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OPINION Metabolic support in sepsis: corticosteroids and
vitamins: the why, the when, the how
Tomoko Fujii a,b, Adam M. Deane c, and Priya Nair d

Purpose of review
Sepsis is a global health issue, and there is a need for effective, low-cost adjunct metabolic treatments.
Corticosteroids have been investigated in many trials for decades, and recently the administration of
vitamin C, thiamine (vitamin B1), and vitamin D have been proposed as novel therapies in patients with
Recent findings
APROCCHSS (N ¼ 1241) and ADRENAL (N ¼ 3800) trial reported inconsistent results in mortality outcome;
however, both demonstrated a decreased duration of shock with low-dose corticosteroids. The CITRIS-ALI
trial (N ¼ 170) examined the effects of intravenous vitamin C 200 mg/kg/day and reported no effect on
organ dysfunction or biomarkers. The VITAMINS trial (N ¼ 216) compared combination therapy of vitamin
C 6 g/day, thiamine 200 mg/day, and hydrocortisone 200 mg/day with hydrocortisone alone to find that
the combination did not increase vasopressor free time. A single trial (N ¼ 88) evaluating the effect of
thiamine in patients with sepsis reported a neutral result. Two randomized trials (N ¼ 475 and N ¼ 1360)
on the supplementation of vitamin D in the critically ill patients did not identify statistically significant
reduction in mortality.
Evidence from high-quality research is still insufficient to support the use of vitamin C, thiamine, and vitamin
D as metabolic support in sepsis treatment.
corticosteroid, sepsis, thiamine, vitamin C, vitamin D

INTRODUCTION corticosteroids [3], prompting further trials of cor-

Sepsis is characterized as a dysregulated host ticosteroids administration during septic shock.
response to infection leading to life-threatening Subsequent trials have reported conflicting
organ dysfunction [1]. Global sepsis-related deaths results [4–6]. This uncertainty generated debate as
in the year 2017 were estimated to be 11 million to the most appropriate target population, co-admin-
with a disproportionate impact in developing coun- istration of fludrocortisone, adverse effects of corti-
tries [2]. There is a clear need for effective and costeroids, and need for exogenous corticosteroids
affordable interventions for sepsis, with recent inter- without co-existing use of etomidate. Recently, two
ests in evaluating adjunctive therapies targeting large RCTs studied patients on mechanical
metabolic pathways. The objectives of this review
are to summarize the findings of trials on corticoste- a
ANZIC-RC, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine,
roids and to provide a concise review of vitamin C, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, bHealth Promotion
thiamine (vitamin B1), and vitamin D administra- and Human Behavior, School of Public Health, Kyoto University Graduate
tion on outcomes in patients with sepsis. School of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, cThe University of Melbourne, Depart-
ment of Medicine, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Parkville, Victoria and
Intensive Care Services, St Vincents Health Network, Sydney, New
South Wales, Australia
Correspondence to Tomoko Fujii, MD, PhD, ANZIC-RC, Department of
Corticosteroids inhibit the inflammatory cascades Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, 553 St Kilda
that contribute to the vasoplegic state characteris- Road, Melbourne, VIC 3004, Australia. Tel: +61 3 9905 6642;
tic of sepsis. A landmark randomized clinical trial e-mail:
(RCT) in 1998 reported improved vasopressor Curr Opin Crit Care 2020, 26:363–368
responsiveness with supraphysiological doses of DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000000736

