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1. Companies with more data may gain a strong advantage but it

won't have any negative influence in the end of the days.
2. Even before AI there was too much investment in cutting labor costs
and wages in the US, so it hasn't changed much.
3. AI might gradually turn humans into worse decision makers and
more depressed creatures.
4. AI would never create a big brother effect unless programmed to.
5. With or without AI, our society has deep problems, so AI can only
potentially exacerbate them instead of causing.
6. Potential negative effects of AI quite difficult to foresee.
7. The future of AI is being decided by many researchers in different
countries instead of a handful of them.
8. When an individual shares her data, she is also providing information
only about herself.
9. Most people become less willing to protect their data when others
are sharing theirs.
10. Consumers have to shield themselves against abusive AI practices.

The potential for AI to predict what a person wants.

The potential for AI to be used in healthcare, including the use of AI
to diagnose and treat patients.
The potential for AI to be used in the military, including the use of AI
to make strategic decisions or operate weapons systems.
The potential for AI to create new tasks for people.
The potential for AI to reduce person's productivity even in the task
they specialize.

The potential for AI to provide people with information /

The potential of AI to support opposition groups in authoritarian

Trade with China was the reason people's wages decreased just
as much as AI development.
AI is already excessive.

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