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In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in





One of the primary challenges of K-12 in improving Philippine education is to

provide quality basic education opportunities for all students, to improve the quality

of the educational process and the transition from junior to senior high school (and to

college levels also), and to improve the overall integration of the educational system.

The shift from junior to senior high school can be a struggle even to high-achieving

students due to lack of preparedness. In choosing the strand for their own capabilities,

most of the students in Agusan del Sur College Inc. from Senior highschool grades 11

to 12 encourage their selves to study on a Strand that will improve their social

interaction and connected to the course they will get. It uses Erden’s element-based

model of evaluation by considering the alignment to the goals of the Humanities and

Social Sciences disciplines, the purpose, and core courses of the program, and the

teaching-learning process. It also uses Tyler’s Rationale as frameworks in assessing

the curriculum.

Poor performance and dissatisfaction are the most significant effects in

disinclination to choose a strand. Furthermore, students who enrolled in the incorrect

strand experienced low levels of involvement, were unable to concentrate, and were

unable to enjoy some of the subjects to the point of quitting. Adolescence may be

incredibly isolating. Having the impression that something is not right. When issues

emerge, there is nobody to turn to. Major choices are made at this point and profound

worries have an impact on their lives. Most teenagers feel intense pressure to do well

and be successful, which causes them great stress when they don't live up to
expectations. ( The students' interests must be taken into

consideration when selecting a career. A student must be aware of the strand he or she

should take in senior high school in order to be balanced regarding the desired

professional path. Track that appeals to them and fits their talents. A person's life is

impacted by the type of career person they are. It may also have an impact on how

other people behave toward one another.

When selecting their strands in senior high school, students often take their

attitudes regarding a subject into account. They made the decision to select the strands

they believed offered the simplest coursework for high academic standing.

As the study's researchers, we  felt compelled to learn about the preferred

strand of Agusan Del Sur College Inc. Senior High School students. This study must 

be prioritized in senior high school.



Figure 1. Research paradigm of the study


The primary goal of this study is to ascertain the perceptions of Grade 12

students who chose to enroll in the HUMSS strand. 

Given this major issue, the following specific issues were considered:

1. What factors influenced students' perceptions and decisions to pursue the

HUMSS strand?

2. Are there significant differences in male and female students' perceptions of

the HUMSS strand?

3. Are there any significant differences between the public and private senior

high schools where the respondents are now enrolled?

4. Which of the following aspects is most important to students when deciding

whether to enroll in the HUMSS strand: 

4.1 Personal factors (Decision Making and Interest)

4.2 Peers Influence

4.3 Institution Consideration

4.4 Factors to consider when choosing a college course/Job


1. The factors that influenced students’ perceptions in choosing the HUMSS

strand are their family, friends, skills, and ability.

2. Male and female students have different perspectives on the HUMSS strand.

3. Public and private senior high schools may not have different strand courses,

but they do have different teaching systems.

4. Choosing a strand in senior high is primarily determined by the college course

that students will take in college.


The primary goal of this study is to determine students' perceptions of

Humanities And Social Sciences as their Strand. The findings of this study are

expected to provide reliable feedback to school administrators and professional

institutions in the Humanities and Social Sciences fields. 

This study will be extremely helpful and is designed to provide vital

knowledge and information on the subject matter from the respondents, current

studies, and online articles needed for the expected value to the people as follows:

For the students, this research provides as an example and may influence their

decision regarding a senior high school strand. Parents of students notably gain from

this research because it enables them to guide and influence their kids' senior high

school path-choices.         

As a result, the findings of this study can be used to develop and implement

better strategies to attract more students to enroll in the HUMSS strand. This can also

serve as a solid foundation for initiating and implementing improvements to the

HUMSS offering. 

  Furthermore, it can be used as a reference point in refining current programs

and designing new programs that address students' perceptions of a specific program,

not necessarily HUMSS.

      Ultimately, it will be able to improve the quality of future professionals in

the Humanities and Social Sciences fields, which the industry requires.

The general intent of this research is to learn about the perceptions of HUMSS

Grade 12 students at Agusan Del Sur College Inc. about the strand they chose. It

specifies that the study might not generalize to other populations or adolescents who

don't go to school anymore. This study, which will go until the conclusion of the

semester, focuses on the current Grade 12- Senior High Academic students in the

current school year 2022-2023.