1070-5295 Copyright ß 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Metabolic support

with sepsis or critical illness, studies have described

KEY POINTS oxidative stress arising because of the imbalance of
 Vitamin C, thiamine, and vitamin D have known to be the ROS production and the protection by antiox-
depleted in patients with critical illness. idants [14,15]. Furthermore, plasma vitamin C con-
centrations are frequently low in patients with
 Two different doses of vitamin C therapy (200 mg/kg/ sepsis or septic shock [16–18]. In animal models
day, 6 g/day) have been investigated; however,
of sepsis, exogenous vitamin C improves capillary
considering the lack of consistent beneficial effects in
studies at low risk of bias, we do not recommend the blood flow and/or microvascular barrier function,
routine administration of intravenous vitamin C to and arteriolar vasoconstrictor responsiveness
patients with septic shock at the moment. [19,20].
 Given the cost and a lack of randomized clinical trial
data alongside conflicting observational data with high How should vitamin C be administered?
risk of bias, to support pharmacological administration
of thiamine to patients with septic shock without risk Plasma concentrations of vitamin C less than
factors for preexisting deficiency, we do not 23 mmol/l are considered diagnostic of hypovitami-
recommend empiric wide-spread use of nosis [21]. In health, dietary intake of vitamin C up
pharmacological thiamine to patients with septic shock. to 200 mg per day is recommended [22]. When high-
 Whilst vitamin D supplementation does not appear to dose vitamin C is ingested; plasma concentrations
cause harm to critically ill patients with sepsis, there is are tightly controlled within normal ranges by the
insufficient data to recommend supplementation. efficiency of transportation at intestinal epithelium
[23]. Intravenous administration bypasses the chan-
nel in the intestine, causing supraphysiological
plasma concentrations.
ventilation with vasopressor-dependent septic shock Initial dosing studies suggested 3 g/day of intra-
(APROCCHSS, N ¼ 1241, and ADRENAL, N ¼ 3800) venous vitamin C was required to achieve normal
&& &&
[7 ,8 ]. The APROCCHSS trial compared the combi- plasma concentrations in patients with trauma or
nation of intravenous hydrocortisone 200 mg/day infection [18]. More recently, a pharmacokinetic
and enteral fludrocortisone 50 mg/day to placebo. study in critically ill patients with multiple organ
The ADRENAL trial compared intravenous hydrocor- dysfunction reported that with 1 g of intravenous
tisone 200 mg/day to placebo. In APROCCHSS trial, vitamin C every 12 h restored plasma vitamin C
90-day mortality was lower in the steroid group (43 concentrations to ‘normal’ concentrations and that
vs. 49%, P ¼ 0.03), whereas, hydrocortisone did not 10 g/day achieved supra-physiologic concentrations
affect mortality in ADRENAL (27.9 vs. 28.8%, [24]. In a nested cohort within a RCT, 1.5 g of
P ¼ 0.50). However, both trials demonstrated a signif- intravenous vitamin C every 6 h to patients with
icant decrease in duration of vasopressor dependency septic shock was sufficient to achieve and sustain
&& &&
[7 ,8 ]. A recent meta-analysis of current evidence supraphysiological plasma concentrations [25].
concluded that corticosteroids administration had
no significant effect on mortality but was associated
with shorter duration of septic shock, mechanical When or whether to treat with vitamin C?
ventilation, and ICU length of stay [9]. Several recent studies have evaluated the effect of
intravenous vitamin C in patients with sepsis.
Twenty-four patients with severe sepsis were allo-
VITAMIN C cated to receive either an intravenous infusion of
Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin vitamin C 50 mg/kg/24 h, 200 mg/kg/24 h or pla-
that affects the synthesis and function of endothe- cebo in a parallel-group-blinded RCT [17]. Patients
lium [10] and serves as a cellular antioxidant by receiving either dose exhibited a greater decrease in
detoxifying reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cells sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) scores
[11]. It also works as a co-factor for many enzymes, over 96 h than those receiving placebo, and the
including dopamine b-hydroxylase, which catalyzes reduction was the greatest in patients who received
the conversion of dopamine to noradrenaline [12] the 200 mg/kg/24 h dose [17].
and reportedly suppresses inflammatory cascade [13]. Many of the same investigators recently pub-
lished a placebo-controlled, multicentre RCT of 170
patients who presented with sepsis and developed
Why vitamin C? acute respiratory distress syndrome (CITRIS-ALI)
As humans cannot synthesize vitamin C endoge- &&
[26 ]. The investigators reported that intravenous
nously, it has to be sourced exogenously. In patients infusion of vitamin C (50 mg/kg every 6 h) had no

