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PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 125, 181301 (2020)

Finite Quantum Gravity Amplitudes: No Strings Attached

Tom Draper ,1,* Benjamin Knorr ,2,† Chris Ripken ,3,‡ and Frank Saueressig 1,§
Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics (IMAPP), Radboud University Nijmegen,
Heyendaalseweg 135, 6525 AJ Nijmegen, Netherlands
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, 31 Caroline Street North, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 2Y5, Canada
Institute of Physics (THEP), University of Mainz, Staudingerweg 7, 55099 Mainz, Germany

(Received 17 July 2020; revised 25 August 2020; accepted 16 September 2020; published 27 October 2020)

We study the gravity-mediated scattering of scalar fields based on a parameterization of the Lorentzian
quantum effective action. We demonstrate that the interplay of infinite towers of spin zero and spin two
poles at imaginary squared momentum leads to scattering amplitudes that are compatible with unitarity
bounds, causal, and scale-free at trans-Planckian energy. Our construction avoids introducing nonlocalities
or the massive higher-spin particles that are characteristic in string theory.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.181301

Introduction.—Relativistic quantum field theories, [24–27], see Ref. [28] for a review. However, at this point one
including the standard model of particle physics, have leaves the framework of quantum field theory, introducing a
been extremely successful in predicting the outcome of vast range of new physics including the string theory land-
particle physics experiments. Gravitational physics, includ- scape comprising an exponentially large number of vacuum
ing the motion of planets and gravitational waves, are very states [29,30]. This raises the natural question whether it is
well described via the laws of classical general relativity possible to accommodate all consistency requirements on the
(GR). However, promoting GR to a quantum field theory scattering amplitudes also within the framework of a quantum
results in a theory that is perturbatively nonrenormaliz- field theory. In this Letter we demonstrate that the answer to
able [1–3]. Physically, this deficit manifests itself in this question is affirmative: the interplay of an infinite tower
amplitudes describing the gravity-mediated scattering of of massless (Lee-Wick–type) poles which asymptotically
particles. At tree level these amplitudes diverge quadrati- approach a Regge-type behavior leads to gravity-mediated
cally in the center-of-mass energy. Adding loop corrections scattering amplitudes which are free from high-energy
aggravates these divergences [4]. Nevertheless, GR is a divergences and meet the unitarity and causality constraints.
completely predictive and unitary effective field theory up Our explicit example serves as a proof of principle, high-
to the Planck scale M Pl ≃ 1019 GeV [5–7]. lighting the essential features of such a construction, while
Requiring that the effective field theory can be completed being easily generalizable. We stress that our work focuses on
into a fundamental theory valid on all scales generically puts the high-energy behavior of the scattering amplitudes only. In
constraints on the scattering amplitudes by requiring unitarity particular, infrared divergences related to the massless nature
and causality [8–11]. These constraints constitute challenges of the graviton will not be discussed.
for many quantum gravity programs. For instance, Stelle The quantum effective action.—Our exposition focuses on
gravity [12,13] resolves the growth of the amplitudes at high the gravity-mediated scattering of two distinguishable, mass-
energy at the expense of unitarity or causality [14,15], less scalar particles. The starting point is the quantum effective
while Lee-Wick–type gravity models [16–21] break causality action Γ in a Lorentzian signature spacetime. By definition
at sub-Planckian scales (also see Refs. [22,23] for a related this action includes all quantum corrections so that scattering
discussion of massive ghost modes in nonlocal gravity amplitudes can be constructed from tree-level Feynman
models). One way of resolving the divergent amplitudes diagrams involving the vertices and propagators obtained
found in GR introduces an infinite tower of massive higher- from Γ. Since gravitational interactions are long ranged, it is
spin resonances corresponding to new particles. This leads to expected that Γ contains local as well as nonlocal terms.
the well-known Veneziano and Virasoro-Shapiro amplitudes In this work we will not attempt to connect Γ to a specific
microscopic quantum gravity model. Instead we parameter-
ize the quantum effective action as
1 pffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 1 1
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of Γ≃ −g ϕΔϕ þ χΔχ þ f ϕχ ϕ2 χ 2
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. 16πGN 2 2 4

Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to 1 1 μνρσ
the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, − R − Rf R ðΔÞR þ Cμνρσ f C ðΔÞC : ð1Þ
and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3. 6 2

0031-9007=20=125(18)=181301(6) 181301-1 Published by the American Physical Society

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 125, 181301 (2020)

Here Δ ≡ −gμν Dμ Dν is the d’Alembert operator constructed

from the Lorentzian spacetime metric gμν , and R and Cμνρσ
denote the Ricci scalar and Weyl tensor constructed from
gμν , respectively. The two form factors f R and f C capture
corrections to the graviton propagator obtained from the
Einstein-Hilbert action and their numerical prefactors have
been chosen for later convenience. The scalar fields ϕ; χ are
taken to be massless which is well justified when consid- FIG. 1. Feynman diagram encoding the amplitude As associ-
ering particle scattering at trans-Planckian energy. Their ated with s-channel scattering of two distinct scalar particles
self-interaction includes the form factor f ϕχ ðf−Diμ Dμj gi<j Þ mediated by graviton exchange. All vertices and propagators are
which depends on the contracted covariant derivatives effective quantities that include all quantum corrections.
Dμi acting on the ith scalar field in the expression. The
function f ϕχ is symmetric under exchanging Dμ1 ↔ Dμ2 and structure familiar from GR. Otherwise it is regular on the
Dμ3 ↔ Dμ4 . Notably, the action Eq. (1) encodes the most entire real axis and falls off like p−4 for asymptotically
large momenta.
general form of the gravitational propagator compatible with
Finite scattering amplitudes.—Scattering amplitudes are
invariance under general coordinate transformations when
conveniently parameterized in terms of the Mandelstam
considering gravitons propagating in a flat Minkowski space
variables s≡ðp1 þp2 Þ2 , t≡ðp1 þp3 Þ2 , and u≡ðp1 þp4 Þ2 ,
[31]. For vanishing form factors, the action Eq. (1) coincides
subject to the (massless) relation s þ t þ u ¼ 0, cf. Fig. 1 for
with the Einstein-Hilbert action supplemented by two
our convention of the particle momenta. Here s encodes the
minimally coupled scalar fields. In general, quantum cor-
energy of the scattering process in the center-of-mass frame.
rections will lead to nonvanishing form factors. The proto-
In order to exhibit the basic mechanism underlying our
typical example is the treatment of gravity as an effective
construction we first consider the graviton-mediated scat-
field theory where f R;C ≃ logðΔ=μ2 Þ [1,5,6].
tering process ϕϕ → χχ, setting f ϕχ ¼ 0. As the incoming
Specifying the form factors.—In general, we require that
and outgoing particles are distinguishable, the amplitude is
the inclusion of form factors (i) does not introduce new
determined by the single s-channel tree-level Feynman
poles in the propagator at real squared momentum and
diagram, Fig. 1. Imposing on-shell conditions for the
(ii) yields amplitudes that are bounded and scale-free for
external legs, the resulting amplitude As is
large squared momentum. These requirements can be
realized as follows [32]. In the gravitational sector, we take 4πGN s t2 − 4tu þ u2
As ¼ −
3 ½1 þ sf R ðsÞ s½1 þ sf C ðsÞ
f R;C ðΔÞ ¼ cR;C GN tanh ðcR;C GN ΔÞ: ð2Þ
4πGN 2
¼ s ½GR ðsÞ − P2 ðcos θÞGC ðsÞ: ð4Þ
Here GN Δ is a dimensionless combination which measures 3
the momentum of the graviton in units of the Planck mass
Here θ is the scattering angle in the center-of-mass frame,
M2Pl ≡ G−1N . The two numerical parameters cR ; cC > 0 P2 ðxÞ ≡ ð3x2 − 1Þ=2 is the second Legendre polynomial,
control the position of the imaginary poles in the propa-
and GR;C ðp2 Þ ≡ fp2 ½1 þ p2 f R;C ðp2 Þg−1 . We performed
gator. The construction is completed by the matter form
the calculation with arbitrary gauge parameters to explicitly
factor f ϕχ whose contribution to the scattering amplitudes
show that Eq. (4) is gauge independent.
is detailed in Eqs. (12) and (13) below. Notably, the action
Starting from the amplitude [Eq. (4)], it is straightfor-
Eq. (1) is local in the sense that it involves only finitely
ward to compute the partial-wave amplitudes aj ðsÞ of
many derivatives as the (generalized) momentum scale is
spin j,
sent to infinity.
Z 1
The flat space graviton propagator resulting from the 1
action Eq. (1) is obtained in the standard way. Denoting aj ðsÞ ≡ d cos θPj ðcos θÞAs ðs; cos θÞ: ð5Þ
32π −1
the graviton momentum by p2, the gauge-fixed graviton
propagator reads Evaluating the integral gives

