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When cleaning up the model in ZBrush do not move the pivot point or the textures will not line up.

When capturing:  

 low ISO
 fixed lens
 50 mm
 use lossless file format
 keep the entire object in frame
 don’t switch between portrait and landscape
 follow the shape of the object (same distance)

When cleaning up:

 Smooth in ZBrush
 Decimate
 Unwrapping: ZPlugins > Decimation Master > Unwrap (be patient :)

Week 03:

Texture:  too many images can mess up the texture

Import textures into substance painter:  (file>import resources>texture>(only current session)>import)

-> drop texture into base color material and paint with images behind model

Mari -> for texturing (can import cameras)

Only export in “Maya + Arnold”  once model clean-
up and textures are finished (take transformations into account when reimporting to reality capture)

Week 04:

Unreal Engine 5

Made to put things together still use other software for modelling, sims, etc.

Film/video project: Saves all project data

Bottom left:

 content browser with all content with the project (saved in immediately content
folder) > have a good file organization for better workflow > different levels (like
maya scenes)
 Settings > enable engine content

Top Right: Outliner (can create folders)

Bottom Right: Details (Attribute editor, search option for specific details)

Top Left: Place Actors(shelves):

File organization:

 levels folder
 static objects folder, rigged meshes folder etc.

Navigate viewport:

 change inverted middle mouse pan in editor settings

 Mouse scroll camera speed can be changed in settings or panning speed in viewport
 object view mode top left

Project settings: use Lumen to light scene (type: ”global”)

> for faster visualization

turn on “support hardware ray tracing” and “use hardware ray tracing”

Actors (window > enable place actors): basic lights, geometry, etc. to add to you scene


 Directional light:
o lights in every direction (works like a sun)
o set lights to movable
o position can only be changed by rotating
 Point light:
o sphere around light shows how far it reaches
o units can be changed to have more specific control of the light intensity
o Hard shadows because of “point” light > change source radius for softer
o weird shadows > make sure “cast ray traced shadows” are on
 Spot light:
o weird shadows > make sure “cast ray traced shadows” are on
o change attribute radius for how far the light can go
o change source radius for softer shadows
 Rect Light
o turn off snapping for smoother moving (or change snapping degree)
o change size in details > source width and height
o change barn door size and rotation
o weird shadows > make sure “cast ray traced shadows” are on
 Channels: objects and lights can be put into channels so they don’t interact with
light/objects in other channels (by default everything is in channel 0)
 HDRI Backdrop:
o change cubemap to change image(from engine content or import image to
o mainly for reflections
o can be disabled from viewport when hide in game mode is selected from
details menu


 Post process volume:

o turn on int extent
o change exposure (can also be changed/forced in viewport)

World settings(windows > tun off precomputed light):

 turn off precomputed light


 in content browser
 put models into mesh folder (turn off create materials and import textures> import
all > separate objects)
 merge separate objects in model by importing with advanced setting combine
objects only one shader
 prepare objects before importing by importing with different sets to be able to apply
multiple textures
 to apply materials put them in textures folder and create new material
 material editor can be docked for easier navigating
 in material editor open content browser and drag in textures and connect to the
correct input
 save in material editor to view changes in viewport
 make sure to apply to the correct object
 specular: parameter at 0.5
 right click nodes > convert to parameters to give correct name
 in content browser right click to create instances to add additional textures for other


 render view G (game mode)

 high res screen shot from options in viewport
 create cinematic camera from actors window
 in viewport perspective select camera to look through it
 set up camera settings
 render: window > cinematics > open movie renderer queue > nothing to render
 add sequencer from actor window
 change sequencer settings according to the wanted output > back to movie render
Constant color in material editor: color level will always be on zero at first when selecting a

Saving: save all in Content Browser (shows asterisk when something can be saved)

Week 05:

Unreal Engine 5

Save space by deleting all target platforms from epic games launcher

Week 06:

Hidden in scene ≠ hidden in sequence

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