364 Volume 26  Number 4  August 2020

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Metabolic support in sepsis Fujii et al.

effect on modified SOFA scores at 96 h (difference, monotherapy, the combination of vitamin C, thia-
0.10; 95% CI 1.23 to 1.03; P ¼ 0.86) or concen- mine, and hydrocortisone did not affect the primary
trations of C-reactive protein (difference, 7.94 mg/ outcome (difference, 0.6 h; 95% CI 8.3 to 7.2;
mL; 95% CI 8.2 to 24.11; P ¼ 0.33) and thrombo- P ¼ 0.83) [38 ]. Several ongoing RCTs compare com-

modulin (difference, 0.69 ng/ml; 95% CI 2.8 to bination therapy to placebo or ‘usual care’. Some
4.2; P ¼ 0.70) at 168 h [26 ]. The authors also con-
beneficial effects from corticosteroids on shock res-
ducted analyses on 46 prespecified secondary out- olution are, therefore, anticipated in the absence of
comes and identified that 28-day all-cause corticosteroids from the control group. Results from
mortality, ICU-free days, and hospital-free days were those trials should be cautiously interpreted as they
reduced, at the 0.05 significance level, in patients may significantly overestimate the effect of vitamin
&& &
allocated to vitamin C [26 ]. However, the thresh- C [36 ].
old for statistical significance when analysing 46 No serious adverse events occurred in any of the
&& &&
secondary outcomes was not adjusted for multiple trials [17,26 ,38 ]. Intravenous vitamin C appears
comparisons. The interpretation of multiple com- well tolerated; however, it should be noted that
parisons is not straightforward [27,28], and these those trials excluded patients who might be at risk
observations warrant further evaluation. of oxalate nephropathy or hemolysis [39].
In 2017, a thought-provoking single-centre
before–after study assessing the combination of
high-dose intravenous vitamin C (1.5 g every 6 h), THIAMINE
hydrocortisone (50 mg every 6 h) and thiamine Thiamine (vitamin B1) is a water-soluble vitamin
(200 mg every 12 h) in 94 patients with severe sepsis that must be obtained from exogenous sources [40].
or septic shock. The authors reported shorter dura- Once absorbed from the small intestine, thiamine is
tion of vasopressor administration and markedly stored in various forms with thiamine pyrophos-
reduced hospital mortality [29]. The combination phate the active compound [41]. Well nourished
therapy warranted further evaluation, given the adults will store approximately 30 g of thiamine in
dramatic effect observed in the study [30]. muscle, liver, and kidneys but, even in health, these
The rationale for this combination includes syn- stores can be depleted in as little as 18 days of a
ergistic effects of vitamin C and glucocorticoids in thiamine-deficient diet [42].
sepsis. Vitamin C is taken up into cells through a
transporter, SVCT2 (sodium-vitamin C cotrans-
porter 2). An in-vitro experiment reported dexa- Why thiamine?
methasone increased the expression of SVCT2 The predisposing factors for thiamine deficiency in
[31], and another experiment reported the combi- patients with septic shock are usually multifactorial
nation of hydrocortisone and vitamin C reversed and include both preexisting risk factors, such as
lipopolysaccharide-induced endothelial cell barrier alcohol use disorders, hyperemesis in pregnant
dysfunction, mimicking septic milieu [32]. In turn, women, and risk factors during critical illness, such
vitamin C reportedly reversed oxidation of the glu- as reduced nutritional intake before establishment
cocorticoid receptor, hence increasing the activities of enteral nutrition, impaired absorption during
of glucocorticoids [33]. Given the findings are only enteral nutrition, and loss during renal replacement
from in-vitro experiments, the mechanism needs to therapy [40,43–45]. Accordingly, thiamine stores
be further examined [34]. are quickly depleted in states of severe illness
Thiamine was added to the combination ther- or injury.
apy based on an observation that oxalate accumu- Thiamine pyrophosphate is an essential coen-
lated in thiamine-deficient rats because of an zyme in carbohydrate metabolism, via oxidation of
increased pool of glyoxylate [35]. A part of the pyruvate to acetyl-CoA for entry into the Krebs cycle
accumulated glyoxylate could be oxidized to oxalate [41]. Inadequate thiamine pyrophosphate cofactor
in kidneys. reduces pyruvate dehydrogenase activity causing
A number of RCTs were undertaken to investi- pyruvate accumulation, which is converted to lac-
gate the effect of the combination therapy. Given tate [46]. Improving metabolic pathways is the pro-
hydrocortisone shortens the duration of vasopressor posed mechanistic benefit of thiamine treatment.
dependency in septic shock [8 ,9], a RCT was con-
ducted with hydrocortisone included in the control
group (VITAMINS) [36 ,37]. The VITAMINS trial When to consider treatment with thiamine?
enrolled 216 patients with septic shock with the If pharmacological thiamine administration is to be
primary outcome of time alive and vasopressor-free an effective treatment for patients with sepsis, it is
up to 7 days. When compared with hydrocortisone likely that benefit will be most apparent in patients

