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1. Identify the conflicting

views/accounts about the Rizal
2. Analyze view or sources; and
3. Use primary sources in
presenting/writing about the
Ø Leader of the reformist
movement in Spain.
Ø He was arrested, tried,
and sentenced to death
by a Spanish court
martial after being
implicated as the
leader of the Philippine
Ø The night before his death by firing
squad on December 30, 1896
Ø Accounts exist that Rizal allegedly
retracted his Masonic ideals and his
writings and reconverted to Catholicism
following several hours of persuasion by
Jesuit Priests.
Ø There was considerable doubt to this
allegation by Rizal’s family and friends
until 1935, the supposed retraction
document with Rizal’s retraction was
ØHe was one of the Jesuit Priests who visited
Rizal d u r i n g R i z a l ’s l a s t h o u r i n Fo r t
Santiago and claimed that he managed to
persuade Rizal to denounce masonry and
return to Catholic fold.
ØAn aff idavit executed in 1917 when he
returned to Spain.
ØHe al so cl aimed that h e wa s o n e wh o
solemnized the marriage of Josephine
Bracken and Rizal hours before execution.
Ø According to the account, Rizal accepted a
shorter retraction document prepared by the
superior of the Jesuit society in the Philippines,
Father Pio Pi.
Ø Rizal then wrote his retraction after making
some modifications in the document. In his
retraction, he disavowed masonry and religious
thoughts that opposed Catholic belief.
Ø The retraction was signed together with Dr. Rizal,
chief of the Picket, and Senor Moure, adjutant of
the plaza.
Ø Fr. Pio Pi was th e Jes u i t s u p er i or i n t h e
Philippines during the time when Rizal was
Ø In 1917, he issued an affidavit recounting his
involvement in the alleged retraction of Rizal.
Ø Unlike Father Balaguer, however, he was
involved only in securing the retraction
document from the Archbishop of Manila
Bernardino Nozaleda, and writing another
shorter retraction document as well which was
one Rizal allegedly copied.
Ø According to his account, a long discussion with
Father Balaguer happened before Rizal willingly
surrendered to turn back to Catholicism.
ØR i z a l fo u n d ce r t a i n o b j e c t i o n w i t h f i r s t
composition presented by Fr. Balguer. His work
satisfied Rizal and made some little modifications
to make Rizal’s own and spontaneous work, then
wrote it with Rizal’s hand and signed it.
Ø Beneath Rizal’s signature the chief of the Picket,
Juan Del Fresno, and adjudant of the plaza, Eloy
Moure, as witnesses.
Ø Lawyer, writer, educator, and politician
Ø Was the author of Biografia De Rizal, a work on the
life of the national hero which won a literary contest in
1938 sponsored by the commonwealth government.
The publication of the book, however, was postponed
because of world war II and only saw print in 1949.
Ø T h a t s a m e y e a r, a n E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n b y
Romanbozaeta with the title Pride of the Malay Race
was published by prentice-hall, inc. in the United
States. The story of Rizal.
Ø Alleged retraction is found in chapters 32 and 33 with
Palma’s analysis in the later chapter.
Ø According to this analysis, the retraction of Rizal is a hearsay
with the following reasons:

1. The document of retraction was kept secret.

2. Petitions were denied after the Rizal’s family asked for the
original original or copy of the retraction document as well as
the marriage certificate with Josephine Bracken.
3. Rizal’s burial was kept secret.
4. No masses were held or funeral held by the Catholics on the
death of Rizal.
5. He was not buried in the Catholic cemetery in Paco.
6. The entry of in the book burials of the interment of Rizal’s
body is not made on the page with those buried on December
30, 1896.
7. There was no moral motive for the conversion.
ØAustin Coates’s interest in Jose Rizal began
when he was assistant colonial secretary and
magistrate in Hong Kong in 1950.
ØHis first study of Rizal was on the latter’s
year-long stay in Hong Kong in 1891-1892. At
that time, many of the personalities who
knew Rizal were still alive.
ØThe early awareness of Rizal eventually led
to the writing and publication of his book.
ØRizal: Philippine Nationalist and Martyr
(Oxford University Press, 1956) the first Rizal
biography written by a European since Viva Y
Escritos Del Dr. Jose Rizal by Wenceslao
Retana in 1907.
ØT h e s e co n d e d i t i o n o f t h e b o o k w a s
published in the Philippines by Solidaridad
publishing house in 1992.
ØCoates’s analysis of the Rizal’s retraction
and other events that happened before his
execution are found in part Vil, chapter 5 of
the book.
Ø According to his analysis, the retraction of Rizal dubbed as
an ecclesiatical fraud. It was the friars who wanted Rizal’s
Ø There was no signed letter of retraction because Rizal knew
too well the damage such a letter would do him.
Ø It is inconceivable that they would not given him Christian
burial which the two Jesuits at the execution didn’t do.
Ø Rizal’s family found difficult to accept retraction or
marriage. They knew i f h e re tra cte d i n h i s 6 a . m .
communication with his mother.
Ø Balaguer made no mention of the last poem that Rizal
wrote which the Ultimo Adios.

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