1 1 GN 2 GN 2
Gðp2 Þ ∝ ΠTT − 2Π0 2 ; a0 ðsÞ ¼ s GR ðsÞ; a2 ðsÞ ¼ − s GC ðsÞ: ð6Þ
2 2 2
p ½1 þ p f C ðp Þ p ½1 þ p2 f R ðp2 Þ 12 60
ð3Þ All other partial-wave amplitudes vanish. This coincides
with the idea that we have just modified the propagation of
where the projectors ΠTT;0 project onto the spin two and the gravitational degrees of freedom without introducing
zero modes. For real squared momentum, the propagator propagating degrees of freedom of higher spin. For f R;C ¼ 0,
possesses simple poles at p2 ¼ 0 corresponding to the pole Eq. (6) reduces to the amplitudes obtained from GR,

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 125, 181301 (2020)

0 ðsÞ ¼
aGR s; 2 ðsÞ ¼ −
aGR s; ð7Þ
12 60 100

showing that in this case the partial-wave amplitudes grow

linearly with the energy transfer s. 1
Constraints on the amplitude.—In order to be viable, a
scattering amplitude has to obey bounds originating from
different physics requirements: 0.01
(1) Unitarity: The partial-wave amplitudes describe the
overlap of in- and out-states in the scattering process.
Imposing that the probability of going from an in-state to a
10- 4
specific out-state does not exceed 1 bounds the absolute 0.01 0.10 1 10 100 1000
value of the partial-wave amplitudes,