         It considers all aspects of students' perceptions and is limited to determining the

factors that influenced their decision and perceptions to enroll in the HUMSS strand:

personal factors, references, college course-related, and media/publicity. Data on the

characteristics of the students, such as their gender, age, senior high strand, general

point average grade, and school category (where they are enrolled), were gathered,

described, and analyzed using questionnaires.


HUMSS - Humanities and Social Sciences is a strand offered to senior high school

students under the Academics track. The HUMSS Senior High School strand is

designed for students who intend to take up journalism, communication arts, liberal

arts, education, and other social-science related courses in college.

PERCEPTIONS - the act of perceiving or the ability to perceive; mental grasp of

objects, qualities, etc. by means of the senses; awareness; comprehension.

RELIABLE FEEDBACK - Good feedback is fair, honest and clear. The feedback

wording, the mark and the aspects of the work the feedback refers to, need to be

aligned or consist



This chapter discusses the relevant literature and studies that the researcher

considered when determining the significance of the current study. It also provides a

synthesis of the art to fully comprehend the research for a better understanding of the



Senior High School's goal is to prepare students for college by providing them

with the global skills, competencies, and knowledge required to pursue successful

career paths in the future. According to (Tus 2019, 213-219). — The impact of self-

efficacy on the academic performance of Grade 12 Senior High School students at St.

Paul College of Bocaue was examined in this study. According to the study's findings,

the respondents had a high level of self-efficacy. Additionally, it was shown that

students tend to be more intrinsically motivated to learn new information, are resilient

and resolute in the face of challenges, and feel confident in their ability to understand

the material covered in class and perform well on assessments. Additionally, the

findings of the computed linear regression analysis showed that the academic

performance of Senior High School pupils is not significantly impacted by self-

efficacy. This shows that student's academic performance in class is unaffected by

their high levels of self-efficacy. The school should still place a high priority on
helping students increase their sense of self-efficacy, though. As a result, it is

recommended that the school keep up its academic initiatives that will help students

consistently improve their well-being as they gain useful experiences and abilities.

This study by (Guiamalon et al.,2021). The implementation of the K-12

Senior High School program makes Filipino students competitive globally. On this

premise, a study to assess the K-12 Senior High School program of Laboratory High

School (LHS) of Cotabato City State Polytechnic College (CCSPC). Also, it explored

the resources, teachers' instructional practices, the attainment of the objectives of the

program, and the challenges encountered in the implementation. Results revealed that

services and resources evidently provided. The teachers of the LHS have evidently

practiced the instructional practices in terms of teaching strategies, classroom

management, and assessment of learning. Considering the findings it was concluded

that Despite the big class size and with faculty possess degrees appropriate and

relevant to the high school program and other qualifications, the LHS maintains its

public image of excellence in both curricular and extracurricular activities in which

have been a sign that instructional supervision of the Laboratory High School is of a

high standard.


The HUMMS strand is intended for individuals who are curious about what

lies beyond a wall. In other words, you are equipped to face the world and engage in

extensive conversation. This is intended for students who are thinking of majoring in

journalism, communication arts, liberal arts, education, or another field of social

science in college. Following (Magana, 2020). Self-esteem is a person's overall sense

of self-worth or personal value; it is how people appreciate and love themselves, and

it is frequently regarded as a personality trait. This also implies being stable and

enduring; people with low self-esteem cannot enter the world with optimism and

determination, or have difficulties interacting with other people to help develop

themselves by determining the benefits of choosing the Humanities and Social

Sciences (HUMSS) Strand to develop the student's self-esteem through various

activities that HUMSS offers. Students that have more self-esteem are better able to

learn more, conduct better research, and confidently interact with others. The study

discovered that student self-esteem was significantly impacted by academic

performance, extracurricular activities, and interpersonal skills.

