المجموعة؟ ‪13. May I join this group ?.....................................................................‬‬
‫هل أذهب إلى المرحاض‪ ،‬من فضلك؟ ‪14. May I go to the toilet, please ?.............................................................‬‬
‫ليس لدي ‪ ،......‬يمكنني استعارة ذلك؟ ‪15. I don 't have a ……,can I borrow it ?..................................................‬‬
‫ماذا يعني ‪ .........‬بلغتنا؟ ‪16. What does ………mean in our language ?.........................................................‬‬
‫هل علينا أن نكتب هذا؟ ‪17. Do we have to write this down ?............................................................................‬‬
‫أستاذ‪ ،‬لدي سؤال ‪18. Teacher, I have a question. …………………………………………………………..‬‬
‫ال أستطيع أن أرى السبورة ‪19. I can't see the board. …………………………………………...……..…..…..‬‬
‫ما هو تاريخ االمتحان‪ ،‬من فضلك؟ ‪20. What is the date of the exam, please ?....................................................‬‬

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