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Tech 7th semester Previous Year Question Paper

Subject : Soft skill

1) (i) In the term of SWOT , give the full form of W and O.

Solution : W - Weakness
O – Oppurtunities
(ii) Identify and list two intrinsic motivators.
Solution : Intrinsic motivators are the internal factors that drive a person to engage in a task
or activity because of the inherent enjoyment, satisfaction, or fulfillment it provides. Two
examples of intrinsic motivators are:

Mastery: The desire to improve one's skills, abilities, and knowledge and to achieve a sense
of competence and excellence in a particular area of interest. The pursuit of mastery can be
intrinsically rewarding and can lead to a sense of personal growth and accomplishment.

Autonomy: The need for individuals to have control over their lives and make decisions that
affect their work and personal lives. When individuals have autonomy, they feel more
motivated, engaged, and committed to their work and are more likely to be innovative and
creative in their approach to problem-solving.
(iii) Give a brief description of the term ‘positive attitude’
Solution : A positive attitude refers to a mental and emotional state of being optimistic,
hopeful, and constructive in one's approach to life and circumstances. It is characterized by a
mindset that focuses on possibilities, solutions, and opportunities rather than problems,
limitations, and obstacles. Individuals with a positive attitude tend to have a sense of
gratitude, resilience, and self-confidence, and they are more likely to approach challenges
with a growth mindset, which allows them to learn and grow from setbacks and failures. A
positive attitude is not the absence of negative emotions or challenges, but rather a
conscious choice to focus on the positive aspects of life and to respond to difficulties with a
constructive and optimistic attitude.
(iv) Name two soft skills.
Solution: Soft skills refer to personal attributes and abilities that enable individuals to
interact effectively with others, communicate well, and work collaboratively towards
common goals. Two examples of soft skills are:

Communication: The ability to express oneself effectively and listen actively to others.
Communication involves not only speaking and writing clearly but also understanding the
perspective of others, asking questions, and adapting one's communication style to different
audiences and situations.

Leadership: The ability to inspire, motivate, and guide others towards a common goal.
Leadership involves not only setting a clear vision and direction but also empowering others,
building trust, and fostering collaboration and creativity within a team. Effective leaders also
demonstrate emotional intelligence, empathy, and a willingness to learn and grow.
(v) List two factors that influence attitudes.
Sol- Attitudes are complex psychological constructs that are shaped by a variety of internal
and external factors. Two examples of factors that can influence attitudes are:

Socialization: Attitudes are often learned and shaped through socialization processes that
occur in the family, peer groups, school, and other cultural institutions. The values, beliefs,
and norms that are transmitted through socialization can influence individuals' attitudes
towards various issues, such as politics, religion, gender roles, and social justice.

Personal experiences: Attitudes can also be shaped by personal experiences and interactions
with the world. Positive or negative experiences can lead individuals to develop positive or
negative attitudes towards specific people, places, objects, or ideas. For example, if an
individual has had positive experiences with animals, they may develop a positive attitude
towards animal welfare and become more supportive of animal rights initiatives.
(vi) In the term of ‘SMART goals’ give the full form of S and R.
Sol-Specific and Relevent
(vii) State one characterstic of good listener.
Sol- One characteristic of a good listener is attentiveness. Good listeners are fully present
and engaged in the conversation, paying close attention to the speaker's words, tone, and
nonverbal cues. They avoid distractions, such as checking their phone or thinking about
something else, and demonstrate a genuine interest in what the speaker is saying. Good
listeners also use verbal and nonverbal cues, such as nodding, making eye contact, and
summarizing the speaker's main points, to show that they are actively listening and
understanding the speaker's perspective.
(viii) Give two example of inherited beliefs.
Sol- Inherited beliefs are attitudes, values, or behaviors that are passed down from one
generation to the next through socialization and cultural transmission. Two examples of
inherited beliefs are:

Religious beliefs: Religious beliefs are often inherited from parents, grandparents, or other
family members who pass on their faith, traditions, and rituals. For example, a child raised in
a Christian household may inherit beliefs in the divinity of Jesus, the importance of prayer,
and the value of attending church.