This study used descriptive and inferential methods to determine, characterize,

and analyze the oral communication skills in English of Grade 11 HUMSS

(Humanities and Social Sciences) students. The student's level of performance in the

mentioned skills is measured using two indicators, namely "listening skills" and

"speaking skills." The students were profiled in terms of socio-demographics and

learner-related characteristics to form an independent set of variables that were

statistically correlated to their performance in oral communication skills. Data were

retrieved using researcher-developed instruments that were theory-informed and

subjected to content validation by field experts. (De Vera and De Vera 2018, 30-52).

As stated by (Aleta et al., 2020), everything we use today is the result of

research; it is where an individual conducts careful research to preserve and improve

the quality of life. The researcher must exercise caution when conducting research.

They must allow enough time for each stage of the activity. Because some things are
more difficult than expected, the researchers should add more hours or weeks before

the scheduled deadline. Research is time-consuming, but teachers and students cannot

avoid it because it is frequently used as an academic requirement. The descriptive

research method was used by the researchers. This design is best suited for this study

because it describes the difficulties encountered by Grade 12 Humanities and Social

Sciences Strand students in the Practical Research 2 subject. The researchers

discovered that students face financial challenges when conducting research and

collecting all of the data from the questionnaire. Several students suggested that one

choose a topic on which they believe they will enjoy conducting research. The

researchers recognized that many difficulties exist in the construction of a research

study and that these difficulties are unavoidable. There are, however, ways to

overcome it.


It can be difficult to choose your future profession when you are still in high

school. Your exposure to potential careers has been so limited that it may not even be

feasible for you to know at this point what vocation you are best suited for.

Conforming to (Dangoy and Madrigal 2020, 95-96). The adolescent stage is

regarded as one of the most difficult stages of human development. This a stage in

which a student is planning and preparing himself for a role in which he would like to

participate in the community by pursuing his desired course or job in order to elevate

his dignity as a person. Career decisions are undoubtedly among the most difficult and

difficult in any student's life. As students’ progress through college, wisely selecting a

career has a significant impact on their future career life. In some cases, changing
courses may be the result of making the wrong career decision, resulting in a waste of

time, resources, and career frustration. As a result, the paper assessed the degree of

career preferences as well as the extent of factors influencing career choices of senior

high school students at a Catholic school in Antique during the 2019-2020 school

year. Similarly, it compared the students' demographics to their career preferences and

factors influencing career choices. It also related to career preferences and the impact

of factors on career choices.

Selecting a strand is a critical activity for every student because they must

consider their financial situation, parental and peer suggestions, as well as their self-

choice in acting on it. As Reported by (Tortor, Ohayas, and Moneva 2020, 350-

367). This study looks into whether financial status and self-choice, parental influence

and self-choice and peer influence and self-choice all affect strand selection. By

complete enumeration, 214 students responded to the questionnaire on financial status

and Likert-scale for parental influence, peer influence, and self-choice, and the data

collected was analyzed using weighted mean, frequency, chi-square, and lambda to

determine their association. The results show that students' financial status in school

alone is inclined to self-choice in strand selection, but not with parental and peer

influence in strand selection. In other words, parents and peers have no significant

association with student self-choice, despite the fact that their influences are


In the manner of (Hernandez, Hernandez, and Salimo 2019). One of the

decisions that every individual must make is the choice of a career. Students required

an orientation about K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum programs to deepen their

understanding of them and become globally competitive learners. The selection of a

career that will be suitable for each student is a complex issue that requires careful

consideration. Students must understand their personalities and interests to make the

best decision. The researchers designed this study to deepen students' understanding

of determining their plans soon and to assist them in reducing any misfits in choosing

strands with the assistance of the career guidance program. The result of Grade 10

students' perceptions of the Career Guidance Program is that it assists them in

demonstrating their true life goals. Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) is their

preferred strand, and Bachelor of Education is their preferred course. The most

important factor influencing Grade 10 students in selecting a strand for Senior High

School is their personality. The Career Guidance Program gives them the confidence

to stick to their own decision. The researchers discovered that Humanities and Social

Sciences (HUMSS) is the most preferred strand of Grade 10 students in this study.

Education, Arts major in Political Science, Arts major in Journalism, Broadcast

Journalism, and Arts major in Social Sciences are among these strands. Even though

this strand is difficult to pursue, they want to do so because they believe it will help

and improve their skills and knowledge.