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Metabolic support

with thiamine deficiency. However, thiamine defi- patients with septic shock, evaluating the effect of
ciency during critical illness is currently a presump- administration of 200 mg thiamine twice daily com-
tive clinical diagnosis, as there is no point of care or pared with placebo for 7 days [46]. The investigators
rapid laboratory-based methodology [43]. also measured baseline thiamine concentrations via
A prospective, single-centre observational study liquid chromatography and subsequently identified
of 58 critically ill patients reported that 23 (40%) 28 patients as being thiamine-deficient. Upon fur-
were thiamine deficient on admission [47]. The ther analysis, patients with thiamine deficiency who
investigators did not identify how many patients received thiamine had markedly reduced lactate
had sepsis. Of interest, the investigators repeated concentrations and mortality. In a post hoc evalua-
measuring the concentrations at 24-h intervals for tion, thiamine administration was associated with
48 h and reported that thiamine concentrations did improved renal function [53]. This signal supports
not reduce over time [47]. A prospective cohort the hypothesis that treatment with thiamine may be
study of 202 consecutively admitted children to particularly efficacious if patients with thiamine
an ICU in Brazil reported that thiamine deficiency deficiency can be identified in real-time.
was present in 61 (30%) children with septic shock
[48]. The proportion of children who were malnour-
ished at presentation was 46%, and it is uncertain How to treat with thiamine?
how these data relate to adult critically ill patients Recent retrospective studies of patients with septic
from developed countries. shock suggest that thiamine administration is
In an important, albeit older, prospective obser- uncommon, even in those with risk factors for
vational study, investigators assessed 30 patients pre-existing thiamine deficiency [52]. The ‘average’
with septic shock and 30 control patients with patient receiving liquid enteral nutrition receives
minor emergencies [49]. Six (30%) patients with approximately 2.5 mg of thiamine per day. Pharma-
septic shock and none of those with minor emer- cological doses of thiamine can be administered in
gencies had thiamine deficiency [49]. Only one of the form of thiamine hydrochloride orally or intra-
the six patients with thiamine deficiency received venously. In most regions, oral is substantially
thiamine during ICU admission. This observation cheaper than intravenous preparations. However,
encouraged others to evaluate thiamine concentra- thiamine is absorbed from the small intestine by a
tions in this cohort. In a single-centre cohort study rate-limited process. The maximum amount of thi-
in Brazil of 108 consecutively admitted patients amine that can be absorbed from a single oral dose is
with septic shock, 77 (71%) were thiamine-deficient estimated to be 4.5 mg [54]. During critical illness,
[50]. Sixty-eight (63%) patients died in hospital but the absorption of macronutrients from the small
there was no association between thiamine concen- intestine is attenuated because of down-regulation
trations and mortality in unadjusted or adjusted for in intestinal receptors [55]. If pharmacological thia-
age and severity of illness models (hazard ratio mine is deemed necessary, it should be administered
0.995; 95% CI 0.987–1.004) [50]. intravenously at doses between 100 and 600 mg/
A well conducted matched cohort study of 369 day.
patients with septic shock was recently reported [51].
In this study, 123 patients received thiamine, and 246
did not [52]. Administration of thiamine was associ- VITAMIN D
ated with improved likelihood of lactate clearance The understanding and interest of the role of vita-
(hazard ratio, 1.30; 95% CI 1.00–1.70) and reduction min D have now extended beyond its effects on the
in 28-day mortality (hazard ratio, 0.67; 95% CI 0.49– musculoskeletal system and calcium metabolism
0.91) [51]. However, there was variability in the [56].
amount of thiamine administered to patients such
that the authors were unable to recommend a specific
thiamine regimen. A retrospective single-center Why vitamin D?
cohort study of 53 patients with an alcohol use We now know that most tissues and cells in the
disorder who presented with septic shock reported body, not only bone, have a vitamin D receptor. A
that only 34 (64%) patients received intravenous number of these have the enzymatic ability to con-
thiamine during hospitalization [52]. The authors vert the major circulating form 25-hydroxyvitamin
reported an extremely high mortality rate (15/19, D, to the active form, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D
79%) in those who did not receive thiamine. locally at tissue level. This has provided new insights
However, randomized clinical trial data evaluat- into the pleiotropic function of this vitamin.
ing thiamine administration during sepsis is sparse. Indeed, this has led to its characterization as a
Donnino et al. conducted a two-centre RCT of 88 hormone, rather than a vitamin [57].

