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1. Why did Renaissance in Europe emerge in Italy?

Italy had a wide variety of cultural items, including art and ancient Roman architecture,
as it was the hub for most trade routes.
Source: NEUVLE

2. What is Humanism?
Humanism was an intellectual movement typified by a revived interest in the classical
world and studies which focused not on religion but on what it is to be human-like their
values, skills, interest, dignity, and ability to progress.
Source:, NEUVLE

3. How important was the printing press of Gutenberg in spreading the influence
of the renaissance?
The printing press was very essential to encouraging learning and made a significant
contribution to the Renaissance. More people could afford to purchase books because
printing was more reliable than manual copying and increased accuracy. Books on other
topics such as travel and philosophy were also produced. The level of education in
Europe increased as a result.
Source: NEUVLE, GKtoday

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