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- filnll h:t, t' ~c0n n rninbow.

~h~ ,ll'e \here different

\\ , 111 ~ 1n o rrnnbow? Th0 clilter~nl colours ·
. ,,o,, ort' om f "" ti
,cu llli) t o w d1snersc:.11r.o,,,, ina
f II
i11w I i'I' _ ~ ~o..§.un ght
t n:isscs I Hau~1~m..111 wnter dloplet s in ti ~-
0-s111!'I ,r'C,~1n.
. «~ "
Tl d l I
ie ' '41 c n co ou, s th115 fo, med )e (\If
11 .
~1 f 1• appear 111
I , tOtfll O 0 drge C'lll \!(' across tho ckv
tit ~ J
!'\ . 'ob
1:1 ~ rru o-w.

Fig. 15.9. Rarnbow. dispersion of hght

t,tUMAN EVE • I • •

n,1,e.1£ an Q.C&no that &tves us the sense
,f, ision It help us to see aDe!_ interpret the

~mpes Jnd colours of obJects around us. Retina

me hum..1n eve 1s a slightly asymmetrical
sphe1e of nearly 2.5 c;m d1ameter.·The -
structu, e 01 the human eye and its
different parts are shown m Fig. 15.10. .----:- Optic disc
Lens (ol,nd spoi.)
:---ollowmg are the different parts of an eye:
Cornea: It is the thin transparent tissue pt,c nerve
1, h1ch covers the front of the eye: F p th
19. 15 10; arts o uman eye
~P!I: It 1s the hole located at the centre of iris through which light enters the eye.
~: It 1s the coloured part of the eye and Is involved mainly in regulating the amount at
light that enters the e~. It consists of radial muscles that control the srze of the pupil.
Lens: It is a transparent structure that helps to focus the light rays on the retina.
Ciliary muscl.e.s: ~hey controlthe focal Len&!!!_ of the lens by changing the th1c~ of~
~ns The ability of the eye to alter the focal length of its lens so as to clearly see closer and
far away objects Is known as accommodation.
- - - --
Retjna: It 1s the sensitive screen inside the eye where the light rays fall._lt has light
receptors called c_~es an.fl rods. Rods are .!lOt c_olw.-.seos1t1ve. but cones are andenable
us to see colour. These light receptors absorb.light failing on th_e ce.tioa and convert the
message into electncal i_m_plJJ.s.e that ~n be read by the brain.
Optic nerye: It connects the retina of the eye with the brain and carnes impulses to the brain.
Jelly-like fluids fill th~ space beb.J.nd and in front of the Je~spectively These fluids g,ve
sh~to-the,_ eye and protect the eye against any damag~
ormation of image in the eye: The light falls on the lens entering via the cornea and
pupil, an e lens focuses the light on the retina. The image formed on the r~tma 1s
converted to electrrcal signal by the sensory cells (rods and cones) in the retrna. These
electrical signals are transmitted to the br13in through the optic nerve. The brain interprets
the signals and renders the image as erect)
"'' ~"' ~ '"' ,.. l'b•.,...

~ ~""" ~ ~!t ~~~ct']~~ ct~rt)' bom "5 cm~t.2 mtmi~ Our eye
~ ~ 4iks:t ~~¼~~~at ~ h Qf it$ lens. t~ dtStance ot the o Ject from
~~~~~.tQ~ )~-." ~~J~t1sfQcm~onth ere~lna Th\sa6H1ljofthe
~•~~~ ~~ -~~'lQ~~otacc CMM\Odat'-91\ofjj\e_m th,s
~~ ~ ~ -NJ""~''~
'tflS ~~ t~ ('t ~r~ ln\\S~ ty~ ~scan adjust ,ts focal
~ ~ ~~.,. ~'Nf ~',t c..--l ~~;a ~
...... ~e ois.ta• ~ ~5 cm ~nd above. This IS the
~•~ N."<" -..'lit¥ 'l\SlQO ~ l.$ ~l,l!,g tnt DtK 991~• The maximum
~ ~ ~ St~ rs~~- ~ t't tM t~e and tt is usually mty for a in
- - - • ~ • fet dtst~~ thit ~ n~,sct.s &re relaxed and hence the
1'l't ~~~~~ ~ ~ th4t 1\$~ ~th ~ t s . ln this case. the eye lens
~---.$ ...
