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Alll affidavits are recorded/filed on the following public record sites:,,, Instagram and the worldwide web et al. Certified mailing/tracking/filing no: 70192280000145586853 ae c | of Rs * mnoorishe matranall ecepublie tederall govern 1% mcoctetas eeaiblicae aevfonag™ rmovershe brane am aif euusemeate ofthe eauthe he weste northue wuthe smmeria + the anethe ga mol ~ Affidavit of Fact al Notice of Preservation of Inalienable Rights And Constitution Secured Immunities Le; April 29,2023 Jamie Powell Horowitz (acting as) Administrative Clerk Anthony J. Lewis (acting as) Attomey State of Michig Karen McDonald (acting As) Prosecutor State of Mic Andrew Walkula (acting as) Attorney State of Mich Nessell (acting as) State Attorney General State of Michigan Steve Coopertacting as)-Chief of Police Oak Park Michigan nbers s!-00012-fy sl-00013-ly all rize ande stand remain standing innto perpetuity. thi a sovereign livirige unnciente artiklle iii moorishe amerikan al moroccan kourte acctione. iam sovereign living justis prins chauncey peteet el in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink. in propia persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. my free chosen national appellatione is chauncey peteet el in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in prope persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes, i ande all moors are dhe origeneall inndigeneous sovereign annciente al moroccan moorishe amerifin = sscendents of the greate pharoahs of kemet ande of the annciente moabites canaanites. our fulle faithe ande trusie, our allegiance, our kreddit ande our innergy are herebye vested in oursellves for we are the people who are the orize bee inndigeneous naturall divyne annciente empire state of morocco ande the de jure moorishe nationall republic federall government. we are one god. we herebye se all sovereign rights at this time ande at all pointes in time nung pro tung. exer This “Legal Notice” is hereby presented as an ‘Adequate Point in Law’ to inform and to give ‘Public Notice’ to all comers ~ private and public; including all elected and non-elected Public Ofticials, etc., that 1, prins chauncey peteet el, indigene to the land, Al Motoc / America and being a ‘Natural Person’ (and not a 14!" Amendment Corporate Person Or Entity, Nom De Guerre, Straw-man) do declare and say: All Inalienable Rights, and Substantive Rights; all Human Rights; and all international rights; and all International Law Rights secured by the Supreme Law Treaties Between The United States Republic of America / Morocco, (Magrib- al-Aqsa — West the Extreme) Northwest Amexem / America, etc,. are Preserved, Reserved, not waived, not transferred to any Other, and are acknowledged as being “In Force’, and NOT abandoned nor ever intended to be Abandoned. Any claims made by and Person, any Personnel, or any Corporate Entity, to the contrary, notwithstanding In harmony with Reason, and in Accord with The Established Supreme Law of the Land, refer to the ‘Declaration On The Rights of Indigenous People”. Cn. 4/Sub,2/1994/N Add. 1 (1994), The following are six (6) Declaration Articles of Part I and Part II: Enforced by Federal Constitution Law and International Law. See Article VI of The United States Constitution and Executive Order 13107, The Implementation of Human Rights Treaties‘, etc., to which the Senators and Representatives and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all Executive and Judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, are bound; - and shall be bound, by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution, Affirming That Indigenous Peoples Are Equal In Dignity And Rights To All@ther People While Recognizing The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples To Be Different, To. Consider Themselves Different, And To Be Respected As Such, s a 2 Part I, Article I: Indigenous People Have The Right To The Full And Effective Enjoyment Of All Human Rights And Fundamental Freedoms Recognized In The Charter Of The United Nations, The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights And International Human Rights Law Part I, Article 2: Indigenous Individuals And Peoples Are Free And Equal To All Other Individuals And Peoples In Dignity And Rights, And Have The Right To Be Free From Any Kind OF Adverse Discrimination; In Particular That Based On Their Indigenous Origin And identity. Part I, Article 3: Indigenous People Have The Right Of Self - Determination, By Virtues Of That Right, They Freely Determine Their Political Status And Freely Pursue Their Feonomic, Social And Cultural Development. Part I, Article 4: Indigenous Peoples Have The Right To Maintain And Strengthen Their Distinct Political, Economic, Social And Cultural Life Of The State. Part I, Article 5: Every Indigenous Individual Has The Right To A Nationality. Part IL, Article 6: Indigenous People Have The Collective Right To Live In Freedom, Peace And Security As Distinct People And To Full Guarantees Against Genocide Or Any Other