According to (Sucgang et al., 2020). Bilingual education entails teaching

content in two languages that all students understand. Each student's academic

performance is affected by the use of two languages, and their grades may improve.

Some students struggle to understand the English language, which has an impact on

their academic performance. Bilingual education can help students understand what

teachers are saying in their first language. Bilingual education can assist students in
communicating with others. It can also provide insight into cultural communication,

which can aid in globalization. The primary goal of this study is to investigate the

impact of using bilingual language during a discussion in Practical Research 2 on the

learning of Bestlink College of the Philippines Grade 12 Humanities and Social

Sciences (HUMSS) Strand students. The study employed a descriptive research

design and a survey questionnaire. The researchers selected the aforementioned

research design because it is the best technique for describing the situation and

problem of the given topic. According to the researchers' findings, the use of two

languages in the discussion affected the students' level of understanding. As a result,

using bilingual language can assist students in improving their participation in the

Practical Research 2 subject. The researchers discovered that using bilingual language

in the discussion can improve students' participation in the Practical Research 2

subject. The researchers advised being open to everyone's ideas, always cooperating

with those around you, always being active, and never giving up.

In accordance with the study of (Alto et al.,) goal is to gain a thorough

understanding of, and improved voting literacy in the process of determining practices

and experiences that affect and significantly contribute to the youth's perspective on

the subject. Its research sample is Senior High School students in the HUMSS strand,

with the methodology of social constructivism addressing the importance of

understanding the meaning of things and capturing the settings that influence an

individual's ideas. The University's environment played a significant role in the

formation of students' sociopolitical perspectives, which included both academic and

extracurricular activities; in essence, a specialized subject taught for the former, and

student movement activities such as uprisings and open discussions for the latter. In
conclusion, it has been discovered that the occurrence of these engagements has a

significant impact on the students' awareness of contemporary issues confronting

society, and they become more active in participating in sociopolitical discussions,

resulting in an increase in their interest and criticality as voters.



The chapter presents the methods and sources of data with the following

topics: the research design, research locale, the research respondents/sampling, ethical

consideration, the research instrument, data gathering procedure and statistical


Research Design

The researchers used the descriptive method of research which, according to

Ariola (2006), is used to analyze, interpret and report the present status of the subject

matter. It is applicable in big sample or larger population. It also requires the use of

questionnaire or other instruments to generate data prepared by the researcher. Data

must be organized and presented systematically so that valid and accurate conclusions

may be drawn from them.

The descriptive method of research was employed in this study to gather

information about the perceptions of grade 12 students in their chosen strand


The study, therefore involved the collection of data using questionnaire in order

to answer questions concerning the decision respondents in taking up Humanities and

Social Sciences.

Research Locale
This study will be conducted in Agusan Del Sur College Inc. (ADSCO) — a

private school located in P-24 Narra Avenue, Bayugan City. The school offers

Kindergarten to college curriculum. It was founded in 1966 by Dr. Inocencio P.

Angeles and Mrs. Clarita J. Angeles. The current Basic Education Principal in this

institution is Mrs. Rubilyn I. Gabor. This study will only cater the Senior High School

students specifically for Grade 12 HUMSS students.

Figure 2. Location

Research Respondents/Sampling

These respondents of the study would be the Grade 12 HUMSS

students of Agusan Del Sur College Inc. The researchers used purposive random

technique as research sampling. To tabulate these students because the researchers

want to know the factors and perceptions for choosing Humanities and Social

Sciences as their strand.

Research Instrument

The research instrument that the researcher will be using a Liked Scale

questionnaire to determine the factors that influence their perceptions. The researchers

made a checklist questionnaire consisting of 4-10 questions depending on the factors.

Each question was scaled by the respondents from 5,4,3,2, and 1 with specific
response of a very high, high, moderate, low, very low. Below is an interpretation

quantifying data.

Research Gathering Procedure

The researchers will gather the respondents in one place. After which

the researchers will explain the purpose of the study. Then, the survey questionnaire

will be distributed to the respondents. After the respondents answer the questionnaire

it will be collected. Then researchers will tally their answer, interpret it and the data

will be analyzed.

