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How does Daphne Du Maurier represent the voice of power on pg 348?

Daphne Du Maurier represented the voice of power by… Could I please have help on this one?
My initial idea was to speak how Maxim uses questions to dare others to speak against his

How does Daphne Du Maurier represent Mrs De Winter panic on pg 355?

Daphne Du Maurier uses literary techniques as well as the constructed opinions of others and battle
logic vs emotion to represent Mrs De Winter’s Panic. “No, fifty seconds, someone said. No, thats
absurd.” This extract of the text (pg 355), demonstrates the technique used by the authour, of
comparing her thoughts and other people’s thoughts to make a rational decision. It is written in short
sentences alluding to a rational, hasty manor of thinking. This can be easily translated to show Mrs
De Winter’s panic and life or death type of thinking. Throughout the text, short sentences as well as
thorough and constant punctuation aid to communicate her rapid thoughts. These thoughts and the
manner in which they are written, helps the audience of Rebecca to gain an insight into the anxiety
she has for Maxim, demonstrating the extent of her love for him. Another demonstration of
techniques is “The body moves for some time, the neck is not always broken.” this shows that she is
comparing different facts she has heard and cannot make up her own mind. This alludes to the fact
that she dosen’t know what to believe or simply is influenced easily by others. This is an undercurrent
alluding to struggling to finding her identity. Du Maurier uses many techniques to clearly
communicate the emotions felt throughout this passge.

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