366 Volume 26  Number 4  August 2020

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Metabolic support in sepsis Fujii et al.

When to consider vitamin D administration? approximately 2 weeks. Therefore, repeat dosing

More recently, however, its association with and may be required to realize the benefits of supple-

potential contributory role during critical illness mentation [64 ].

and multiorgan failure, particularly sepsis, has been
of interest. There are suggestions that deficiency in
this vulnerable population could be relevant and
that measuring and supplementing low vitamin D This review focused on corticosteroids, vitamin C,
levels in critical illness may be considered, some- thiamine, and vitamin D, as novel therapies targeting
thing that has not been incorporated into current different pathways in sepsis pathophysiology. The
clinical practice [58]. This is because of justified vitamins are reportedly depleted in patients with
scepticism about whether deficiency is merely a sepsis or critical illness, and their supplementations
marker, rather than a contributor to ill health. are expected to help resuscitation of sepsis. However,
The higher prevalence in critically ill patients there is insufficient evidence from high-quality
may, therefore, be a result of illness severity and research to support the use of vitamins currently.
consequently, of limited clinical significance. We believe data from well designed RCTs of the
administration of these vitamins to determine the
benefits, cost-effectiveness and safety are required.
How to treat with vitamin D?
Assays for the measurement of vitamin D levels are Acknowledgements
more reliable than those for vitamin C and thia- None.
mine. However, there remains uncertainty around
how levels may vary in acute illness [59,60]. A phase Financial support and sponsorship
2 RCT evaluated the effects of enteral supplementa-
tion in 475 vitamin D-deficient medical and surgical
critically ill patients [61]. The primary outcome was
Conflicts of interest
duration of hospital stay, and there was no signifi-
cant effect of the intervention. Whilst there was an There are no conflicts of interest.
8% absolute difference in 6-month mortality, this
did not reach the 0.05 threshold for statistical sig-
nificance. However, there was a statistically signifi-
cant difference in mortality in severely deficient Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have
patients. This observation prompted the ongoing been highlighted as:
& of special interest
European multicentre RCT of 2400 critically ill && of outstanding interest

patients with vitamin D levels of less than 12 ng/l

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