Acts Of Violence, Including The Removal Of Indigenous Children From Their Families And Communities Under Any Pretext. General Civil Orders June 10, 2014 ‘The American people at large, known simply as “inhabitants of the domestic states” or “State Citizens” have always been a separate and distinet population apart from “US Citizens” or “Federal Citizens”--- and to these two groups a third kind of “citizen” was added in 1871, that of “US citizen”, Following the Civil War, the governmental services company providing the services agreed to by the States reorganized as a corporation dha the “United States of America, Incorporated” and published its Articles as the “Constitution of the United States of America”. Unlike “The Constitution for the united States of America”, the “Constitution of the United States of America” is a document peculiar to the new “Municipal” ~ that is, “City State” government formed to administer the affairs of the Distriet of Columbia and federal territories and possessions. This corporate “constitution” provided for the creation of a new kind of “Federal Citizen”----a “US citizen” and from that point onward, from the perspective of the new federal municipal government formed by the Act of 1871--- American State Citizens (the inhabitants of the domestic fifiy states) were regarded as “non-resident aliens”. This same corporation dba the “United States of America, Incorporated” (chartered in Delaware) began operating two separate “governments” at once--- the “municipal government of the District of Columbia” and the “federal government” owed to the States of the Union----both under the auspices of the “United States Congress” ‘These semantic deceits have given rise to endless confusions, usurpations, and criminality. ‘These General Civil Orders address some of those issues which are most important at this time. The Congress ceased operating as it was required by contract to operate in 1860. After December of 1865, it never again operated as an unincorporated Body Politic representing the States of the Union. The “federal government” has functioned exclusively as an incorporated commercial entity, with an elected Board of Directors merely calling itself the “US Congress” ever since. ‘As such, the “federal government” is a commercial corporation like any other oO commercial corporation. It has no special status, no immunity from prosecution, and hasn’t functioned as a governing body of a sovereign nation for 150 years. To. overcome this obvious difficulty the “US Congress” formed another “union” of ' “American” “states” from the “federal territories and possessions”. The Seven Insular States including the “State of New Columbia” (District of Columbia), Guam, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, et alia, and formed a new nation simply ® calling themselves “the United States of America” and claimed separate national sovereignty, Thus we have The United States of America (Major) comprised of the S now-fifiy organic States created by Statehood Compacts and the United States of America (Minor) representing the seven Insular States, both being administered under the direction of the corporate Board of Directors known as the “US. Congress”--- which has continued to act solely as the sovereign government of “the United States of America” (Minor). These blatant semantic deceits by officers of the federal corporation and officials of “the United States of America (Minor)” amount to purposeful constructive fraud against their employers, the American organic states. To try to overcome this obstacle, members of the “US Congress” contrived a “complex regulatory scheme” by which they established their own “State” governments and have tried to claim that they have been at “war” with the American people while relying upon the organic states for their own sustenance and have falsely claimed that they established “exclusive legislative jurisdiction” over the original states of the Union by these acts of self-interested fraud carried out against their employers and benefactors. Fraud has no statute of limitations. The governmental services corporations have always been under commercial contract to provide services to the American people and have acted against their employers as employees. It is essential that members of the Bar Associations, members of the “State” governments which have been surreptitiously “redefined” to their detriment, members of the domestic police forces, and members of the various armed forces gain a clear understanding of the fact that for purposes of administration of government services on American State soil, the “federal government” is a corporation with no more civil authority on the land than JC PENNY or HARLEY DAVIDSON. The “federal government” is under contract to the organic States and as our Forefathers vested the ENTIRE civil government on the land in the people inhabiting the land, each American is a sovereign “organic state” of the union. Each one of us has more civil power and authority on the land than the entire “federal government” has ever had or