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Dear Admissions Committee,

It is with great pleasure that I recommend Razi for admission to your

undergraduate program. Being his school counselor for four years,
have witnessed Razi's contribution to our school community and his
tremendous impact on the school's environment. He has opted to
enrich the lives and minds of the students around him and has been
committed to making his high school a better place.

Razi is an extremely competitive student that would always be

determined to achieving high grades. His enrollment to the pioneer
system only showcases his dedication and perseverance. He would

only be sharp academically but you would often find him reaching
to his peers and trying to help them in certain situations.

Razi is an outstanding student that has a very unique personality. Due

to his social attitude, constant positive energy and his ability to
improve the general mood, he has become an irreplaceable
inside the school.

Razi has also been of impact not only on his peers but for
a source

many students to come after his graduation. Alongside

classmates, he has opted to make the most profit out of a holiday
help make a new look to his school by repainting the walls, cleaning
the halls and replacing some damaged items. The students and the
administration have been very impressed with the changes and have
acknowledged the positive effects as these alterations brought back
some life to a high school that was suffering
from many setbacks.

In addition, Razi is one of the rare student that have shown special
traits and that have manipulated them for a better school and society.
For instance, he has been successful in hosting multiple online TED
events during the lockdown in order to connect with students, help
them develop their social skills, critical thinking and public speaking.
such as the
In these events Razi would refer to important issues
in order to
problem of racism, as well as other topics such curiosity
broaden his horizons and sharpen both his and his colleagues' abilities
to express themselves.

Razi is a very talented and intelligent student that is full of potential

and capable of taking on university challenges and conquering the
highest levels of education. He deserves my highest recommendation
to your program.

I am on your disposal for any further information on the e-mail:
School Counselor.

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