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Seminar nº2.

Romeo and Juliet: Act 2, Scene 2

1.This scene takes place at night in a garden.How does it affect the content of the

The scene takes place at night because that´s the only time of the day when they
can express their love to each other, because their families were against the
relationship. In terms of speech, Romeo uses the night to compare their love, he
also compares Juliet with the sunrise, which represents light that is opposite of the
moon which is sick and grieving.

2.What are the comparisons or metaphors in this scene?

We can find metaphors and comparisons all along scene 2. For example, at the
beginning of the scene we find a comparison between a window and the east and
there's also a metaphor where Romeo compares her to the sun, meaning Juliet is as
important to him as the sun is important to earth. Furthermore we find a
comparison between the moon and sickness, also the moon is a metaphor for
Rosaline, she is the opposite of Juliet, therefore the moon and the sun. Lastly
Romeo compares himself with an enemy, this meaning he is a Montague and Juliet
is a Capulet (sworn enemies).

3.Point out the vocabulary related to the semantic field of nature and the senses.

We find vocabulary related to the semantic field of nature like; the sun, the moon,
stars,the light, heaven, clouds, rose, the night, death, thunderbolt…
On the other hand we also find vocabulary related to the senses; envious, sick,
glorious, hatred, loving, sadness…

4.How would you describe the relationship between Romeo and Juliet at this point:
What is happening?

In this scene, Romeo and Juliet find themselves expressing their love for each
other, even though their love is impossible. They don't care that their families are
sworn enemies, they don't even care about the fight between the two families, they
are eager to break the relationship between members of both families. Love
conquers all kinds of obstacles, even fear, we see this in the act of courage that
Romeo has when he creeps into the garden just to see Juliet and try to convince her
about getting married.

5.Do we get a sense of tragedy or of joy in this scene? Explain where and why:
The atmosphere is an atmosphere of joy, they´re confessing their illicit romance to
each other and reassuring that they are capable of abandoning their surname,
notwithstanding if it brings more conflict, Romeo is even thinking about marriage.
There are more than enough reasons to justify that this scene is established on the
joy of the characters for their nurturing love.

6.How does Shakespare create suspense and dynamism in the dialogue?

Shakespare creates suspension on two occasions; the first one is when Romeo
sneaks into the garden, the idea of Romeo entering in the enemy's territory causes
tension. At the same time Juliet cannot be seen with Romeo either, and there's also
the fact that the nurse almost discovers Juliet talking to Romeo.

7.Can you think of any love scene in literature or film that resembles this one?

It reminds me of Pride and Prejudice, because Elizabeth Bennet at first fancied Mr.
Wickham, just like Romeo, at first he liked Rosaline. Even though the love between
Ms. Bennet and Mr. Darcy is not forbidden, Mrs. Bennet is not very fond of Mr.
Darcy, she thinks of him as a very judgmental person and also there is a matter of
social differences between Mr. Darcy and Lizzy Bennet.
These stories don't end the same, because Elizabeth marries Mr. Darcy and they
have a joyous ending, and Romeo and Juliet ends in tragedy, but i´d like to think
they resemble each other. One story of forbidden love because of their different
social statuses and a story of love between enemies.

8.Do we get the feeling that they are sincere in their love?
In my opinion their love is pure and sincere, even though Romeo at first loved
Rosaline, when he meets Juliet he´s struck by her. This scene proves it, he sneaks in
her garden only to confess his love for her.

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