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-Siddhesh Shelar

CSS MCQ with Explanation

1. Which of the following is not JavaScript Data Types?

A. Undefined
B. Number
C. Boolean
D. Float

Ans : D

Explanation: Following are the JavaScript Data types:


2. Which company developed JavaScript?

A. Netscape
B. Bell Labs
C. Sun Microsystems

Ans : A

Explanation:Netscape is the software company who developed JavaScript.

3. Inside which HTML element do we put the JavaScript?

A. <script>
B. <head>
C. <meta>
D. <style>

Ans : A

Explanation: <script> is the element where we put the javascript.

-Siddhesh Shelar

4. Which of the following is correct about features of JavaScript?

A. It can not Handling dates and time.
B. JavaScript is a object-based scripting language.
C. JavaScript is not interpreter based scripting language.
D. All of the above

Ans : B

Explanation: Some features of javascripts are as follow:-

1. JavaScript is a object-based scripting language.
2. Giving the user more control over the browser.
3. It Handling dates and time.
4. It Detecting the user's browser and OS,
5. It is light weighted.
6. JavaScript is a scripting language and it is not java.
7. JavaScript is interpreter based scripting language.
8. JavaScript is case sensitive.

5. Choose the correct JavaScript syntax to change the content of the

following HTML code.
A. document.getElement (―letsfindcourse").innerHTML = "I am a letsfindcourse";
B. document.getElementById (―letsfindcourse").innerHTML = "I am a
C. document.getId (―letsfindcourse") = "I am a letsfindcourse";
D. document.getElementById (―letsfindcourse").innerHTML = I am a

Ans : B

Explanation:The correct syntax to access the element is

document.getElementById("letsfindcourse"). Here we want to access the content written under
that id, so we used .innerHTML to specify that and finally we replaced the content with whatever
is written inside the quotes.

-Siddhesh Shelar

6. Which of the following is the correct syntax to display "Letsfindcourse"

in an alert box using JavaScript?
A. alert-box("Letsfindcourse");
B. confirm("Letsfindcourse");
C. msgbox("Letsfindcourse");
D. alert("Letsfindcourse");

Ans : D

Explanation: To display any text in the alert box, you need to write it as alert("Letsfindcourse");

7. What is the correct syntax for referring to an external script called

A. <script src="LFC.js">
B. <script source="LFC.js">
C. <script ref="LFC.js">
D. <script type="LFC.js">

Ans : A

Explanation:The "src" term is used to refer to any JavaScript file. JavaScript.

8. Which of the following is not Javascript frameworks or libraries?

A. Polymer
B. Meteor
C. Cassandra
D. jQuery

Ans : C

Explanation: Cassandra is a distributed database from Apache.So the option C is not Javascript
frameworks or libraries.

-Siddhesh Shelar

9. Why so JavaScript and Java have similar name?

A. JavaScript is a stripped-down version of Java
B. JavaScript's syntax is loosely based on Java's
C. They both originated on the island of Java
D. None of the above

Ans : B

Explanation: Because JavaScript's syntax is loosely based on Java's that's why JavaScript and
Java have similar name.

10. What is the original name of JavaScript?

A. LiveScript
B. EScript
C. Mocha
D. JavaScript

Ans : C

Explanation:The project was originally called Mocha, then renamed to LiveScript, and finally to
JavaScript when Netscape and Sun did a license agreement. The idea at the time was to make it a
scripting language complimentary to Java.

11. JavaScript is designed for following purpose -

A. to style HTML pages
B. to execute Queries related to databases on a server
C. to add interactivity to html pages
D. All of the above

Ans : D

Explanation: JavaScript is designed for the following purpose: to style HTML pages b. to execute
Queries related to databases on a server c. to add interactivity to html pages d. to perform server
side scripting operations e. none of the above JavaScript statements are terminated by a a.