jaj ðsÞj ≤ 1; ∀ j ≥ 0: ð8Þ FIG. 2. Illustration of the partial-wave amplitude ja2 ðsÞj for our
model with cC ¼ 1 (blue solid line) and GR (orange solid line).
These constraints imply that the construction obeys the The horizontal lines show the bound ja2 ðsÞj ¼ 1 (solid black
Froissart bound [34,35], stating that the total cross section line) and the asymptotic value lims→∞ ja2 j ¼ 1=60 (dash-dotted
σ tot cannot grow faster than log2 s [36]. line). The dashed blue line indicates the amplitude from the
(2) Causality: For large s at fixed t (corresponding to truncated model where the propagators [Eq. (2)] are expanded up
forward scattering), causality implies that the amplitude to order s250.
Aðs; tÞ must be polynomially bounded growing slower
than s2 [9]. iπn 2 iπn 2
(3) Cerulus-Martin bound [38,39]: For large s and fixed Γ̂Cn; ≃  M ; Γ̂Rn; ≃  M : ð10Þ
cC Pl cR Pl
scattering angle, causality
implies that the amplitude cannot
− s ln s The interplay of these poles leads to scattering amplitudes
fall faster than e .Clearly, the partial-wave amplitudes
found in GR, Eq. (7), violate condition (1) for s ≳ M2Pl. which are asymptotically scale-free and obey the conditions
This has triggered many speculations about the physics (1)–(3) without introducing additional massive degrees of
encoded in the amplitudes at trans-Planckian scales includ- freedom. The role of the Regge behavior [Eq. (10)] is thus
ing, e.g., the formation of black holes as intermediate states manifestly different from the one in string theory, where the
in the scattering process [40] or a classical self-completion interplay of the infinite tower of higher-spin resonances
of GR [41]. ensures the exponential decrease and causality of the
Given the explicit form of the propagators [Eq. (2)] amplitude [42].
underlying our model, it is straightforward to analyze the Finite crossed amplitudes from matter form factors.—At
resulting partial-wave amplitudes [Eq. (6)]. Notably, a0 ðsÞ this stage it is instructive to investigate the scattering
and a2 ðsÞ depend on cR and cC only and exhibit essentially amplitude related to ϕχ → ϕχ scattering which arises from
the same qualitative behavior. This generic structure is the ϕϕ → χχ amplitude by crossing symmetry s ↔ t. For
exemplified for a2 ðsÞ in Fig. 2. For s ≲ cC M 2Pl, a2 ðsÞ GR the result is
agrees with the result from GR. For s ≳ cC M 2Pl the
su sðs þ tÞ
amplitudes are bounded and become scale-free as AGR
t ¼ 8πGN ¼ −8πGN : ð11Þ
s → ∞. Their maximum value is determined by the free t t
parameters cR , cC : For forward scattering, s → ∞ at fixed t, this amplitude
1 1 diverges quadratically, thus violating condition (2).
lim a0 ðsÞ ¼ ; lim a2 ðsÞ ¼ − : ð9Þ Inserting the gravitational propagators [Eq. (3)] leads to
s→∞ 12cR s→∞ 60cC
the replacement t−1 → GC ðtÞ and does not tame this
Thus they are compatible with the bound, Eq. (8), provided divergence. At this point the contribution of the form
that cR ≥ 1=12 and cC ≥ 1=60. factor in the matter sector becomes crucial. The on-shell
Most importantly, the partial-wave amplitudes do not vertex of the scalar self-interaction (SSI) gives the follow-
contain massive poles associated with new degrees of ing contribution to the s-channel amplitude:
freedom or intermediate-state particles. The flattening of  
the amplitude at trans-Planckian scales originates from s t u u t s
As ¼ f ϕχ ; ; ; ; ;
þ sym; ð12Þ
infinite towers of massless poles in the spin zero and spin 2 2 2 2 2 2
two propagators located on the imaginary axis of the
complex s plane. For sufficiently large n the position of where “sym” indicates the symmetrization of the arguments
the poles follows a Regge-type behavior, as provided by functional variation of the action. Effectively,

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 125, 181301 (2020)

10 that the model is compatible with condition (2) without
1 violating any of the general properties of As .
The partial-wave decomposition of As shows that the
self-interaction generates all partial-wave amplitudes aj ðsÞ
1000 0.001 0.1 10 with j even. This accounts for the expectation that vertices

