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mai dai glaeng jai rai man kae keun ai nid noi

Chapter 6: Communication The message is the actual physical

product as a result of encoding. Thus,
What is Communication? when speaking, the speech is the
- May be defined as the transfer of information message; when writing, the movements of
including feelings and ideas from one person to the arms and the expressions on faces
another. The goal of communication is to have the are the message.
receiver understand the message as it was - How the message is received is
intended. The transfer process, however, is influenced by the following factors:
affected by a number of factors that either help or 1. Clarity of the message
hinder the message. 2. Alertness of the receiver
3. Complexity and length of the
The Importance of Communication message
● Without communication, organization cannot exist. 4. How the information is organized
It is through communication that the individual ➔ The Channel
members of the organization will know important - The channel is the medium through which
concerns such as: the message travels. It consist of various
1. What their organization is types which are as follows:
2. What objectives their organization wants 1. Face to face
to achieve 2. Telephone and cell phones
3. What their roles are in achieving the 3. E-mail
organization's objectives 4. Written memos and letters
4. How they will achieve those objectives 5. Posted notes
5. Who the individual members of the 6. Bulletins
organization are

The Communication Process

● Communication is a two way process in which a
sender reaches a receiver with a message. There
is a need for people in organizations to have
knowledge of the communication process, and it
is the first step to make it effective. There are six
components of effective communication. They are
the following:
1. Sender
2. Message Communication Channels may be classified as:
3. Channel a. Formal Channels: belongs here are the
4. Receiver communication policies, procedures, and
5. Feedback other official announcements because it is
6. The Environment the one recognized as authoritative. (Ex.
Memos, Handouts, Letters, etc.)
➔ The Sender - Information directly from the boss
- A communication source or sender is a through official channels
person who makes the attempt to send a b. Informal Channels: do not follow the
message which could be spoken, written, chain of command because people can
in sign language, or non-verbal to another get in contact with each other at a faster
person or group of persons. The degree pace.
of attention the message will receive will - Reliable information from informal
depend on the perceived authority and settings at work
experience of a sender. - Transmitting messages outside
➔ The Message the formal communication
- The message is a purpose or an idea to channels.
be conveyed in a communication event. - Highly accurate
- Information is timely
mai dai glaeng jai rai man kae keun ai nid noi
- Senders seek feedback
- Accuracy can be verified Verbal Communication
- Verbal communication is a major means of
GRAPEVINE: is a type of informal sending messages. It includes one on one
channel that transfers information through meetings, speeches, grapevine, telephone,
networks of friendships and departmental or interdepartmental meetings,
acquaintances. presentations and the like.
- A communication to express our views,
● Advantage: able to transmit information, and ideas in the form of sound and
information quickly and efficiently. words. The spoken part usually involves face-to-
● Disadvantage: it can transmit face communication and when people ponder the
incorrect or untimely information. word communication, they often think about the
act of talking. (Ex. Interpersonal Communication,
c. Unofficial: unreliable information from Intrapersonal Communication, Oral
social settings Communication, Public Communication)

➔ The Receiver Written Communication

- The person receiving a message is the - Written communication includes memos, notice-
receiver. He must interpret and boards, and letters to staff, emails, faxes, internal
understand the message. In doing so, newspaper, and instant messaging.
however, he will be influenced by factors - Refers to the process of conveying a message
like his age, gender, beliefs, past through the written signs or symbols. (Ex. report,
experiences, cultural influences, and his memo, e-mail, post-card)
individual needs. - The advantages of written communication are the
➔ The Feedback following:
- Feedback refers to the process of 1. It is formal and authoritative
communicating how one feels about 2. It provides a permanent record of what
something another person has done or have been said
said. When a survivor calls his 3. It provides a document useful for legal
subordinates over the phone and asks, purposes
“how are you getting along with our new
recruits?” the answer is actually a Non-Verbal Communication
feedback, could be “I think we made a - Communication that takes place through facial
mistake recruiting these people.” expressions, body movements, eye contact, and
➔ The Environment other physical gestures is referred to as nonverbal
- The environment refers to the communication. This type of communication
circumstances in which messages are reveals what the sender really means or thinking.
transmitted and received. In an - For example, when we see a person inside a
environment of trust and confidence, restaurant taking his meal and we notice that his
messages are easily transmitted even if eyes are gleaming, we can safely presume that he
these messages are controversial. The is enjoying what he is eating.
advantages of this type of environment is
that management is provided with the Commonly accepted interpretations of various forms of
opportunity to address a problem before it body language:
develops into a full-blown concern. FACIAL EXPRESSION:
➔ The Noise ● Frown - displeasure, unhappiness
- Noise refers to anything that disrupts the ● Smile - friendliness, happiness
communication, including the attitudes ● Raised eyebrows - disbelief, amazement
and emotions of the receiver. The noise ● Narrowed eyes, pursed lips - anger
includes loud music, the feeling about a EYE CONTACT:
sick relative, children playing in the ● Glancing - interest
background, and many others. ● Steady - active listening, interest, seduction

mai dai glaeng jai rai man kae keun ai nid noi

Barriers to Communication
1. Filtering
- Refers to the manipulation of information
so that it will be seen more favorable to
the receiver.
2. Selective perception
- Receivers selectively see and hear
messages based on their needs,
motivations, experience, background, and
other personal characteristics.
3. Information overload
- Refers to the condition in which
information inflow exceeds an individual’s
processing capacity.
4. Emotions
- The receiver’s feelings affect his ability to
understand any message sent to him.
5. Language
- Words do not always mean the same
thing to different people.
6. Communication apprehension
- Refers to the undue tension and anxiety
about oral communication, written
communication, or both.
7. Absence of feedback
- Does not provide the sender the
opportunity to correct misimpressions
about the message sent. Without
feedback, the sender will not know if the
message was received at all.
8. Physical separation
- Refers to interferences to effective
communication occurring in the
environment where the communication is
undertaken. Physical barriers like:
1. Distances between people
2. Walls
3. An office that is not conducive to
4. An intimidating person posted
near the door
5. Wrong timing
9. Lack of credibility of the sender
- Depending on the credibility of the sender,
messages can get through the channel to
the receiver. If the sender has low
credibility, the message, even if it gets
through, will be likely ignored. This is a
type of barrier that should be overcome by
leaders of an organization.


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