ever can have. For that reason and as a result of the deliberations which have already taken place among the other nations of the world, the “federal government” dba the UNITED STATES, INC. , a French commercial corporation, is hereby called to task for non-performance on its contractual obligations. The semantic deceits involved in claiming that Americaeb State Citizens are “US citizens” and all the other fraudulent claims advanced — -9 against the American states and people are to be fully recognized for what they jge- --fraudulent claims having no merit and owed no enforcement. on Other corporate entities, notably the FEDERAL RESERVE and ~ INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, which are responsible for creating and promoting this fraud are to be recognized and dealt with appropriately as international dealers in fraud and usury. American Negroes have in the past been considered “US citizens” because that is the only “citizenship” they were ever granted after the Civil War, a grave error of justice that resulted in them only having “civil rights” which are privileges granted by the “US Congress” instead of the “Natural and Unalienable Rights” they are naturally heir to. They were also claimed as chattel backing the debts of the United States of America, Incorporated, despite both national and international prohibitions abolishing slavery and peonage. A prompt correction is available from the organic states and by proclamation of these organic states, they are granted full and immediately recognizable status as “American Nationals” owed all the “Natural and Unalienable Rights” of any other organic State Citizen, no matter which geographically defined state they may inhabit on the land. The only exceptions are those unfortunates born within the borders of the Insular States---District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, etc.---who must self-declare under Article 15 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It has been the policy of the United States of America (Minor) to consider all federal employees and members of the active duty military who are birthright inhabitants of The United States of America (Major) temporary “dual citizens” subject to the United States of America (Minor), However, The United States of ‘America (Major) recognizes no dual citizenship whatsoever, and the process required for any birthright inhabitant of the land to adopt “US Citizenship” is both lengthy and purposeful, as stated in US Statute at Large 2, Revised Statute 2561. As the employers of the United States of America (Minor) we exercise our proprietary interest and direct all American State Citizens to defend the interests and integrity of the American organic states regardless of any contrary “orders” issued by any corporate officer of the UNITED STATES or foreign official acting under the auspices of the United States of America (Minor). All birthright State Citizens of The United States of America (Major) are specifically enjoined frome3 engaging in any activity contrary to the health, welfare, safety, and benefit of théiz fellow State Citizens and will otherwise be recognized as criminals regardless of. what uniforms they wear or what authorities they pretend to have ne If corporate “President” Obama should order any member of the “US military” oF any armed “agency personnel” --BATE, IRS, NSA, FEMA, ete.----to open fire © upon American State Citizens, it will be a war crime against non-combatant y civilians and it will be immediately recognized as such throughout the world. For all military and civilian-based defense and law enforcement agencies the rule to be observed is: if you can’t do it as a private individual, you can’t do it as a public officer. The individual States of the Union formed by Statehood Compact retain the full and unencumbered claim upon their birthright inhabitants. These “states” are defined geographically. They are not incorporated entities, and they are not “represented” by any incorporated “State of __ Sor SATE OFcaicaiai organization at this time. They are presented solely by the unincorporated Body Politic and their individual inhabitants, who retain all organic and civil prerogatives on the land. Those organizations currently calling themselves the “State of Alaska” or the “STATE OF ALASKA”, etc., are representatives of two different governmental services corporations operated by the FEDERAL, RESERVE (“State of Alaska”) and the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (“STATE OF ALASKA”), doing business as franchises of the United States of America, Ine. and the UNITED STATES, INC. respectively. They have no representational capacity whatsoever and are operating under commercial contract only. Because these “State” and “Federal” entities have all functioned under conditions of non disclosure and semantic deceit serving to promulgate fraud upon the organic states and the American people, they are all ta be considered criminal syndicates to the extent that they have been aware of their status and have failed to correct their