Statistical Treatment

To interpret the data effectively, the researchers will make use of the

following statistical treatment. The percentage, Weighted Mean and Likert Scale are

the tools that is use to interpret the data.

1. Percentage

The frequency of each response will be determined on the number of the

respondents who will check in the particular rating. The demographic profile of the

respondents will be determined using the formula of the percentage.

Formula: %= ×100
Where: % is the percentage
F is the frequency
N is the total number of respondents
100 is a constant value
2. Average Weighted Mean

The tabulated data will be treated with the use of frequency distribution,

percentage and weighted mean.

∑ fx
Formula: X=
Where: X is the weighted mean
∑ fx is the sum of all the response
f is the sum of all the respondents

3. Likert Scale

The researchers also made use of Likert Scaling Techniques to compute the

frequency responses of the respondents. With regards to the different factors that

inspired respondents why they choose Humanities and Social Sciences, the mean

responses were interpreted using the following scale:

Range of Mean Values Scale Value Verbal Interpretation

4.20 – 5.00 5 Strongly Agree / Very High Influence
3.40 – 4.19 4 Agree / High Influence
2.60 – 3.39 3 Undecided / Neutral
1.80 – 2.59 2 Disagree / Low Influence
1.00 – 1.79 1 Strongly Disagree / Very Low Influence


This chapter deals with the presentation, interpretation and analysis of data

gathered from the respondents.

The Respondents and Sampling Procedure

Table 1.
Respondents of the Study

Sections No. Of Students No. Of Students

Enrolled Responded (%)
Descartes 54 19 !9%
Aquinas 55 11 11%
Hume 54 16 16%
Locke 54 13 13%
Faraday 53 12 12%
Emerson 49 29 29%
TOTAL 314 100

Table 1 shows the total number of Grade 12 students per block section who are

officially enrolled in the HUMSS strand during the first semester of school year 2022-

2023. It can also be seen in the table the 100 students who responded to the
researchers’ request to participate in the study. The researchers then used these 100 or

100% of the total Grade 12 HUMSS students as the sample size of the study.

Table 2. Gender of the Respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 42 42%

Female 53 53%

Prefer not to say 5 5%

Total 100 100%

Table 2 shows the total number of male, female and respondents, who chooses to

disclose their gender, from the Grade 12 Human and Social Sciences students of

Agusan del Sur College, Inc. There are 42 male and 53 female, while 5 chooses to

disclose their gender. Female respondents compromise a larger percentage (53%)

compare to male (42%).

Table 3. Age of the Respondents

Age Frequency Percentage

16 3 3%

17 46 46%

18 41 41%

19 9 9%

20 1 1%

Total 100 100%

Table 3 shows 46 of our respondents are 17 years old, 41 are 18 years, 3 are

16, 9 are 19 and only 1 20 years old. Majority of our respondents are 17 years old

with which consist 46% of the population.

Results and Discussions

This part of the study deals with the presentation, analysis and interpretation

of data to determine the perceptions that inspired the grade 12 students to enroll in the

HUMSS strand.

Table 4.

Weighted Mean and Verbal Interpretation of the Decision-Making and Interest that

Influence the Students Perception to choose the HUMSS strand.


Personal Factors Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

1. I consider my desire of doing things. 3.83 High Influence
2. I look my ability such as knowledge and skills. 3.82 High Influence
3. I choose a strand based on what I feel about it. 3.97 High Influence
4. I decide based on my preferences for instance, 2.74 Neutral
family background.
Grand Weighted Mean 3.59 High Influence

As shown in Table 4, and as expected, the number one reason respondents

chose to enroll in the HUMSS strand is entirely based on their own preferences (x=

3.97). Finding HUMSS to be a very interesting field/strand (x=3.83) and enjoying

taking the strand based on their desire. (x= 3.82) are the other top factors that had a
significant impact on respondents' decision to pursue HUMSS as their senior high

school strand.

The data in the table also show that the other factor that is neutral (in the verbal

interpretation) on the respondents' decision to enroll in the HUMSS strand is based on

whether their preferences and is mostly based on their family background (x= 2.74).