-Siddhesh Shelar

12. What will be the output of the following Javascript code?

var string1 = "Letsfindcourse";
var intvalue = 30;
alert( string1 + intvalue );

A. Letsfindcourse 30
B. 30
C. Letsfindcourse30
D. Exception

Ans : C

Explanation:In JavaScript the alert function does the type casting and converts the integer value
to string. After that it concatenates both the strings and shows the result as a concatenated string.
Thus Letsfindcourse30 would be correct.

13. Among the following, which one is a ternary operator in JavaScript?

A. #
B. ::
C. &:
D. ?:

Ans : D

Explanation: JavaScript supports one ternary operator, the conditional operator ?:, which
combines three expressions into a single expression. If else case can be replaced by the
conditional operator

-Siddhesh Shelar

14. What are the three important manipulations done in a for loop on a
loop variable in javascript?
A. the initialization, the Incrementation, and update
B. the initialization, the test, and the update
C. the initialization, the test, and Incrementation
D. All of the above

Ans : B

Explanation: In a for loop, the initialization, the test, and the update are the three crucial
manipulations of a loop variable. Firstly the loop initialiases the variable then test the condition
and then after executing the statement increments its value.

15. What does javascript use instead of == and !=?

A. It uses bitwise checking
B. It uses === and !== instead
C. It uses equals() and notequals() instead
D. It uses equalto()

Ans : B

Explanation:The subset does not include the comma operator, the bitwise operators, or the ++ and
— operators. It also disallows == and != because of the type conversion they perform, requiring
use of === and !== instead.

16. What should appear at the very end of your JavaScript?

The <script language="javascript"> tag
A. <script>
B. <script>
C. </script language="javascript">
D. All of the above

Ans : B

Explanation: </script> Should appear at the very end of your JavaScript.

The < script> element either contains scripting statements, or it points to an external script file
through the src attribute.

-Siddhesh Shelar

17. Among the keywords below, which one is not a statement?

A. if
B. with
C. debugger
D. use strict

Ans : D

Explanation:use strict is a directive introduced in ECMAScript5. Directives are not statements

because it does not include any language keywords. Also, it can appear only at the start of a script
or at the start of a function body, before any real statement has appeared.

18. How do we define the term Thread?

A. Device that controls input
B. Variable that controls movement
C. Controlled execution of applications
D. None of the above

Ans : C

Explanation: Javascript is single-threaded. To clarify better, this means that one single thread
handles the event loop. For older browsers, the whole browser shared one single thread between
all the tabs.

19. Which symbol is used for comments in Javascript?

A. \\
B. //
C. \* *\
D. \* */

Ans : B

Explanation: Single line comments start with //.

Any text between // and the end of the line will be ignored by JavaScript

-Siddhesh Shelar

20. Which of them is not the looping structures in JavaScript?

A. for
B. while
C. forwhich
D. dowhile

Ans : B

Explanation:forwhich is not the looping structures in JavaScript

21. What is defination of an undefined value in JavaScript?

A. Variable used in the code doesn't exist
B. Variable is not assigned to any value
C. Property doesn't exist
D. All of the above

Ans : D

Explanation:Undefined value means the

1.Variable used in the code doesn't exist
2.Variable is not assigned to any value
3.Property doesn't exist

22. What are the types of Pop up boxes available in JavaScript?

A. Alert
B. Prompt
C. Confirm
D. All of the above

Ans : D

Explanation: the types of Pop up boxes available in JavaScript

1. Alert
2. Confirm and
3. Prompt

-Siddhesh Shelar

23. what is the disadvantage of using innerHTML in JavaScript?