operations and representations. All contracts held by these organizations or assumed to be held by these organizations are null and void for fraud. These contracts include but are not limited to contracts for sale, for labor, for trade, “citizenship” contracts, powers of attorney, licenses, mortgages, registrations, and application agreements of all kinds. All signatures of American State Citizens acting under the influence of semantic deceit and non-disclosure are rescinded. All those individuals engaged in employment as “federal” and “state” and “municipal” employees and “elected officials” are hereby given Notice that they are employees of private, for-profit corporations that are merely under contract to provide stipulated public services, having no special status, having no immunity, and having no authority as sovereign nations or states, Any actions that they take infringing on the rights and prerogatives of American State Citizens are criminal acts without exception and are to be treated as criminal acts. These individuals have exactly the same standing as employees of any other commercial company, and the rules, regulations. codes, and other “statutes” they enforce are obligations unique to those organizations only. Object To Color-of-Law Due to continuous patterns of corruption and racketeering amongst U.S. Demo-politicians and corporate persons at North America, (being residuals of Colonialism), it is definitively important for the Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural People to continuously declare their (our) Rights "For The Public Record"! True Al Moroccans (Americans) are regularly being subjected to "color-of-law" policies and regulations, which are emanating, not from de jure kaw, (Constitutional) but from defacto, color-of-law, which is (unconstitutional) and fraud! The natural people are under attack by persons claiming governmental powers and authorities which do not reside with them! In other words, there are criminals (organized) and operating through positions in Government, on city, State and Federal fevels! The remedy and measuring document to be used to secure the legitimate Government of the People is the Constitution for The United States of America, Know that no State Constitution is at variance with it, and that the Judges of every State are bound by Oath to uphold and enforce it! As an example. the following Declaration is presented. issued to corrupt government officials and / or Agencies who are making unconstitutional demands upon the people! A Public Declaration of Rights Reserved In Preservation of my Rights to Life, Liberty, Property, the Pursuit of Happiness and my Right to make a Living, unencumbered by ‘color-of-law' impositions, I do not transfer any ‘Power of Attorney’ to anyone over my person or property, or personality, whatsoever, nor do I desire to contract with any foreign political law or under any statue, or corporate fiction, having any real or semblance of Law contrary in nature or function to, or adverse to, the National Constitution, ete. I, furthermore, am maintaining all Rights to the Remedies, which the Supreme Law provides to enforce the securing of the same. 1 did not and do not solicit the imposed demand of “help” assessed by any stranger ot foreign entity: nor do I willingly accept any lability or partnership to any *color-of-law’ or ‘color-of-right’ ordinance or state statue having the structure, the intent, or the effect of depriving me of any Personality, Emolument, Protection, Right or Immunity ‘secured’ by the constitution. I do not support, encourage nor agree to any contrived or misrepresented instrument /s or document /s, nor to any deceptive, non-mutual adhesion contract, which by any means or nature, abrogates my Rights, or that transfers any unrevealed liability upon myself; nor do | agree to any non-mutually incurred debt, whatsoever. I Reserve my Divine Rights to exercise all and any Substantive Rights secured by the Constitution and do hereby make Public Notice to the same. 1 do not accept any liability or responsibility for any "straw-man" construct created by others, whether by an individual or by any corporate entity or agency, erected and used by them to exercise any private, corporate, or adminisirative extortion agenda I make Publie Notice that any letter, instrument /s or document /s created with the nomen or name written in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS is to be considered as unreal, a fiction, a deliberate misrepresentation and an intentional fraud: designed by its producer /s and creators to bring about a tort or injury to myself. Any *stittv- man’ instrument presented to myself, through the mail or allegedly associated té-ine { by anyone, and bearing any unrevealed purpose or liability whatsoever, is--an intentional perversion of truth, and constructed for the purpose of depriving me'ot a legal right. Such an instrument's existence serves fo deceptively deprive m@of something of value. Any such Instrument /s possessing any such qualities as alive « stated, are to be presumed as ‘void’ and ‘cured’ forthwith. o . therefore, Preserve my Rights to contract with, or not to contract with whomever I, under ‘Right Law’ choose. I Declare and Reserve all Rights Secured by the Constitution against ‘colorable’ persons, corrupt officials, agencies and / or any other ‘colorable’ state, city or federal employees occupying seats in government. 