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These are Ren'py Engine Files Only for MacOS.


1- Download from PC links

2- Copy/Paste "game" folder from PC into "\Contents\Resources\autorun"
3- Play

Q: How to Extract .7z files?

A: You need 7-zip from "" or try downloading software like "The
Unarchiver" or from "", it should do the trick.

Q: Having trouble starting?

A: I don't know how MacOS works but you might have to change the permissions on* using chmod.
- Found this example on the net: chmod -R +x ./*

Q: Stil having trouble starting?

A: Try Permission Fixer.

- Launch the script.
- On a Mac, drag the app to the terminal window that opens up and hit enter.
- On a Mac or Linux you can type or copy/paste the path to the game.
- You can also run it from the command line with the path as the first argument.

The script will run chmod -x on:

Contents/MacOS recursively
lib/linux-i686 recursively
lib/linux-x86_64 recursively


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