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Temperature Record Sheet: Week beginning: / /

Refrigerated/Frozen Food Temperatures Note: Refrigerated food should be stored at a maximum temperature of 8oC (1-4oC ideal), freezers
should preferably be –18oC or less. Mark any corrective action if food is outside of these limits (e.g. turn up fridge, dispose)
Fridge / Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Freezer no. am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm

action taken

Delivery Temperatures Note: Chilled food must be delivered at 8oC or less, frozen should preferably be at -18oC or less. The delivery should be
rejected if it is outside these ranges, if the quality is unsatisfactory or date codes unsuitable
Delivery Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Corrective Action

Cooking/Re-heating Temperatures Note: Food should be cooked or reheated to a core temperature of at least 75oC. Food which is probed
should be high risk – e.g. cooked meat such as chicken and sausages, as opposed to cooked vegetables. Choose 2 foods each day.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Hot holding Temperatures Note: Hot hold food must maintain a core temperature of at least 63oC
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Food Probed
Temp. (oC)
action taken

Cooling Times Note: Food should be cooled as quickly as possible. Aim to cool to less than 8oC in 90 minutes.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Cooling start
Finish Time
Temp when
cool (oC)

Thermometer Check Note: Thermometers should be calibrated or replaced if the reading is outside –1oC to +1oC for melting ice or outside 99oC to
101oC for boiling water.
Date Boiling water (100oC +/- 1oC) Melting ice (0oC +/- 1oC) Action Taken

Agreed by: Name: Position:

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