A. Content can not be replaced everywhere
B. We can use like "appending to innerHTML"
C. Even if you use +=like "innerHTML = innerHTML + 'html'" still the old content
is replaced by html
D. The entire innerHTML content is not re-parsed and build into elements, therefore
its not slower

Ans : C

Explanation: If you use innerHTML in JavaScript the disadvantage is

1.Content is replaced everywhere
2.We cannot use like "appending to innerHTML"
3.Even if you use +=like "innerHTML = innerHTML + 'html'" still the old content is replaced by
4.The entire innerHTML content is re-parsed and build into elements, therefore its much slower
5.The innerHTML does not provide validation and therefore we can potentially insert valid and
broken HTML in the document and break it.

24. What are the two basic groups of dataypes in JavaScript?

A. Primitive
B. Reference types.
C. All of the above
D. None of the above

Ans : C

Explanation: They are as –

Reference types.
Primitive types are number and Boolean data types. Reference types are more complex types like
strings and dates.

-Siddhesh Shelar

25. Which of the following are the errors in JavaScript?

A. Load time errors
B. Run time errors:
C. Logical Errors:
D. All of the above

Ans : B

Explanation:There are three types of errors:

Load time errors: Load-time errors are perhaps the most common and are generally caused by
problems in syntax.
Run time errors:A runtime error is a program error that occurs while the program is running.
Logical Errors: A logic error (or logical error) is a mistake in a program's source code that results
in incorrect or unexpected behavior.

26. Which of the following are the functional components in JavaScript?

A. First-class functions
B. Encapsulated-class functions
C. Fixed-class functions
D. All of the above

Ans : A

Explanation:The different functional components in JavaScript are-

1. First-class functions
2. Nested functions

27. Which of the following is not the properties of screen objects in

A. AvailHeight
B. ColorsDepth
C. AvailWidth
D. ColorDepth

Ans : B

Explanation:Screen objects are used to read the information from the client's screen. The
properties of screen objects are -
1. AvailHeight
2. AvailWidth
3. ColorDepth
4. Width
5. Height

-Siddhesh Shelar

28. Javascript string using double quotes is exactly the same as a string
using single quotes?
A. True
B. False

Ans : A

Explanation: True is the answer

29. Find output of below code

var a = '20';
var b = a = 30;

A. Error in Script
B. '20'30
C. 2030
D. 50

Ans : D

Explanation: No explanation.

30. What is divide by 0 in Javascript? var a = 10;

var b = 0;
A. Nothing is printed
B. 0 is printed
C. Infinity is printed
D. Some Garbage Value

Ans : C

Explanation:Infinity is printed divide by 0 in Javascript

-Siddhesh Shelar

31.Which of the following function of Array object applies a function

simultaneously against two values of the array (from right-to-left) as to
reduce it to a single value?
A - pop()
B - reduce()
C - push()
D - reduceRight()

Ans : D

Explanation:reduceRight() − Applies a function simultaneously against two values of the array

(from right-to-left) as to reduce it to a single value.

32. What is the output of following Javascript?

var a = 'letsfind';
var b = 'course';
var c = a/b;
A. letsfindcourse
B. letsfind/course
C. NaN
D. None of the above

Ans : C

Explanation: he output of following Javascript is NaN.

33. How ++ works in Javascript? Find output of below Javascript code.

var a = 1;
A. 00
B. 01
C. 11
D. 10

Ans : D

Explanation: document.write(a--); will print 1 and after than it will decrement the variable a value
to 0 , next line document.write(a); will print 0.

-Siddhesh Shelar

34. Find output of below Javascript addition code

document.write("1 plus 1 is " + 1 + 1);
A. 2
B. 1 plus 1 is 2
C. 1 plus 1 is 11
D. 1 plus 1 is 1 + 1

Ans : C

Explanation:output of below Javascript addition code is 1 plus 1 is 11.

35.In JavaScript, Arrays are data type. State True or False

A. True
B. False

Ans : B

Explanation:In JavaScript, Arrays is not data type.

JavaScript - The Arrays Object. The Array object lets you store multiple values in a single
variable. It stores a fixed-size sequential collection of elements of the same type.