~~"'t~- ~ tef ~ t ' f t ~ NttiN W~ we stt a nw object. the caltary

~ •QtSt. 1"'5-$hQftand round so that the focal length of the lens

'&ftt.._s ~nw ~fttocustd ontt.'9tina,

~•irM• ·--~
, phenomenon of e hurnan eye by which the image of an Object formed on
~retina ll~e
s ~n th e retina for one-sixteenth of a second 1s called
·,sistence vis • P enomenon m11kes the pecceptIco al.mol.!on 1f stfll
~es of motion of an object are run before lhe eye at the rate ol 16 or more still
~~£<2_nd.Jhls plays an important role m film tecfinoiog~1Y.ttf. More than
; 51 111 images of a motion of the Object are proiected on the screen per second and
~ feel that the Object is moving.

pefects of Eye

~yl'.)pIa, hypermetropia, presbyopia and astigmatism are commonly encountered defects

Jthe eye.
1,1~pia or short-sightedness i~ a defect of the eye In which the vIs1on of near obIects 1s
fearwl,ile v1s1on of distant objects 1s unclear. In this type of defect. the image fron dJStant
iJects will be formed Just in front of the retina whereas the image of the near obJects
will be formed exactly on the retina. This defect in the vIsIon can be corrected by using
concave leos.QLru)propriate power.
.,... - 1fN9C ,s r e f ~
Eye lens
on tM re~1n.a
/ Retina
_, ,.,.
• tor med ,n
" ,,-
front of

Len,, d,ve,ges
Light rays comJng from ....__ hght rdY\
a distant object
Fig. 15.12· Myopia and 11s correction using a concave lens

H permetropia or far-sightedness is a defect of the eye in_whlch the vision of distanr

~ects is clear while vision of objects 1s unclear. In th1_
s type of defect. the tm~ge of
- ar objects wil I be formed beyond the retina whereas the image of !he distant ob1ects will
~: formed exactly on the retina. This defect in the vision can be corrected by using convex
lens of appropriate power. Ret,na
Eye lens Retina EY'!lens
Conve, tens

---- / Image lS
image Is fo,m«! on
behind the \ the ret,na


- ~

Object · )..
• .
... ~►
o. •

Fig. 15.13: Hypermetrop10 and Its correction using 3 convex lens

-- "S • .. .tt:.a ~ t ~ €)~
::::=:~~::......:..i.:;;;,.~~~~ t r,•ed us fl-8 read n,g
opna e po ~".

Peep, e ~ a~ ab<r',-e rrr".3i ~"a from bo1h ~yoga~
:ia a,. the 5a7'11'te Lme n such cases ffiey req ::re a R. ti~ sea~
',i ~'ri in u;per 'part as a conca\-,? ens and the f 3 s~ B oca &pectacie
?a'1. LS a con.'EX tens
~ s the de!ect tn the _,_ he surface of the ett that causes the
~ fo 6ecoine dlSt A pe!SOn enng ast :gmabsm cannot focus on both
- ~'..llll.taoeoo3b'. Tlus defect 1s caused due to the change m the
~pe o' the 'ect 15 corrected usmg cytmdr caJ Jen_gs of appropnate QOWeL
Cat+a-:t cs the defect of the eye fil v.'hdl the lens becomes opaque or doudy due to !bet>
..,the lens iS unable to focus the lf&bt 90 the~ Hence. tntlmaae appears bluq~ M100r
cases a1 cataract can be corrected weanng speg.ades or coo@£! l e ~ . ~ cataract
C4SeS are treated with laser~ or surp:al operabons.

