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VCE Corporate Skill Improvement Program

CSD Report Format

● Download this format in .docx and then prepare the summary in it and upload
Intern’s Details
Name Samir Balasaheb Dumbre


College Name Western college of commerce, Navi Mumbai

NOTE : Please watch all the videos from then

attempt to make the summary. Download this format, answer it and then save the file as CSD task in
your task google drive.

Please summarize the learning you got from the first video session of CSD.

Summary Session 1:

Session 1 tells us about the difference between the education that we get in schools and colleges
and the practical exposure that we get in the corporate world. Apart from academic’s education,
many extra - curricular activities are required to get new skills. This will help an individual to
sustain in a corporate culture. Skills should be learned and developed from schools. Schools,
colleges and professional course have their own respective skills.

Skills include good interaction, good communication skills, and good academics as well.

Academic skills
Computer skills
Documentation and reporting skills
Communication skills
Analytical and Intelligence skill

500 Words (Max.)

Please summarize the learning you got from the second video session of CSD.

Summary Session 2:

Session 2 is basically a discussion about the future prospects of an individual are. And it tells about

CSD Summary Report Page 1

VCE Corporate Skill Improvement Program
CSD Report Format

the purpose and position one should have in their life. And don’t depend upon the situations to
come. One should prepare and plan accordingly. And should not depend upon the circumstance to
occur and then decide. One should focus on one thing at a time only. Passion is always
misunderstood by most of the people. There are 3 P’s Passion, Purpose and Practicality. If there
are 3P’s in your dream, then you should definitely do that. Then only you will succeed. One should
define their success and start following it.

What I want to do in my life? I am currently working in a well reputed company and enhancing my
skills. The basic reason of doing job after graduation is Finance. My interest in the career led by it. I
have a major interest and fascination with Analytics and numbers. And in the coming years, I want
to work in a company as a Financial Analyst. Being a financial analyst requires a lot of learning and
dedication. And I have taken my first step by enrolling in a Financial Modelling Course. Although
life’s goals keep on changing and my goals and plans will change too. But whatever my goal will be
I will give my 100% for it to be a success.

500 Words (Max.)

Please summarize the learning you got from the third video session of CSD.

Summary Session 3:

During the college days, students can learn various hard and soft skills. The session is about
Success. Success can be your goals as well.

The first step to solve a problem is by knowing the problem. Usually people know that there is a
problem with the skills. They know that they need to achieve certain skills. But, they don’t know
what is to be done to achieve them. Before improving the skills, the first target is to remove the
negativity which is disturbing you from achieving it.

One of the learning provided is to not to follow political discussions.

Remove unwanted friends from your list Start bargaining on time.

These things will help to invest your time in most profitable sources. To achieve success in life,
everyone has a vehicle. The vehicle is like a train. Like a train has different compartments, every
goal in a person’s life depicts a coach. But, your success is the engine. So, everyone should not
always look after the coach, but they should take care about the engine as well.

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VCE Corporate Skill Improvement Program
CSD Report Format

500 Words (Max.)

Please summarize the learning you got from the fourth video session of CSD.

Summary Session 4:

Sensitivity Analysis

The session is about Sensitivity Analysis. It helps to know the impact of any one factor on the other
parameters. There are 3 kinds:

1. Theoretical- It is the study which shows the uncertainty in the output due to uncertainty in the
inputs. This process is continuously repeated until one becomes clear about the inputs that are
leading to a major change in the output.

2. Practical- Practical sensitivity refers to an analysis in which people depend on their own
sensitivity to select inputs for an output which may be wrong afterwards. This is explained with help
of an example as well.

3. Personal – Personal Sensitivity includes factors which are personal to one self. And that person
does not disclose these factors to others as those people can use it against him.

500 Words (Max.)

Please summarize the overall learning and your feedback about VCE CSD Program

Overall Summary and Feedback:

This session includes the summary of previous lectures. And, all the sessions became clearer.

Apart from it 5 lessons were taught –

1. Remove negative things from life as these can affect your performance.

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VCE Corporate Skill Improvement Program
CSD Report Format

2. Accept new things that are positive and boost your morale.

3. Stop wasting time and energy on wasteful activities.

4. One should do more personal analysis and practical analysis5. The most important way to
improve skills is to participate in various events.

500 Words (Max.)

Please add blocks for if needed.

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