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Raz,Lovely Krish D.

BS Biology 1A

Assignment no.1 (Botany)

Different Branches in Botany

By Biology subcategory

1.Plant anatomy

2.Plant genetics

3.Cytology (the study of cells—in this case, plant cells)




7.Plant taxonomy



10.Molecular Biology

11.Paleobotany (the study of plant fossils)

By Type of Plant

12.Bryology—the study of mossesli>

13.Lichenology—the study of lichens, organisms composed of both fungi and algae. Neither of
these are plants, but their study has traditionally been included within botany.

14.Mycology—the study of fungi

15.Phycology—the study of algae

16.Pteridology—the study of ferns

By Applied Plant Sciences

17.Agronomy—crop and soil science

18.Food science


20.Horticulture—the production of ornamental plants and of crops

21.Natural resource management

22.Plant breeding

23.Plant pathology—the study of plant diseases

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