Table 5.
Weighted Mean and Verbal Interpretation of the Peers that Influence the Students’
Perception to choose the HUMSS strand.
Peers Influence Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation
1. My peers inspire me to choose what I like to take. 3.56 High Influence
2. My peers encourage me to do things to achieve 3.73 High Influence
my goals.
3. My peers’ advice to learn more about what I like 3.85 High Influence 1
to choose to do.
4. My peers’ informal talk leads of what I should 3.72 High Influence 3
plan to choose.
Grand Weighted Mean 3.72 High Influence
According to the table, Peer Influence factors have a significant influence on students'

decisions to pursue HUMSS as their senior high school strand. This finding implies

that respondents, who are typically millennials, are heavily influenced by others when

making decisions.

Table 6.

Weighted Mean and Verbal Interpretation of the Consideration about the Institution

Influence the Students’ Perception to choose the HUMSS strand.

Consideration About The Institution Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

1. I believe the stories of my acquaintance about 3.75 High Influence 3
the school.
2. I learn the affordable tuition of the institution. 3.85 High Influence
3. I rely on scholarship grants. 4.04 High Influence
Grand Weighted Mean 3.88 High Influence

The findings of the current study demonstrate that students' consideration of the

institution, particularly considering and depending on the scholarship grants having a

weighted mean of 4.04, verbally interpreted as High Influence, completely influences

their decisions for choosing the HUMSS strand. The chart shows that the students'

curiosity was sparked by information on the school's website about the low tuition

(x=3.85) and tales from acquaintances about the school's offering of Humanities and

Social Sciences as one of its strands (x=3.75) as one of the aspects of the school that

ignited the interest of the students.

Table 7.

Weighted Mean and Verbal Interpretation of the Job-related Factors that Influence

the Students’ Perception to choose the HUMSS strand.

College/ Job Course Related Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation Rank

1. I find the course I choose convenient in 3.87 Agree 2
looking for a job in the future.
2. I can expect for the good salary. 3.86 Agree 3
3. I prefer for the stability status for the job. 3.86 Agree 3
4. I expect the availability of the job that suits me. 3.97 Agree 1
Grand Weighted Mean 3.89 High Influence

Job-related factors are considered to be the perceptions of the respondents that

influence and motivate them in choosing HUMSS as their career path in college.

Among the four (4) items under job-related factors, students agreed that HUMSS

is a field that has the availability of the job that suits them with the highest weighted

mean of 3.97. This is followed by their belief that HUMSS is convenient for them to

look for their desired job in the future (x̅ =3.87) that can provide them with a better

career life and job security (x̅ =3.86).

Table 8.

Overall Weighted Mean and Verbal Interpretation of the Major Group of Statements

of Perceptions that Influence the Students to choose Humanities and Social Sciences.

Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation Rank

Personal 3.59 High Influence
Peers Influence 3.72 High Influence
Institution Consideration 3.88 High Influence
Job-Related Factors 3.89 High Influence
Grand Weighted Mean 3.77 High Influence

According to Table 7, job-related factors were the most influential in

respondents' decisions to pursue Humanities and Social Sciences. These job-related

factors are students' perceptions of what HUMSS will offer them as a field, career, or


This is consistent with the findings of High Influence as the Verbal

Interpretation of factor statements. The data show that students prioritize personal and

job-related factors over other people's suggestions when deciding on HUMSS as their

strand as a career path. According to the findings, respondents follow their own

personal preference and desire, and they believe in what accounting has to offer as a




This chapter presents the summary and conclusion derived from the study,

which was designed to investigate the perceptions of Agusan Del Sur College Inc.

Grade 12 HUMSS students in choosing their strand. It also makes recommendations

that future senior high school students can follow.

This research was carried out at Agusan Del Sur College Inc. Respondents

were grade 12 students from each section of the Humanities and Social Sciences

Strand. Purposive sampling was used to select them. It used quantitative research and

a descriptive method. Mean, percentage, rank, and likert scale questionnaires were

used as statistical tools.

Summary of Findings

The findings of the study were summarized according to the statement of the

problem stated in Chapter 1.

1. What factors influenced the students’ perceptions and decisions to

pursue the HUMSS strand?

Personal Factors, Peers Influence, Institutional Consideration, and Job/Course

Related Factors are all verbally interpreted as Highly Influenced Factors that shape

students' perceptions about their chosen strand in the overall weighted mean (x=3.77)

of the factors influenced the students' perceptions (table 7).