7echr.ology for Visually Challenged

Vasualy ~ e d people depend ffiOfe on their other senses like heanog and touch. Often.
these senses are mare deYeloped in them. Braille !;Y51em is a method that enables~
,npand Pl!OJEto nm il)d wnte. I t ~
·~~ Thesystemhasbeen
!mle patterns ol raised dols that
a er aoveotor~J@lle France'Mltl
~ bind after an accident in childhood.

,. • r ' • "

• • • If "' f' ., I

' • • w z - -

F.g. S.15 The 8rlllle system

. dQ_ci<, tglking_ calculator audio d' t"
~IP the blind person to so~e ext_!C ionary and dictaQhone are
inat reading software like JAWS and Kent. T~ere are also blind-friend'7~1e of the devices
I\Jve - _ urzwe,I 30QO tfiat h
1 . ~ompyte1ii thot
- ·· • e Pin bmwsing the Internet.

our vision plays a maior role in our life C .

and haPPY life. We have to maintain a ~ut~'_ng for_our eyes is very important for a healthy
. · · . . n ious diet to keep our vision health
oe11c1ency of vitamins like vitamin A le d t O . y.
night blindnes_s. Eating ca~ and fo~dsit a drsea~e ~alle~ ~~ropJ!~almia also called
~~tables and. .kUi1SAlsonelp 1n ems_rich ,n V.lli!ffi!n Aprevents lhTh disease.
. preventing age-related disorder of the eyes
free radicals are produced in our bodies d -- - ·
radicals are harmful for the skin and eyes ~ing e process of respirat_ion. These free
which take care of the free radicals. · ence, we should eat food rich in ant1ox1dants

Revise and recall

Fill in the blanks using the correct words.

1. The ben';Yg of lig~t as 1t passes from one medium to another medium is
called -r; ~ of light. (reflection/refraction)
2. T~e spli~ting of white light into different colours is called r
(d1spers1on/em1ssion) _,_-+_ _;_:,___

3. The band of colours obtained by dispersion of light is called fP.... r: ~

4. The minimum distance required for clear vision is called __.__._Jc...;.,,...;;;;,.,_.,'Y_ __
point. (~r/far)


Rectilinear propagation ofligbt: Travelling of light in a straight line

llefradion: The phenomenon in which a light ray passing obliquely from one medium to another
medium of different density, changes the direction of its path
Dispersion: The process of splitting of light into its constituent colours
8pedna Toe band of colours obtained on the screen due to the dispersion of light
Neu point: Minimum distance required for clear vision
,_point: Maximum distance for clear ,ision
ar,opla: A defect in which a person can see the near objects cit.arty and cannot see the distant
lt,pr.radlepla: A defect in which a person can see the distant objects clearly and cannot see the