in the quantum effective action should incorporate the
10 contribution of “ladder diagrams” where the exchange of n
gravitons generates a contribution to the partial-wave
0.100 amplitude a2n ðsÞ. Studying the high-energy asymptotics
of the partial-wave amplitudes reveals
0.001 0.010 0.100 1 10  
1 1
GN lim aj ðsÞ ¼ þ δ : ð16Þ
s→∞ 6cC 12cR j;0
FIG. 3. Illustration of the t-channel amplitude [Eq. (15)] in the
forward-scattering limit with t ¼ −0.001M 2Pl held fixed with Thus the inclusion of the contact interaction softens the
parameters cR ¼ cC ¼ 10 and ct ¼ 103 (solid line). The result high-energy behavior of aj ðsÞ. While this is not strictly
obtained from GR is given by the dashed line for comparison. required by condition (1), this falloff is actually dictated by
The horizontal lines indicates the asymptotic value of the crossing symmetry in combination with condition (2).
amplitude as s → ∞. Inset: Illustration of the s-channel ampli- Preservation of microcausality.—A characteristic fea-
tude [Eq. (15)] with (solid line) and without (dashed line) the ture of Lee-Wick models [43,44], coming with poles in the
contribution of the scalar self-interaction [Eq. (13)].
propagators located at complex momentum, is the violation
of causality at time scales set by the imaginary part of the
this can be parameterized by a function of three arguments, resonances [15,19,45]. Following Ref. [45], one finds that
s ≡ gðsjt; uÞ, which is symmetric under exchange of its our amplitude preserves microcausality. The taming of the
last two arguments. Clearly different choices of f can give amplitude [Eq. (4)] is provided by a multiplicative factor
rise to the same g and thus the same amplitude, so in the which is regular for all (real) values of the momentum. As a
following we will only define g. Specifically, we choose result, the frequency dependence of the matrix element
relating in and out states is the one of a standard massless
gðajx;yÞ ¼ 4πGN GC ðaÞðx2 þ y2 Þf int ða2 þ x2 þ y2 Þ: ð13Þ field theory where terms signaling the violation of micro-
causality are absent. This analysis also reveals that the
The function taming of the amplitude [Eq. (4)] does not result from
narrow Lee-Wick resonances (with formally vanishing
ct G2N x tanh½ct G2N x decay time), but arises from the collective interplay of
f int ðxÞ ¼ ð14Þ the poles characterizing our construction.
1 þ ct G2N x tanh½ct G2N x Prediction for the location of the lowest resonance.—
Combining the asymptotics [Eq. (16)] with the require-
is manifestly invariant under crossing symmetry. This factor ment, Eq. (8), gives an upper bound on the energy scale
ensures that the vertex contribution gives no essential where the existence of the imaginary poles must become
contribution to the scattering amplitude at low energy so visible. Extremizing Eq. (16) yields cC ¼ cR ¼ 1=4 so that
that GR is recovered for s ≲ M2Pl =ct. The parameter ct sets
the scale where the self-interaction starts contributing. jΓ̂1; j ≲ 3.4M 2Pl : ð17Þ
Including the self-interaction, the full scattering ampli-
tudes of the model are Quantum gravity requires nonperturbative physics.—
  Notably, our construction allows us to precisely pinpoint
4πGN 2 s2 þ 6st þ 6t2 the nonperturbative physics making the model work. For
As ¼ s GR ðsÞ − G ðsÞ þ gðsjt;uÞ;
3 this purpose, it is instructive to perform a series expansion
  of the form factors [Eq. (2)] around Δ ¼ 0 which is
4πGN 2 6s2 þ 6st þ t2
At ¼ t GR ðtÞ − GC ðtÞ þ gðtjs; uÞ: equivalent to an expansion in GN . Terminating the expan-
3 t2
sion at a finite order and analyzing the resulting pole
ð15Þ structure shows that the truncation reproduces the lowest-
lying pole only. All other poles provided by the truncation
The forward-scattering amplitude entailed by Eq. (15) is accumulate on a circle marking the finite radius of con-
shown in Fig. 3. Remarkably, the amplitude At becomes vergence of the expansion. This results in the steep drop of
scale-free in the forward scattering limit. Thus the interplay As at the radius of convergence, cf. the dashed line
of the graviton propagator with the self-interaction ensures in Fig. 2.

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 125, 181301 (2020)
Relation to asymptotic safety.—Our construction is

closely related to the gravitational asymptotic safety

program [46,47], where physical quantities like the
scattering amplitudes considered in this work are expected
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Research (NWO) within the Foundation for Fundamental relating the imaginary part of the forward scattering
Research on Matter (FOM) Grant No. 13VP12. amplitude to the total cross section [35]. Notably, the optical

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