2. Are there significant differences in Male and Female students’

perceptions of the HUMSS Strand?

Male and female perceptions differ depending on the factors, but as shown

in Table 2, this reveals that the majority (53%) of female students responded to

our survey about their perceptions of choosing a HUMSS strand.

3. Are there any significant differences between the public and private senior

high schools where the respondents are now enrolled?

Both private and public institutions have different characteristics in terms of

having the strand to its institution. According to table 6, which is verbally interpreted

as High Influenced (Consideration about the institution), with a weighted mean of

3.75, most students believe the stories of their acquaintances about the school. Some

chose the specific institution after learning about the institution's affordable tuition

(x=3.85) and, more importantly, the scholarship grants (x=4.04).

4. Which of the following aspects is most important to students when

deciding whether to enroll in the HUMSS strand:

4.1 Personal Factors (Decision Making and Interest)

4.2 Peers Influence

4.3 Institution Consideration

4.4 Factors to consider when choosing a college course

According to (Table 8) Overall Weighted Mean and Verbal Interpretation of the

Major Group of Statements of Perceptions that Influence Students to Choose

Humanities and Social Sciences, Job-related factors have the highest weighted mean

of 3.89 (verbally interpreted as High Influence) among the four (4) statements and are

ranked first in the table.


In line with the preceding discussions, the number one reason why respondents

chose the HUMSS strand is entirely associated with the foundation of their knowledge

and their own preferences based on the various factors of the stated perceptions.
The majority of Grade 12 HUMSS students enrolled during the first semester of

the school year 2022-2023 are female, according to research. The Humanities and

Social Sciences Strand is most likely to be of interest to female.

It was also discovered that the institution of choice has a significant influence

on students' decisions to pursue Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) as a strand

in senior high school. This finding implies that respondents are highly influenced by

other people when making decisions. However, among the four personal factors,

"parents” choice of HUMSS for their sons/daughters" ranked fourth with a verbal

interpretation of neutral only. It demonstrates that the majority of respondents,

primarily millennials, rely on their own decisions and how they feel about what they

want to do, as well as peer influence, rather than their parents' choice.

Finally, the researchers concluded that job-related factors have a very high

influence and motivation in respondents choosing HUMSS as their career path.

Respondents also believe that HUMSS is a field with a broad exposure to society, that

it is well respected, and that it can provide them with better college course options, a

career life, and job security.


Based on the foregoing conclusion, the following recommendations are being


1. It was discovered that students' decisions to pursue HUMSS are heavily

influenced by their perceptions of the field they took. As a result, pre-senior

high school students should be aware of the career opportunities available to

HUMSS graduates. It should be noted that HUMSS is a well-respected

profession, a field with a broad exposure to Social Sciences, and that more
courses, and especially jobs, are available for HUMSS graduates. This is

also a profession that can provide them with a more stable career.

2. The information pertaining to HUMSS students' career opportunities must

be reinforced and supported by success stories of various personalities,

specifically the school's HUMSS graduates, their career profiles, and their

contributions to their respective organizations and society as a whole.

3. As a form of advertisement, the ADSCO institution should continue and

strengthen its activities inviting pre-senior high school students to attend the

various programs. It can also increase its publicity/media campaign to

entice them to participate in the discussed strand (HUMSS).

4. Students should be given more opportunities and exposure to interact with

relevant professional bodies in order to become familiar with the current

state of the HUMSS field of profession.

5. To know and assist their children in influencing their children's path,

parents should be better informed about every senior high school


6. The school should continue its counseling activities to assist junior high

school students in selecting a strand and, of course, future college courses as

a career.


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Name(Optional): :_______________________________ Age: ________

Grade and Section: _______________________________ Strand: _______
Sex: Male_____ Female: _____ Prefer not to say ______

Objectives: This questionnaire is intended to collect data about the perceptions of

Grade 12 students about the Humanities and Social Sciences strand. Rest assured that
your answers would be kept highly confidential.

Direction: Please answer the following items with honesty. The Information that will
be gathered by the researchers will be serve as confidential.

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