Cultural traditions: Cultural traditions are another example of inherited beliefs that are
passed down from one generation to the next. For example, a family that values hard work
and perseverance may pass on these beliefs to their children through stories, examples, and
expectations. Cultural beliefs can also include attitudes towards social issues, such as gender
roles, racial stereotypes, and attitudes towards education and success.
(ix) List two characterstics of effective teams.
Sol- Effective teams are characterized by several key attributes that enable them to work
together cohesively and achieve their goals. Two characteristics of effective teams are:

Clear communication: Effective teams communicate clearly and openly with each other,
sharing information, ideas, and feedback in a respectful and constructive manner. They
establish clear communication channels and protocols, such as regular team meetings and
project status updates, to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that any issues or
concerns can be addressed in a timely manner.
Collaborative problem-solving: Effective teams work collaboratively to solve problems and
make decisions. They leverage the diverse skills, knowledge, and perspectives of their
members to generate creative and innovative solutions. They also establish a culture of
trust, respect, and accountability, where members feel comfortable sharing their ideas and
challenging assumptions in a constructive way. Effective teams also take ownership of their
work and are committed to delivering high-quality results.
(x) Name two extrinsic motivators.
Sol- Extrinsic motivators are external factors that drive a person to engage in a task or
activity, often in pursuit of a reward or to avoid a negative consequence. Two examples of
extrinsic motivators are:

Money: The promise of financial reward, such as a salary increase, bonus, or commission,
can be a powerful extrinsic motivator. Money is often used as an incentive to encourage
individuals to work harder, achieve specific goals, or take on additional responsibilities.

Recognition: Recognition, such as awards, certificates, or public praise, can also be a

powerful extrinsic motivator. Being recognized for one's achievements and contributions can
provide a sense of validation, status, and accomplishment. Public recognition can also
motivate individuals to perform better and to strive for excellence.
2.) “ Personal characterstics and traits influence the type of problem solver and decision
maker an individual is. “ Comment on this statement.
Sol- The statement "personal characteristics and traits influence the type of problem solver
and decision maker an individual is" is accurate. Problem-solving and decision-making skills
are influenced by a combination of innate traits and learned behaviors, which are shaped by
an individual's personality, experiences, and environment.

For example, individuals who are naturally analytical, logical, and detail-oriented may be
more effective at solving complex problems that require careful analysis and critical thinking.
Similarly, individuals who are naturally creative, intuitive, and adaptable may be more
effective at solving problems that require outside-the-box thinking and innovation.

Other personal characteristics and traits that can influence problem-solving and decision-
making include emotional intelligence, communication skills, leadership abilities, and
cultural competence. Individuals who are skilled in these areas may be more effective at
working collaboratively with others, communicating effectively, and navigating complex
social dynamics.

It is important to note, however, that personal characteristics and traits are not the only
factors that influence problem-solving and decision-making. Other factors, such as the
nature of the problem, the resources available, and the context in which the problem arises,
also play a role in determining the most effective approach to problem-solving and decision-
3.) List and explain three measures that an organization can implement to create an
environment that enhances creativity.
Sol- Organizations can take several measures to create an environment that enhances
creativity among their employees. Here are three measures that organizations can
Encourage risk-taking: Creativity often involves taking risks and trying new things. To foster
creativity, organizations should encourage their employees to take calculated risks and try
out new ideas, even if they might not always work out. This can involve creating a culture
where failure is not stigmatized, and employees are rewarded for taking creative risks,
regardless of the outcome.

Provide opportunities for collaboration: Collaboration is an important driver of creativity, as

it enables individuals to bounce ideas off each other, share knowledge and expertise, and
generate new insights. Organizations can provide opportunities for collaboration by creating
cross-functional teams, promoting open communication channels, and encouraging
employees to work together on projects and initiatives.

