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Role model

Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson is a British business magnate, investor, author and
philanthropist. He was born on July 18, 1950. He founded the Virgin Group in the 1970s, which
controls more than 400 companies in various fields. Richard Branson likes to pretend that business is
just his hobby. Rather, he sees himself as modern-day Willy Fogg. But he is not attracted to traveling
around the Earth in eighty days, but rather to find eighty exciting ways to travel on water, earth, air.
In 1986, his ship, the Virgin Atlantic Challenger II, crossed the Atlantic in the shortest time ever
measured. In 1987, the Virgin Atlantic Flyer, the largest balloon in world history, followed the same
path. Due to bad weather and technical errors, several of Branson's attempts to be the first to bypass
the Earth without stopping by a balloon failed, but he could tick the Pacific: in 1991, he flew from
Japan to Canada, again at a record speed of more than 320 kilometres per at an hourly rate.

Probably his most publicized near-death experience. He was rescued five times from the sea, once
from a frozen lake. During one of his experiments around the Earth, his balloon crashed in the
Algerian desert. On another occasion, the Chinese Air Force threatened to fire a balloon hovering
over the Himalayas. It was only with the help of the aces of British diplomacy that he was able to
keep him in the air - and thus alive. Not long after, he crashed into the Pacific Ocean. He was once
asked if the experiments were in fact not advertising catches by the Virgin Atlantic airline he owned.
Branson replied, “the company’s PRs just said that as an owner, the worst thing I could do was drown
in the sea”. The marketers just took advantage of the boss’s accidents, one of the flyers said, “Come
on, Richard.

Aung San Suu Kyi is a Burmese politician, diplomat, author, and a 1991 Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
The first and incumbent State Counsellor (a position akin to a prime minister leader) of Myanmar,
she is also the leader of the National League for Democracy and played a vital role in the state's
transition from military junta to partial democracy. She was born on June 19, 1945. Her father helped
to make Burma independent from the United Kingdom in 1947. He was killed in the same year. She
grew up with her mother, Khin Kyi, and two brothers, Aung San Lin and Aung San Oo in Yangon. One
of her brothers, Aung San Lin, drowned when Suu Kyi was eight.[4] Her other brother, Aung San Oo
currently lives in San Diego, California and is an American citizen.

Aung San Suu Kyi returned to Burma in 1988 to take care of her sick mother. That year, the long-time
leader of the socialist ruling party, General Nay Win, stopped being a politician. Many Burmese
people wanted a democracy after the military ruled the country for several years. She admired
Mohandas Gandhi's use of nonviolence. She was also inspired by Buddhism. Aung San Suu Kyi
worked for democracy and helped make the National League for Democracy on September 27th,
1988. Because Suu Kyi was fighting against the government, she was asked to leave the country, but
she did not. She was arrested in 1989 and placed in prison in 1990. This was after an election which
her party, the National League for Democracy, won, but they were not allowed to be in charge of the
country. Between 1990 and 2010, she was almost always in prison or in her home, which is called
house arrest. Burma released her in November 2010. Suu Kyi was going to be released in 2009, but
when a man was found entering her home, she was kept on house arrest for another year because
she had broken the rules of the house arrest. After she was released from house arrest, she was
elected to be State Counsellor. When she was State Counsellor, Burma had serious problems with
the genocide of the Rohingya.
My role models
Why? It all started a long time ago. When I was a baby, I spent a lot of time with my mother. She was
always here with me. When I was happy or bad so always. She always helps me. When I went to
kindergarten my mother worked a lot. In order to be able to give everything. I want to be as hard-
working, good mom as her.

These days, there are many people who look up to celebrities and worship them like gods, this
causes many of those celebrities to feel the need to act more and wackier in order for them to stay
relevant. For example, Johnny Depp his the brilliant actor and this is the reason why must of the
people love him. Not just adults but kids or teenagers are obsessed with him. In really life Johnny
Depp was a have drinker and sometimes he did drugs. But his “really side” might have bad influence
on teenagers. Because day want to be like there role models probably start to do drugs.

Little girls have grown up worshipping these perfectly illustrated young women on their TV screen.
Some people think that the Disney Princesses were not great role models for young girls. They
generated an illusion-a fantasy world for girls that is unreally. Chubby girls can be depressed, because
they don’t luck as slim as their favourite princesses. In my opinion, this whole “theory” is wrong. And
nowadays there are more realistic Disney character. For example, Moana. Princesses were more
unrealistic in the 50’s.

Having a positive role model is important for people psychologically, as they help guide through life
during development, making important and difficult decisions throughout life, and finding purpose in
life. role models become inspiration for choices and goals that people set in life.

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