l ' I

a ~hN~ th..- \"\)fffi t \lt}l km t,)i ~'" h l) f lh@folltlWlll1',
~ i" ~ \\ ,'\1 rt' ,t·, 1 ,,t,
,.t,,lt'·• Hu1
1,, ~ 1 ..'.'\ ' , rh l-1l ,, ,,n ., m111t\l ~\n)l'c'111,, l,•cl
,:,\ • ,~ , , , nt ,)HJml11,ll ,H,, fMit1.\II\ t r111n, Ind
,.-, ~~. .( . ~ ,,~, ,,h,, 1\-:\l,1\ 1-111,11~1 lrtilt1,)111n1 1111 1r)I h tttltrlr)lll
\0\ ~ lt\f' .. \~•(' ',1 .,,,t~. ' nn ll\ r''f\11.,11 ,) 11\rt :lllHlil iJf lnr. ldr" h,;rl

1t1 ''t\~• l;\Hlh',1 l\\ ,1 t1I.Hl1' n\lf Ml h

,~~ \ (l \t tO) rt'i'I (d) 111,IHlllf lctrJ
~ Tilt"\ ~i' .n \:-i .~1 h~M mr 1~ 1h fl ,,n.,1,t 11, 11,1 1 ,)li~11, •, ltJ , :11l11d

,,., ~ t't <'/\ <)tl (U} t-r,t1 ,\1 tic\f\ (() dh pill '1lc)ll (d) ·1pOr ltwn
~ \\ r \ \.~ht r)l1• "'f'~ ,,,~m ., ''"''' ,1,,,i11t ,111l r1 II dci ll!',rll t)lrtdl11111, II
,~,~ f\t°'ll,1•, ,l\\~\\ h ,~m u,,, n«)fl\\.ll (11) l) 11 11d•, l11w.11,h 111,, 11ortnt1I

l • ) .)t\\,1.r ,~)•,· t ~I ,,u,tr1\ ,,, tc\ij (d) I , tJlllfl url 1,11111 ~lly

Jr.')fi?.Ui' (,,''r,11 ni. oh '~h dt I '.A; VI' <'r- I

' ft,1 ltf'Jffl r,•nru· ITWO,'ft;,? • ' mtt~ ,,, :l',if,~ 'A 'Ii , ,tlr,~,et ~,.ti_,_,r:.,A
,,rrttr1f.,f.l,f/f• f I I r, ,~:1/t,".I/,""~~ , I
,,. t<,j I. rX'l'//1/4 (d) (.,::,me;-~
rt.att ~lhtitfwr the
r11., ,_
t,,11,;v,ln,(,;m,;nu 1i
- ~
f1Af;1/ in J ,,1:uw murr,r ,•• l;,t<:ra:, ,n ,r;,t£{J
are rut ,r, t')r FaJ~ <F).
t //tff;fl ,: ,1q I,,
11ml pa•:.,-·, fr 1.1m 11;;w, tr, n'( ths· ·f "r¼-' "
,,,1 tt11: fi 1,,mi)I, ' • • ,,~ f,j, ,,; r(:,; rn'lt~ a11a;

i t, .;fir/ m:1•1.,I,-•, 'hnt,,,1 It<• f(,1,;Jl lt:rJ%th ,,t th€~/€ lr;r.•, ai lh~,;..,in.:r the.
ltJ/.,-YI /·•.~ 111 tti'· l':O'.. ' .: •e, e •

4 rt,<1r1mw· f1,rm<· 1J irJ :; [J1ari() mirmr i<.. a! 11131,-_, 1ri ,,:~d

, I/hen liP,t,t I'. r~fl 1·(,1<· 1l r, / .a mirror, thr; ncIO<:nt ra J, th':: r':fl<;,:t<;d rz f and
the w,rmal ;;H lie: In tt,,. ·.arr,<: plan<:.
0 FIii In th<: blan~~ u~r nv, the correct word.
M:'irlf; rnlrr0r ,1l 11~ / ~ prr;ducr;, a :.f..:f,_-__~_,,_,'___ Irnage, (real/vir'fualJ
1 l 11·fl 1-r,t1<,r1 fr11rr." ',fTl'1'1th -;urfacr; 1-:, call~d --c;;p .1.1 _
fr, t1Jl,,r/d,tr 1J';<:d)
; /· r,l1r,th111'. fr,rrnr:d rlu<: to ,./.., fi ,'c: of sunlight. (dispers1on/reflect1on)
4. IA 11,111;, i•, r.r1rr<:rJ<.:d u•,ing ( Cle /",. t, ) "« . (concave lens/convex lens)
~, I1/r/l•rm~tmp,~ I', et,rrr;e,tt.;d u•,ing _,...,_..,.&'.J.c...
• /,:.:;"-'i,-"'-'.___ _ . (concave lens/convex lens)

An1wer the following questions In one sentence each.

I '/ /h,1t ;,, ,cfl(;l-h<m of li?,ht1
;,, Nh,,1 1,, rt"!frar,11rm of IIP,ht?