Support ongoing learning and development: Creativity is often sparked by new experiences
and learning opportunities. To foster creativity, organizations should support ongoing
learning and development among their employees. This can involve providing training and
development opportunities, sponsoring conferences and workshops, and encouraging
employees to pursue educational opportunities outside of work.

By implementing these measures, organizations can create an environment that encourages

creativity and innovation among their employees. This can help them to stay ahead of the
competition, develop new products and services, and improve overall performance.
4.) Outline the process of self-analysis through SWOT analysis.
Sol- Self-analysis through SWOT analysis is a useful tool for individuals to identify their
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Here's an outline of the process:

Define the objective: Start by defining the objective of the analysis. What is it that you want
to achieve? What are you trying to improve or change about yourself? This will help you
focus your analysis and make it more effective.

Identify your strengths: Identify the things that you are good at or the skills that you possess.
These could be qualities that others have acknowledged or skills that you have developed
over time. Write down your strengths in a list.

Identify your weaknesses: Identify the areas where you need improvement or the things
that you are not good at. These could be skills or qualities that you lack, or areas where you
tend to struggle. Write down your weaknesses in a list.

Identify opportunities: Identify the external factors that could help you achieve your
objective. These could be new technologies, new industries, or changes in the job market.
Write down your opportunities in a list.

Identify threats: Identify the external factors that could hinder your progress or pose a
threat to your objective. These could be economic downturns, changes in industry trends, or
competition. Write down your threats in a list.

Analyze the SWOT: Once you have completed your SWOT analysis, analyze the results to
identify patterns and connections between your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats. Look for ways to capitalize on your strengths and opportunities, while minimizing
your weaknesses and threats.

Develop an action plan: Finally, develop an action plan to address your weaknesses and
threats, while leveraging your strengths and opportunities. Set specific goals and timelines,
and identify the resources you need to achieve them.

Overall, the SWOT analysis process can help individuals gain a better understanding of
themselves, identify areas for improvement, and develop a plan to achieve their goals.
5.) Write a note on outline of the box thinking using examples from real life situation.
Sol- Out-of-the-box thinking refers to the ability to think creatively, approach problems from
different angles, and come up with innovative solutions that challenge conventional wisdom.
Here's an outline of out-of-the-box thinking, along with some real-life examples:

Question assumptions: Out-of-the-box thinking often involves questioning assumptions and

looking at problems from a fresh perspective. For example, when Elon Musk founded
SpaceX, he questioned the assumption that rocket launches had to be expensive and
wasteful. He came up with the idea of reusable rockets, which significantly reduced the cost
of space travel.

Challenge conventions: Out-of-the-box thinking also involves challenging conventions and

breaking the rules. For example, when Netflix first started, it challenged the conventional
model of renting DVDs by mail. It came up with the idea of streaming content online, which
revolutionized the entertainment industry.

Embrace ambiguity: Out-of-the-box thinking often involves embracing ambiguity and

uncertainty. For example, when Steve Jobs founded Apple, he recognized that there was a
gap in the market for a computer that was easy to use and accessible to everyone. He didn't
know exactly what this computer would look like, but he was willing to embrace the
ambiguity and explore different possibilities until he found the right solution.

Think creatively: Out-of-the-box thinking also involves thinking creatively and coming up
with new ideas. For example, when Google started, it came up with the idea of using a
complex algorithm to rank websites based on their relevance and importance. This was a
creative and innovative solution to the problem of organizing and indexing the vast amount
of information available on the internet.

Overall, out-of-the-box thinking is a powerful tool that can help individuals and organizations
to challenge conventions, break new ground, and achieve their goals in innovative and
unexpected ways.
6.) Identify and explain two ways in which an employee’s attitude can influence his or her
job performance.
Sol- An employee's attitude can have a significant impact on their job performance. Here are
two ways in which an employee's attitude can influence their job performance:

Motivation: An employee's attitude can influence their motivation to do their job well. If an
employee has a positive attitude, they are likely to be more motivated to perform well and
achieve their goals. On the other hand, if an employee has a negative attitude, they may be
less motivated and may not put in as much effort into their work. For example, if a
salesperson has a positive attitude, they are likely to be more motivated to make sales and
provide excellent customer service, which can lead to increased revenue for the company.
However, if a salesperson has a negative attitude, they may be less motivated to make sales
and provide good customer service, which can result in lost sales and revenue.