36. Does JavaScript allow exception handling?

A. Yes, it provides try, catch as well as throw key word for exception handling
B. Yes, but it provides only try block
C. Yes, but it provides only Try catch block, but does not allow throw exception
D. No

Ans : A

Explanation:JavaScript implements the try...catch...finally construct as well as the throw operator

to handle exceptions. You can catch programmer-generated and runtime exceptions, but you
cannot catch JavaScript syntax errors.

-Siddhesh Shelar

37. Which of the following method checks if its argument is not a number?
A. isNaN()
B. nonNaN()
C. NaN()
D. None of the above

Ans : A

Explanation:The Number.isNaN() method determines whether a value is NaN (Not-A-Number).

This method returns true if the value is of the type Number, and equates to NaN. Otherwise it
returns false.

38. What if you use parseInt() to convert a string containing decimal

A. Throws Error
B. It returns the decimal values in string form
C. If returns only the integer portion of the number
D. None of the listed option

Ans : C

Explanation: JavaScript's parseInt function is all about converting a string to an integer. The
function takes a string value as an argument and converts it to a numerical value with no decimal
places, or alternatively the value NaN.

39. What is the output of below Javascript code?

alert (typeof new Date() );

A. Throws Error
B. object
C. Displays Nothing
D. Current Date

Ans : B

Explanation: The typeof is an operator keyword which is used to get a type at the compile-time.
Or in other words, this operator is used to get the System.Type object for a type.

-Siddhesh Shelar

40. What if we put ++ operator inside if condition? find the output of

below code

< script>
var a = 10;
if(a == a++)

A. Error
B. Nothing is printed
C. 10
D. 11

Ans : D

Explanation:During initialization the value of variable a is 10.But after if condition it becomes 11

due to "a++" in if condition.

41.Which of the following is true?

A. If onKeyDown returns false, the key-press event is cancelled.
B. If onKeyPress returns false, the key-down event is cancelled.
C. If onKeyDown returns false, the key-up event is cancelled.
D. If onKeyPress returns false, the key-up event is canceled.

Ans : A

Explanation:No explanation.

42. Syntax for creating a RegExp object:

1. var txt=new RegExp(pattern,attributes);

2. var txt=/pattern/attributes;
Which of the above mentioned syntax will correct?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. None of the above

Ans : C

Explanation: Both the statement are correct.

Both the syntax can be used for creating a RegExp object.

-Siddhesh Shelar

43. If para1 is the DOM object for a paragraph, what is the correct syntax
to change the text within the paragraph?
A. para1="New Text"
B. para1.value="New Text";
C. para1.firstChild.nodeValue= "New Text";
D. para1.nodeValue="New Text";

Ans : B

Explanation: the correct syntax to change the text within the paragraph is "para1.value="New

44. The syntax of Eval is ________________

A. [objectName.]eval(numeric)
B. [objectName.]eval(string)
C. [EvalName.]eval(string)
D. [EvalName.]eval(numeric)

Ans : B

Explanation:The eval() function evaluates or executes an argument. If the argument is an

expression, eval() evaluates the expression. If the argument is one or more JavaScript statements,
eval() executes the statements.

45. The _______ method of an Array object adds and/or removes elements
from an array.
A. Reverse
B. Shift
C. Slice
D. Splice

Ans : D

Explanation:The splice() method returns the removed item(s) in an array and slice() method
returns the selected element(s) in an array, as a new array object

-Siddhesh Shelar

46. Which tag(s) can handle mouse events in Netscape?

A. <IMG>
B. <A>
C. <BR>
D. <span>

Ans : A

Explanation:The img element can handle mouse events in Netscape.

47. Consider the following code snippet

const pi=3.14;
var pi=4;
What will be the output for the above code snippet?
A. This will flash an error
B. Prints 4
C. Prints 3.14
D. Ambiguity

Ans : A

Explanation: Const keyword fixes the value of the variable. Const keyword can not be redefined.
Therefore attempts to alter the value or re-declaration causes errors.

