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Operational Report

Patient Name: Chamot, Edward

Date: March 15, 2022
Indications: The patient presented that he lost an implant
previously placed in April 2021 due to a periodontal infection in
that area in the right lower quadrant of the mandibula. The
patient had a history of bone loss. Previously Doctor Sanchez
recommended Dental Implant Treatment to prevent more bone loss,
and to avoid adjacent teeth, and TMJ (temporomandibular joint)
that may result in pain and headaches for the patient.
Additionally, the periodontist stated that teeth #6, #7, #8, #9,
#10, #11 were restorable, and had periodental gum disease.
Preoperative Diagnosis: Advanced Adult Periodontitis
Postoperative Diagnosis: Same
Anesthesia/Sedation: Local Anesthesia
Procedure in detail: The patient was taken to the operating room
and placed in the supine position in that dental chair. Vital
signs monitors composed of an electrocardiogram, blood pressure
monitor, pulse and oximeter were placed. The surgical team was
then washed and gloved, and a sterile drape was placed over the
patient. Adequate Local Anesthesia was administered by the
Periodontist. Teeth #5, #6, #7, #9, #10, #11 were prepare for
crowns over teeth, and piece #30 did bone grafing, after it one
Dental Implant was placed on missing teeth. X-rays were taken and
Found to be well placed. A temporary teeth were placed from teeth
#6-#11, and also in tooth #30. The patient was allowed to recover
in the surgery room after the operation. Postoperative
instructions were reviewed with the patient. The patient expressed
understanding. Prescribed antibiotic, pain relief, and
antininflammatory medication. The patient was instructed to call
with any questions or problems that might arise.
Complications: None
Plan: Return to the clinic in two weeks for a check and to remove

Jorge Sanchez, DDS

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