Interpersonal Relationships: An employee's attitude can also influence their interpersonal

relationships with colleagues and customers. If an employee has a positive attitude, they are
likely to be more friendly, approachable, and cooperative with others, which can lead to
better teamwork, collaboration, and customer satisfaction. On the other hand, if an
employee has a negative attitude, they may be more distant, uncooperative, and difficult to
work with, which can lead to conflict, tension, and decreased customer satisfaction. For
example, if a customer service representative has a positive attitude, they are likely to be
more patient, understanding, and helpful with customers, which can lead to increased
customer loyalty. However, if a customer service representative has a negative attitude,
they may be more impatient, dismissive, and unhelpful, which can lead to decreased
customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Overall, an employee's attitude can have a significant impact on their job performance,
motivation, interpersonal relationships, and customer satisfaction. It is important for
employers to cultivate a positive work environment and provide employees with the
necessary support and resources to maintain a positive attitude and perform their best.
7.) Outline three measures for effective time management in the context of the
Sol- Effective time management is critical in the workplace to ensure that tasks are
completed efficiently, deadlines are met, and productivity is maximized. Here are three
measures for effective time management in the context of the workplace:

Prioritization: Prioritizing tasks is essential for effective time management. Employees

should identify and prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. For example,
they can use the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks into four quadrants: urgent and
important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor
important. This helps them to focus on the most critical tasks and allocate their time and
resources accordingly.

Time tracking: Time tracking is an effective measure for managing time in the workplace.
Employees can use time-tracking tools or apps to track the time spent on different tasks and
projects. This helps them to identify areas where they may be spending too much time and
make necessary adjustments to improve their efficiency. Time tracking also helps employees
to estimate the time required for future tasks and allocate their time accordingly.

Time blocking: Time blocking is a technique for managing time that involves scheduling
specific blocks of time for different tasks or activities. Employees can use a calendar or
scheduling tool to block out time for specific tasks or projects. This helps them to stay
focused and avoid distractions during the allocated time. Time blocking also helps
employees to manage their workload and ensure that they have enough time for all their
In conclusion, effective time management is critical in the workplace to maximize
productivity and ensure that deadlines are met. Prioritization, time tracking, and time
blocking are three effective measures for managing time in the workplace. By implementing
these measures, employees can improve their efficiency, reduce stress, and achieve their
goals more effectively.
8.) Write notes on any two of the following :
(i) Stages of group formation.
Sol- Group formation involves several stages that groups go through as they develop and
grow. The five stages of group formation are:

Forming: This is the initial stage where group members come together and get to know each
other. Members are often polite and tentative in their interactions, trying to establish
relationships and understand their roles and responsibilities.

Storming: In this stage, group members may experience conflict and tension as they begin to
establish their positions and roles within the group. Members may have different ideas or
opinions, and conflicts may arise as they try to establish their dominance or assert their

Norming: As conflicts are resolved, group members begin to establish a sense of cohesion
and work together to achieve the group's goals. Members develop a sense of trust and
respect for each other and establish shared norms and values.

Performing: This is the stage where the group begins to work effectively towards achieving
its goals. Members work collaboratively and use their skills and expertise to complete tasks
and achieve objectives. The group's focus is on accomplishing its objectives and working
together effectively.

Adjourning: In this final stage, the group disbands or completes its task, and members move
on to other projects or groups. Members may experience a sense of loss or sadness as they
say goodbye to each other and the group's achievements.