48. What is the default value of the asyc attribute?

A. 0
B. 1
C. False
D. True

Ans : D

Explanation: The async attribute is a boolean attribute. When present, it specifies that the script
will be executed asynchronously as soon as it is available. The async attribute optionally accepts
a boolean value and by default holds the value true.

-Siddhesh Shelar

49. What is the purpose of the Attr object in the HTML DOM?
A. Used to focus on a particular part of the HTML page
B. HTML Attribute
C. Used to arrange elements
D. None of the mentioned

Ans : B

Explanation: In the HTML DOM, the Attr object represents an HTML attribute.

50. Which among the following POSIX signals generate events?


Ans : C

Explanation:The SIGINT is a POSIX signal that generates event. A simple code like below can
do a proper clean up and exit on CTRL-C or SIGINT passed from command line / other
application to the nodejs app’s ProcessID.

51.Javascript is ideal to?

A. make computations in HTML simpler
B. minimize storage requirements on the web server
C. increase the download time for the client
D. none of the mentioned

Ans : B

Explanation:Javascript helps in doing various tasks with minimum storage requirements.

Therefore, to reduce storage requirements, Javascript has always said a better one. explanation.

52. The meaning for Augmenting classes is that:

A. objects inherit prototype properties even in dynamic state
B. objects inherit prototype properties only in dynamic state
C. objects inherit prototype properties in static state
D. object doesn’t inherit prototype properties in static state

Ans : A

Explanation:Javascript's prototype-based inherit system is dynamic: an object inherits properties

with its prototype, even if the prototype changes after the creation of the object. This means that
we can increase JavaScript classes by adding new methods only to their prototype objects.
-Siddhesh Shelar

53. Which is the handler method used to invoke when uncaught JavaScript
exceptions occur?
A. Onhalt
B. Onerror
C. Both onhalt and onerror
D. Onsuspend

Ans : B

Explanation: The onerror handler method can be registered to be invoked when uncaught
JavaScript exceptions occur. The onerror event is triggered if an error occurs while loading an
external file .

54. Consider the code snippet given below

var count = [1,,3];
What is the observation made?
A. The omitted value takes "undefined"
B. This results in an error
C. This results in an exception
D. The omitted value takes an integer value

Ans : A

Explanation:Array is defined with a null value when no value is mentioned. If you omit a value
from an array literal, the omitted element is given an undefined value.

55. Which among the following POSIX signals generate events?


Ans : C

Explanation:The SIGINT is a POSIX signal that generates event. A simple code like below can
do a proper clean up and exit on CTRL-C or SIGINT passed from command line / other
application to the nodejs app’s ProcessID.

-Siddhesh Shelar

56. What does the interpreter do when you reference variables in other
A. Traverses the queue
B. Traverses the stack
C. Finds the bugs
D. Traverse the array

Ans : B

Explanation:The interpreter executes the javascript code. Normally when you reference variables
in other scopes at the global level, in other namespaces, and so on—the interpreter needs to
traverse the stack to get to the variable.

57. What must be done in order to implement Lexical Scoping?

A. Get the object
B. Dereference the current scope chain
C. Reference the current scope chain
D. Return the value

Ans : C

Explanation: In order to implement lexical scoping, the internal state of a JavaScript function
object must include not only the code of the function but also a reference to the current scope

58. From which version of IE is canvas supported?

A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9
Ans : D

Explanation: The canvas element is not supported by IE before IE9, but it can be reasonably well
emulated in IE6, 7, and 8. It is supported from version 4 in chrome and 2 in firefox.

-Siddhesh Shelar

59. How many parameters does the method plot() accept?

A. 7
B. 8
C. 9
D. 10

Ans : C

Explanation: Plot() is a generic function, meaning, it has many methods which are called
according to the type of object passed to plot() . The method plot() accepts a total of 9

60.What is the purpose of script loading?

