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Hi Alejandro! So your proposal is about going to Tokyo with students.

What I liked the most

was the place, Tokyo,I really like Tokyo,in my opinion it's a great place to visit but there's not
much fauna and flora to see.It's a tourist city and very visited but it does not comply with the
ideas of the project.(coplay with the aidias)
I didn't understand some things like:How long does the trip take?(You can't go to,see and come to
Tokyo in three hours)✨What do they study or where are the students from? ✨Could you explain a bit
more about the activities you are going to do in Tokyo.✨In my opinion your proposal would be even
better if you help the environment,the local economy or the people there.Maybe you could help the
families who had been affected by the frequent earthquakes.
I think it is an interesting and cultural place,but you need to specify better what you will do.I
like the idea,but the project is not complete.
✨As I say in my project we would live and sleep in cabins above the water. ✨Yeah,it's a fantastic
place,the students would enjoy there lot while lending their help.✨Thanks for your opinion

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