It's important to note that not all groups will experience each stage in the same way, and
some groups may not experience all stages. However, understanding the stages of group
formation can help group members and leaders anticipate challenges and opportunities and
work more effectively towards achieving the group's goals.
(ii) Group synergy.
Sol- Group synergy refers to the phenomenon where a group working together can achieve
greater results than the sum of each individual's efforts working alone. In other words, when
group members collaborate, they can produce better outcomes than if they worked

Group synergy can be achieved in various ways, such as:

Complementary skills and abilities: When each member of the group has unique skills and
abilities, they can complement each other's strengths and weaknesses. This helps the group
to achieve a higher level of performance than each individual could have done alone.
Diversity of perspectives: When the group members come from diverse backgrounds,
experiences, and perspectives, they can offer different insights and approaches to solving
problems. This can lead to more innovative solutions and better decision-making.

Effective communication: Good communication is essential for group synergy. When group
members communicate effectively, they can share information, clarify expectations, and
resolve conflicts. This helps to avoid misunderstandings and ensure that everyone is working
towards the same goals.

Shared goals: When group members share common goals and objectives, they are more
likely to work together to achieve them. This helps to create a sense of unity and
collaboration, leading to greater synergy.

In conclusion, group synergy is an essential element of effective teamwork. When group

members work together, they can achieve better outcomes than working individually. By
having complementary skills and abilities, diversity of perspectives, effective
communication, and shared goals, groups can achieve greater synergy and accomplish their
(iii) Mutual interdependence of member of teams.
Sol- Mutual interdependence refers to the idea that the success of each individual in a team
is dependent on the success of the team as a whole. In other words, the team members are
interdependent and rely on each other to achieve the team's goals.

Mutual interdependence is a critical component of effective teamwork as it creates a sense

of shared responsibility and accountability. When team members are mutually
interdependent, they are more likely to collaborate, communicate openly, and provide
support to one another to achieve the team's objectives.

For example, consider a software development team that is responsible for developing a
new application. The success of the team depends on the successful completion of each
individual's tasks, which are interdependent. For instance, the front-end developer cannot
complete their work until the back-end developer finishes coding, and the testers cannot
start testing until the developers complete their work.

To achieve the team's goal, each team member must understand the importance of their
contribution to the overall project and collaborate effectively with other team members.
They must also be willing to provide assistance and support to their colleagues when needed
and be accountable for their performance.

In conclusion, mutual interdependence is a critical element of effective teamwork. It creates

a sense of shared responsibility and accountability, leading to better collaboration,
communication, and support among team members. By recognizing the importance of
mutual interdependence, teams can work more efficiently and effectively towards achieving
their objectives.
9.) How can interpersonal skills be assessed? Outline any two techniques for assessment
of interpersonal skills.
Sol- Interpersonal skills can be assessed using various techniques, such as self-assessment,
peer assessment, and supervisor assessment. Here are two techniques for assessment of
interpersonal skills:

Behavioral Interviews: In a behavioral interview, the interviewer asks the candidate to

provide specific examples of how they have used interpersonal skills in the past to achieve a
specific goal. The interviewer can then evaluate the candidate's responses based on their
communication skills, ability to collaborate, conflict resolution skills, and other interpersonal
skills. The interviewer can also ask follow-up questions to clarify the candidate's responses
and gain a better understanding of their interpersonal skills.

Role Play Exercises: Role play exercises involve simulating real-life scenarios to assess the
candidate's interpersonal skills. For example, the candidate may be asked to participate in a
group discussion or negotiation exercise to assess their ability to communicate, collaborate,
and resolve conflicts effectively. The evaluator can observe the candidate's behavior and
provide feedback on their interpersonal skills.

Another technique for assessment of interpersonal skills is:

360-degree feedback: This is a comprehensive evaluation technique that involves collecting

feedback from multiple sources, including peers, subordinates, supervisors, and customers.
The feedback is usually gathered through surveys or interviews, and the results are used to
provide the candidate with a well-rounded view of their interpersonal skills. The feedback
can help the candidate identify areas of strengths and weaknesses and develop an action
plan to improve their interpersonal skills.
In conclusion, assessing interpersonal skills is essential in determining an individual's ability
to work effectively with others. Techniques such as behavioral interviews, role play
exercises, and 360-degree feedback can provide a comprehensive evaluation of an
individual's interpersonal skills and help identify areas for improvement.

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