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A letter of complaint

Actually i am writing this letter of complaint because since i rent the

department i noticed a lot of problems, i try to conntact you by other
ways but you dont respond me, so this is my final try and if you dont
respond me, i am obligated to move to other side and make a
complaint to the authorities, for the unacceptable state of the
apartment you rent me, so i gonna list the problems I have noticed.

- First: The hot water sometimes works and sometimes it doesn't,

this is increased by the constant power cuts, and also the pipes
produce a loud sound when water runs through them, a very
annoying high pitched sound.

- Second: As I mentioned before, the connection to the electrical

network is unstable and there are frequent power outages, the
company tells me that it must be an internal problem in the
department, I think so too, because the electricity bills are too high
as they should be. I suspect a power leak

- Third: The apartment was very dirty when I arrived. It had dust
everywhere and some insects lived in the darkest and most hidden

I am looking forward to your response

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