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m*RHi#c # Llifr
TO AII RtrBRtilC lV-A Hember Agpnciet
Shairper$o$s, FICrtDRRffi.s ttfiru PICTHtrRRIil&

FHSM Ghairren$onr RDRRTC IY-,A and Regional Dircctor, OG$ lV-A

$UB.TEf,T Canduct of SY 10{6 3rd QuarEr Hatiomide $imulhneous

Earthquake Brill {!tlSED}

BATE $[P 0 I- 2016

'*. H*f*rqn**: #S S#*nr*rall#***t r**. S?$ dafed 30 Augrst ?S?#'*r? sarne sls&j*cf"

?" Yfr* 3'd *uarter 2#IS ilS=* Is s*tueduld c* 28 Septemb*r 2$tS, S.*# Afu!- F*n
quarter- th* dritrE wili d*fu* I* tt':* evaluatiarr sf the affected R*RR*S* IV-A
Hnr*rge*ry *pr*tisfts C**ter at *amp \fi**nte Lim, Calar*ba City, Lag*.xma
*m# tfi* c*re*r*nial vefiue, rrshi*h i= 3ifian City, Laguna, the Metro hjlanila DRRh##
*prati*fis Ce*ter. ** wel* as th*
hIDRRSEC Gperati*ns C**t*r at SH*
#r*ndstar:d includir:g th* ir:t*r*perabllity *m+*g Assisting Regional DRRI*C* b***d
fr*nr th* ftl*HP t*r tartt*q**k*s a*d T*u**r*is" AIs*, I*temati**al Hunranitar*a*
#*u*try T*ams' {HCT} fusi*r: t*
the HJRDRRII,IC including the r*l* ar:d
ilesp*ftsihiliti*s *f n.ledia, pnivate and v*lurrteer Sr*up* p****rs af utilities *u#:
#s qpr*ter. F*urrer- **d fu*l servi+e* ir: disaster r*Eparlse Gperations shall h*
mnsider*d in il*S=*.

3" Isr th*s r*gard, a*d frs fr pa* *f *#r strat*gy t* e*s#r+ sir*ultaneilus a*d
*ym*hn**ie*d ly!#\rerrlent during F*St*- altr regl*nal Xi** *gen*ies" LGUs, Ieami*g
Enstituti*ils* frfid *tfi*r stak*h*ld*rs ar* r*#I**ded *f the f*llsari*g acti**s releva*t t*
ttu* *rittr:

*F Eh* slr*utt*n*Gus **tti*g c# cf a**nrrl#sir*ns particula*y *f fire trucks a*d

amb*lail**** h**king *f ve*i*les- a*d s*unding +f *ther i*digenous f*rms *f
*tr*rr,*s i* y**r $w*lities at $:** Afifi {ki*dly refer to the Philippine Sta*dard
Tin*e pr*vid# hy **ST-PeGe$e3" This signals the start of the drill and ainrs
t* cat*h th* afre*tl** of pe*ptr* in s wid* ar*a.
fu} ilpc* r*c*g*izi*g th+ sign*I, the DUCK. COVER, arrd
al3 *hc*;H execute
H#LD t**hnique vsh*th*r th*y are i*sid* or outside their offices and homes.
&frer d*ing the duck" c*v*r, a** h*[d, tf:ey should evacuate outside of their
*tH*e#h*mes to th*ir r**pctive id*nt*fi*dfdesi g n ated evafi.Iation a reas.

4" &#*r**veil, ** tlr+ i*terest +f r*axirniei*g th* Pa*icipation of all barangays, office.
f*rs*iltes- indlvid$ftls- a*d other stakeh+trders" all agencies and LGUs are advised t*
*rxfuarxre i*f*rr*ati*n dissemi*ati** *r'! tf:* fcrthmming activity through the foll*wi*9.

*Set*ge#sffi *wg*{sgnffi,
" - Wfulw'
F*F &a*:Iti=puryose C*+:ter" CamF lf+c*nte Lirn. Cantubang. Calamb* Cfu
TiF: {*4*} 53t-7?ffi,531-?279 I 834-4244
E-ma iI : regi**4*@u#. g+v. p* i o{d- rd t'nftc4a@yah+4. cslr}

al AII agencies and LGU$ are requestd to utilize all means of information
disseminatian sucft as throusfi tri-media and soclal media, and pasting of
annsuncement#tarpaulins in conspicuous public areas.

h) LGU$ are rBquested to emplay the aseistance of priests and church teaders in
announcing the activity after tfre mnduct of masses.

c) All Dlrectors or Head of Offices af regianal-line agencies and Lm4 Chief

Executives of LGUs- are frighly enmuraged to -arept the #pagyanirq
Challenge prior ts 28 September 2016; and to teaO the canduct of eart-frquake
drills on the said date ta inspire their staff and the puhlic in joining the
simulaticn exercise-

5" AII activities should be dmumented induding the venue$ and estimated
number sf
participants and- kindly submit at ts the RDRRMC IV-A Operations Center,
ocd{a.nsedaar& not later tfran $r octokr E{},16.

6' Thank you for your mopration and for untiringly airning for a safer CATABAHZOH.

Director, SCS nf-A

"S**i&a,A tsgfotaw- -, *wg&gtq t?agfw*fw"

PNP Multi-purFose c*nter, camp vment* Lim, canluhang, calamba cily
TJF: {04$} 531-y?86 I SBi-??7g I ss4-4a44
E-n:ail: region4a@ocd. gov. ph I ocd. rdrmlc4a@yah*a. strr


il &:Er ;: ils,r,st E;y,.*r.g, Fri;t+:r*eBe},+,{.}q #s*.-,,*.,$,,,{F"i.li6p r.ras

&$.$s J # f$?S
$**" 1..,:t - s\ A*t&

f*i_.;h e*i GCG Segia*at Eir*ctars


H&T'O'{},HBE Si ilfi T.TI-TJ\N E$ US E AHTfig}TdHg
Sft I!-L

Y*a'r 'arg i":e{**i. i"'+cr"eri :*

=**;vi"ee,.; ::?+ csFs-c: +i ,:..-t* 3rc[ *i-racsr L-y-ii+1#
I'$*ti*firsg#* S:rr:tu,Bm+ry*;.s far:** frr,,r :r* iE Se,,i**-,*er 3i3?S i,rr y*ur _*syr*frf.iu*g
*r*s *.f rssp*n*fu:i;{y

s*r gi;i+:*t*1fl* *;tq3 f g.$igltarr{,*


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