1, hereby, Declare, Affirm and Say that I Preserve all my Rights; being an Aboriginal and Indigenous ‘Natural Person’ secured by Natural Law, The Constitution for the United States Republic; all relative Treaties (Constitutions' and secured by the Laws of Nations (International). All other relative Rights are Reserved, including, but not limited to: A. Divine Law. B, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights C. The Declaration of The Rights of the Child D. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (LC, CRR.). E. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (C.E.R.D.). F. All other relevant Treaties concerned with the protections and promotion of Human Rights, to which the United States Republic is now a party, or may become a party in the future. Upon the strength of Justice and upon the Oaths, Affirmations and Obligations to which all Government Officials are duly bound, including their duty (o enforce the binding, ‘United States Executive Order 13107". Constitutions, (being the Supreme Law) are in place to protect the Natural People and Citizens from corrupt and ‘colorable' politicians, persons, entities, agencies, personnel, and employees, who seize the opportunity to misuse the powers vested in the Offices or Seats of Government "Lex semper dabit remedium" meaning. "The Law will always give a remedy $3 "Lex semper intendit quod convenit rationi" meaning. "he Law always intends what is agreeable to reason. “Lex succurrit ignoranti" meaning. "The Law assists the ignorant". The United States Supreme Court: State courts, like federal courts have a ‘constitulional” obligation to safeguard personal liberties and to uphold federal Jaw. Stone y. Powell 428 US 465, 96S Ct. 3037, 49 L. Ed. 2d 1067 The United States Supreme Court: The obligation of siate courts (0 give full effect io federal law is the same as that of federal courts, New York v. Eno 155 US 89, 15 S. Ct. 30, 39 L. Ed. 80. The United States Supreme Court: An administrative agency may not finally decide the limits of its statutory powers; this is a judicial function. Social Security Board v Nierotko, 327 US 358, 66 8. Ct. 637, 162 ALR /445, 90 L. Ed. 719. A'Suit' Remedy For The People Every person or city, state, or government official who, under "color-of-law", deprives any legal citizen their Legal Rights and Immunities is subject to civil and or criminal penalty, pursuant to United States Code of Law, Title 18, Section 241, and 242. The ‘Ultra Virus Statute’ does not protect such violating person /s from prosecution as individual /s; and such violator /s are subject to ten thousand dollar: fine, and / or prison. The binding Oaths or Affirmations taken by all and any past or present persons holding Public Trust or Public Office to protect the Rights of the "People" still stands. Being a sovereign Al Moroccan / American citizen and Aboriginal / Indigenous "Natural Person’ of the Continental United States (the Organic Land and People) and honoring its Republican Form of Government; endowed with Absolute Rights and Immunities, i Affirm, "In Propria Persona", ‘In Full Life’ and in the honor of "Right Law' Governmental Principles. “Lex est dictamen radonis" - "Law is the dictate of reason". The common law will judge according to the law of nature and the public good. en honoure, eye the divinne sovereignee being, chief justis chauncey peteet el, alfirms that eye am the sovereignee natural ande divinne being here en proklaimed, en capitis diminutio nolo en propria persona sui juris en proprio solo ande en proprig heredes; affirmed bye law full bearthright; being lawfullie universalllie quallified ande kompetent to affirme this dockument. i therefour plaice mye hande ande seal heretwo ande en favorr uv all moorishe american nationalees. “Tang 2; Sp 3 april 29 [2023] 1443 egasum chief justis’chaune Ecapit{s diminutio nolo en propria persona sui juris en solo ande en prop: redes justice/vizin/am jorihwest amexem, northe america/northe gate autographe all rightts excercized at all tymes io hi no thinge en this law full affidavitt, nor oure spokin affidavitts, nor our sylent affidavitts shalle be enterpreted ohr kor trued as konsent to anye jurisdicshun that is knot en the jurisdieshun uy my anscient ancesstrall enher pointe en tyme. ied e+state at any "amen, amen dico vobis, queecumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et Ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo” "amen, amen dico vobis, quecumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo "amen, amen dico vobis, queecumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et Ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo" Lk

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