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Invite my best friend to the circus

Last Saturday I went to my best friend's house. His name is Arrafif, he is my best friend from junior high
school. I visited his house with the aim of taking him to the circus together.

When I arrived at my friend's house,i immediately asked for permission to enter his house and then
invited him directly to go to the circus together."Arrafif, let’s go to the circus tomorrow. I think it is fun",
but he refused my invitation, he said "No, I don’t want to. I don’t go to a circus since I was 4 years
old”.Hearing his answer I was surprised and asked him "why? I think that's cool" then he replied "Yes,
but not until I saw someone dressed as a clown”.Because I heard the answer,I became curious and told
him to tell the story.

And then he told a story” It was a summer time when my parents asked me and my brother to go the
circus. It was fun in the beginning. I saw from the far in the stands so I couldn’t see clearly how the
clowns looked like. But then when we were going to go home, some people who dressed up as clowns
passed in front of me and dropped several properties they brought. When I saw it, I immediately helped
them to pick up the things. After that, they turned to me to say thanks, but they were so close and their
makeup was so scary. I ran to my dad and cried. Since then, I never go to the circus anymore”. Heard the
story I laughed, I thought the clown was funny but he found it scary, then I said to him "No problem. I
will be asked the others to accompany me".

after hearing the story and my invitation was also rejected by him, so I decided to go home feeling a
little disappointed, but I also couldn't force him to come because he has a trauma against clowns.

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