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Martha Sarai Cruz Ruiz
Early Life
Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946, in Queens, New
York. His father was a wealthy real-estate developer and
his mother was a homemaker. Trump, the fourth of five
children and the second son, attended a private boarding
school in rural New York for high school. He spent his first
two years of college at New York City’s Fordham University,
before completing his education at the University of
Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Finance and Commerce
(known now as the Wharton School).

After graduation, Trump returned to New York City and

began working for his father’s real-estate business. In 1971
he became president of a collection of family-owned
businesses, which he later named the Trump Organization.

After taking control of the Trump Organization,

Trump continued to work in real-estate
development but also expanded into other
businesses. He purchased sports teams,
published books, and served as the producer
and host of a reality TV show called The
Apprentice. He married his third wife and
future first lady, model Melania Knauss, in
2005. (Trump was previously married to model
Ivana Zelníčková and actress Marla Maples.)
● In 2000, Trump ran for president as a
candidate on a third-party ticket, meaning
as an alternative candidate to those from
the two major political parties, the
Republicans and Democrats. He dropped
out early in the race but considered
running again in 2004 and 2012. In 2015,
he announced he was again running for
president, this time on a major-party
ticket as a Republican nominee. He beat
out 16 other candidates to become the
party’s official nominee in 2016.
● In many countries, national elections are somewhat simple: The candidate
with the most votes wins. But citizens of the United States participate in a
more complex, two-step process. After individual citizens across the country
have participated in the popular vote, it's up to a group called the electoral
college to consider those votes and choose the president. Based on
population, each state has a certain number of delegates, or voters, in the
electoral college who vote for the president according to how people in
their state voted. The candidate who wins the popular vote in the state gets
all the state’s delegates.

● After the 2016 election votes were counted, Clinton received nearly 2.9
million more votes than Trump, winning the popular vote. But Trump won
the popular vote in several of the states that had a lot of delegates—and
therefore he won the presidency. Trump is only the fifth president to take
office after losing the popular vote, but winning the electoral college.
THE 2016
Trump’s opponent in the 2016 election was
Hillary Clinton, a former secretary of state
and wife to former U.S. president Bill Clinton.
Because of Trump's lack of experience in
public service and the untraditional way he
ran his campaign, many expected Clinton
to become the first female president of the
United States.
• Like Reagan before him, candidate Trump
declared that his lack of experience as a politician
made him better suited to represent the ordinary
citizens of the country. Enough voters agreed with
him, and he was sworn in as the 45th president of
the United States on January 20, 2017.

• Upon becoming president, Trump promised to

follow his campaign slogan and "Make America
Great Again." He began by providing more jobs for
the middle class, attempting to lower the national
debt (the amount of money that the United States
owes to other countries and companies), and
raising money to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico
border to increase border security and prevent
immigrants from illegally entering the country.
• He also rolled back previous policies directed at reducing
pollution and climate change, saying they were too costly
for the U.S. government to fund. In addition, to create more
jobs, his administration has proposed plans to allow drilling
and mining where they were previously off-limits in
national parks and reduced the amount of land set aside
for wildlife listed under the Endangered Species Act, a law
that helped bring many North American species back from
near-extinction. Under Trump’s administration, cruelty to
animals became a federal crime in late 2019.

• During the spring of 2020, Trump began actively campaigning

for a second term in office. This time, he was running against
Democrat Joe Biden, who served as Barack Obama’s vice
president during his two terms in office.

• Concerned about catching and spreading COVID-19, many

voters chose to vote by mail during the presidential election.
That meant that determining the election results took longer
than it had in previous years. But once all the votes had been
counted, Biden was declared the winner.
Thank You

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