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Diploma in Perfor

Performing &
Production Arts
Unit 8 Project Proposal

Name Tom Pegler
Candidate 544861
Pathway Performing and production arts

Project Title
Section 1: Review
After starting this course, I feel I have a much better understanding of theatre and the way it works behind the
scenes. I have definitely gained skills on the production side of things because before this course a had very little
knowledge of production in theatre but after starting this course I have a much greater understanding. I have
also gained skills in physical theatre I have gained a lot more knowledge about physical theater and the use of
movement in a theater piece and how movement can convey theater which is something that I have not
explored prior to the course and this has influenced me to remain with my discipline of acting but also physical
theater acting is something that I have gained an interest in. I chose to do acting and theater because I love the
thrill of playing a completely different person and it is also a chance to show off my skills.

Section 2: Project Concept

My aims of our final major project is to explore characterization and really be able to feel connected to the play
and gaining the full experience of the creative process working alongside all of the 15 production team members
that will be working alongside us in the final major project and the experience of intensive rehearsals with all of
the 15 production team members and being able to be given a proper costume fitting and most importantly I
would like to be able to experience the overwhelming feeling during tech and dress week and how important
that is to the creative process of our project. I will take constructive feedback to improve my performance in the
piece to make sure that this is successful showcase and I would like to work with a script again which is
something that I personally work better with and can feel more connected to the play as I will be able to feel
connected to my character arc in the play and I will make use of all of the spaces that I can use to make sure that
I’m strong on lines or line learning in general and possibly movement and scenes in the play that need more
rehearsing and rehearsing in my independent study sessions to improve

Section 3: Evaluation
During this creative process something that I will reflect on is how to incorporate the skills into a scripted piece of
theater and how I will evaluate my process is making sure I’m taking notes when I get constructive feedback and
being open to change a way of doing this is making sure I have a notepad and pen at all times and coming into
the rehearsal space with an open mind. This will mean when it comes to constructive feedback that can
sometimes be negative to make sure to take it as it is and take it on board in making sure to improve my role in
the creative process and being able to work collaboratively with everyone in the ensemble to make a piece of
theater that will be impactful for a paying audience member. I will make sure to take constructive feedback on
board and be open to change and be open minded and always evaluate a situation if need be and always
evaluate and reflect on my own personal development.
Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format) Mario fandom History channel Wikipedia Wikipedia
2018-uk-summer-heatwave Met office
soon-it-sold-180970486/ Smithsonian Magazine Our rise in social media Retro Waste BBC Wikipedia

Project Action Plan and Timetable

Week Date Week Activity / What you are Resources / What you will need to do it -
Beginning intending to do - including including access to workshops
independent study
We met our director Sophie Script
20th Feb Cottle, and we played a few
games to get to know each
other and for her to get to
know us better and see how
we work. We also read through
the script as group for the first
At the beginning we played The script pens/ paper
27th Feb our usual games to get us
warmed up and we did our
short fun dance routine to get
us all energized and in the
mood for the lesson. We then
had to do a lot of work on
characterizations, and we split
into pairs and were assigned a
character to further explore.
We then shared back our
research with the rest of the
group at the end. This helped
all of us to understand all the
We got into the rehearsal The script
6th Mar space and did our usual
routine dance/name chain
exercise and then we went on
to explore movement in terms
of the parallel universes which
is what ‘Variations 'is based on
and we explored our own
personal movements to
glitching to normal and how
we can interpret glitching with
movement and how movement
can be used in the piece in
terms of transitions from
scene to scene and then we
split into groups and put our
personal glitching movements
together to make a piece of
movement in a group as well
as narrating the stage
directions also
We did our usual dance The script
13th Mar routine to get warmed up and
we also did a few warmup
games as well. We then looked
at transitions for each scene in
the play. We looked at this
through music and how
different music can affect the
mood, so we all suggested
songs that fit each transition.
We all then split into groups
and came up with our own
song that matched the play
and performed them to the rest
of the group at the end.
20th Mar In this week’s session we did The script
our usual exercises and
check-ins. This session was
our final session looking at
research and development
and, in this session, we did the
beginning and the end of the
piece, and we got split into
groups for the rehearsal and
we came up with different
beginnings and endings to
create ideas for the director to
take into script rehearsals
when they take place next
week. We were able to create a
beginning and ending in our
groups. We used a lot of
ensemble work as well as
using the text we also were
able to do a lift at the
beginning. We were also able
to convey what character was
most important at the
beginning and the ending of
the play.
27th Mar We did all the usual warmups The script
at the start of the lesson. This
session was our first where
had been assigned our rolls,
so we spent most of the
lesson getting to know our
characters a bit better and
really looking at the script in
depth. We then got into our
scene partners/ groups and
spent some time going
through the script. My study
for the Easter break is to
complete the rest of my
assignments due beforehand
and to learn my lines and
study my character in detail
(character analysis).
17th Apr Props and transitions
During the first week of
intensives, we did our normal
vocal and physical warmups
every day. We spent most of
the first week moving the
boxes and focusing on the
staging of the play. We also
spent a lot of time working on
the transitions between
scenes because they are quite
complicated. We did do some
work on fight scenes but
mainly left that to the second
week to focus on as that’s
when we had the fight
directors come in. Overall, the
first week was mainly
transition focused and scene
24th Apr In the second week of Script and props and notes
intensive rehearsals, we did
the usual warms ups every
day. This was the week where
we had our dance
choreographer Deeps come in
and watch our transition
movement and give us
directorial feedback. We also
worked on all the scenes in the
play, getting notes from our
director Sophie Cottle. We
managed to do a full run of the
show at the end of that week,
which was good because we
were able to see how things
would run and focus on more
things in detail.

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