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The best natural place I would like to visit in

the future.

In the future I would like to visit Australia. I think that is the most
interesting place to visit.

There are many things that I would like to see in Australia.

First of all I want to see its amazing landscapes.
They are the best place to rest.
Its fauna and flora are also very different and beautiful. There are
more than 22.000 of different species of flora there.
I love animals so I would like to see their friendly Kangaroos,
Koalas, Wombats, Numbats and my favorite, Tasmanian devils.
Another thing I love is the great barrier of the reef which is the
biggest living species on earth.

Moreover I love Australia because you can do many activities there.

I like to surf and Australia is the best place to surf.
I would also love to dive there and I would swim with sharks.

From my point of view Australia is the most adventurous place to

have fun so I hope to visit it in the future.

By: Enrique Sánchez Andújar 1º BACH. A

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