A. Load Scripts programmatically
B. Load JavaScript files manually
C. Load JavaScript files programmatically
D. All of the mentioned

Ans : C

Explanation:The script loading loads remote JavaScript files programmatically and allow us to
trick the rendering engine. The async attribute is a boolean attribute. When present, it specifies
that the script will be executed asynchronously as soon as it is available.

61.JavaScript can be written __________

A. directly into JS file and included into HTML
B. directly on the server page
C. directly into HTML pages
D. directly into the css file

Ans : A

Explanation:Javascript files can be saved by .js extension and can be included in HTML files.
Script tags are used with the src attribute to include Js files. explanation.

-Siddhesh Shelar

62. When a class B can extend another class A, we say that:

A. A is the superclass and B is the subclass
B. B is the superclass and A is the subclass
C. Both A and B are the superclass
D. Both A and B are the subclass

Ans : A

Explanation:Superclass is the class from which subclasses are defined. Subclasses are also called
the extension of the superclass. In the above scenario, there will be a superclass and B is collas.

63. Which method receives the return value of setInterval() to cancel

future invocations?
A. clearInvocation()
B. cancelInvocation()
C. clearInterval()
D. clear()

Ans : C

Explanation: Like setTimeout(), setInterval() returns a value that can be passed to clearInterval()
to cancel any future invocations of the scheduled function. The ID value returned by setInterval()
is used as the parameter for the clearInterval() method.

64. The pop() method of the array does which of the following task ?
A. decrements the total length by 1
B. increments the total length by 1
C. prints the first element but no effect on the length
D. updates the element

Ans : A

Explanation: pop() function pops out that is delete the last element from the array. Hence pop()
method (it works with push()) reduces the length of an array by 1.

-Siddhesh Shelar

65. What will be the return value of the write() method when the Node
cannot write the data immediately and has to buffer it internally?
A. 0
B. 1
C. True
D. False

Ans : D

Explanation:The write() method writes HTML expressions or JavaScript code to a document. The
write() method is mostly used for testing: If it is used after an HTML document is fully loaded, it
will delete all existing HTML. write() method never blocks. If Node cannot write the data
immediately and has to buffer it internally, the write() method returns false.

66. What will happen if you reference document.location from within an

A. Traverses the queue
B. Finds the bugs
C. Traverses the stack
D. Traverses the array

Ans : C

Explanation:window.location.href returns the href (URL) of the current page. If you reference
document.location from within an object, the interpreter will need to go from the function that
references the variable, up out of the namespace to the global window scope, down to the
document scope, and get the location value.

67. What is a closure?

A. Function objects
B. Scope where function’s variables are resolved
C. Both Function objects and Scope where function’s variables are resolved
D. Function return value

Ans : C

Explanation: A combination of a function object and a scope (a set of variable bindings) in which
the function’s variables are resolved is called a closure.

-Siddhesh Shelar

68. Which is the method invoked to connect the last vertex back to the
A. closePath()
B. close()
C. connectlast(first)
D. connect()

Ans : A

Explanation: The closePath() method connects the last vertex back to the first, thereby creating a
path. It connects the last point to the first point thereby creating a closed figure.

69. What is the need for bubble charts?

A. Represent 2D data
B. Represent 3D data
C. Represent 2D and 3D data
D. Represents meta data

Ans : B

Explanation:A bubble plot is a scatterplot where a third dimension is added: the value of an
additional variable is represented through the size of the dots. They are used to represent three-
dimensional data.

70. How to get a particular value using the tagged name?

A. getElementbyID()
B. getElementsbyName()
C. getElementsbyTagName()
D. getTagName()

Ans : C

Explanation:The getElementsByTagName() method returns a collection of all elements in the

document with the specified tag name, as a NodeList object. The method
getElementsbyTagName() can be used to get a particular value using the tagged name associated
with the document.


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