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The duration for which a nail art sticker will last before it needs to be removed depends on various

factors such as the quality of the sticker, the brand, and the environmental conditions. However, most
nail art stickers are designed to last for several days to a week.

If you want to remove the nail art sticker, you can simply peel it off gently from the edge using your
fingertips or a tweezer. However, if the sticker is firmly attached to your nail or if you have applied a
topcoat over it, you may need to use a nail polish remover to dissolve the adhesive and remove the

To remove a nail art sticker using nail polish remover, soak a cotton ball or pad in nail polish remover
and place it on your nail. Leave it for a few minutes to allow the adhesive to dissolve. Then, gently rub
the sticker with the cotton ball or pad until it comes off. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after
removing the sticker to remove any residue or remaining adhesive.

It's Important to note that repeated application and removal of nail art stickers can weaken your nails
and cause them to become brittle. To prevent this, give your nails a break between applications and use
a nail strengthening treatment to keep them healthy and strong.

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