·1 Nti;Jf I', cfr,p1:r',I/Jn?
4 '//h;it 1·, ',p,-ct rum?
'1 IA<i111Ion fh,J ord<:r of colour~ in the ~pectrum of white light. / ' 9p I I
i-'r ~~,, , - ~ oJ..v.c,,
/ r ,.,_,,., -1 JJ.e-.-' J 1 w- ::-. p
II An~wer tho following questions briefly. .-4 I -"'-

I V/h,1I ,,rr, rt!P,Ular ,md d1ffu<;od mflections?

;, r,1v1• ,1111-1arnpl<: wh•!rn diffused r,~flection is useful. ' / ·• ~1·1riJv·1:;'.j O"V ,k, yr )~ ~A ;

0~ ). ':.("':.
'I r,,w· '"''' ;Jppl,ciJlifJn for lateral inversion produced by mirror reflection.
4. (,iw• tw,, ,!1 ,3rnplw, for the ~ffects of refraction observed in nature.
5 w11.,1 cJo you undr;r•,tand by the terms near point and far point?
• bswer-ltlefol~ ~indel:ail
: Mennn.... !tie .c'la..a..n~--cs r/ a:-1 ,mage for,rned by a plane mirror.
.::.. ~ . : > l l E &l!!Vlt) ~ ~ m ' I h e ~ oi white light. .
tr, (a) rarer to denser medium
3 JtiM ~ .dL&g:a~ ~ st1nw r,e ·etract,rm of a light ray om
.an= ~ oonse,.. !~ rare r.lediun.
g through a pr,ism.
~- ~ .a .:i~m'!.: sh.lY. :rie dis;>er510n of white light passm
5 Exola1,.. ~ "!laJO,.. defe~s of VSJ0:1 and sugg~ how to oorrect them.

■ ••la ,ta■eem ~..,_,, in tbe figun!S giwn belfYIJ/?

■ flli I
11a1e,...- own per isCX>pe ~ a cardboard box and two plain mirrors.
CllltwuwwDJWson qJpDSle aids ald comets~ a box. One window for you to look into
andk •u •JOU ID took out tor the ■qe,c.ts to be seen. Then slide each mirror through
tlE a • u:s!!t45 degree awe.
Ad;lQ the position of the mnors so that when you look
•• 11".._ t &wtt •ldDlt. JOU sflDuld be able lo see out of the top mirror. Then glue or
tl!IE...,twus 1nplimeand)IDllr paisuope is ready!
. . . . .,- I
a II • ■ill1illt1Sabln-,aaD- There 811! different theories developed to explain
1lll_ bi Pu Lil .cf fllllt. Q I I ic6.wiiii6M abautJlks:.e.t lheories of light and the
SI r 4-i. . .#, rs dl:...1 llleones.
■ llllSZ
1. DD 1._.llltlesaarapa r aMsuaed..,.wllh ....,e,es.
z. ,, er I ' ' I s'9II I . . . . . . . . .lbtalllt-&ta-.Raad qbookby
It 4 a·I11Ddll!ela.-~ llllstl d ,-re,es.
3. &t:t,231 acsl lllaidi •rteadla■Ml,aufaram11furtaMaeadin1.

eparts of a human eye in the following d'
~,beI th 1agram.

In the Laboratory
Total internal reflection: When light passes from a denser medium to a rarer medium
and 1f the angle of incidence is more than a particular angle (cnt1cal angle) the :1ght
rays are reflected back to the denser medium. This phenomenon rs called total internal
Aim: To study the total internal reflection of lrght
Materials required: Beaker (500 ml), Dettol,
water, laser torch
• Place the beaker on a table and pour water
into it so that it is filled completely.
• Add a few drops of Dettol into the water and
stir well.
• Point the laser beam to the beaker filled with
water as shown in the picture below.
You can see that the laser light gets reflected from the top surface of water contained in
abeaker. This is due to the total internal reflection.

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