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Name: Roxas, Joana Feliz B.

Subject: APY_3202
Section: PSY6A Prelim Assignment 1

1. What are the important events that shape the field I/O Psychology?
- World War I was the most influential event in developing I/O psychology, and
much more so following World War II, when I/O psychology evolved rapidly.
Some I-O psychologists develop policies and procedures for personnel
selection and training, whilst others examine managers' personalities and
performance or look for ways to boost employee engagement, work
satisfaction, and performance.

2. What role will changes in demographic play in how we hire and manage
- The primary reason corporations must change their procedures in order to
adapt to rising labor market diversity is demographic transition. Diversity has
an impact on potential labor pools, employee needs, and bigger company
objectives such as service offers. Demographics are a crucial part of any
small company marketing strategy because they allow you to identify
individual members of your target audience based on certain characteristics,
interests, and requirements. Businesses use demographic data to have a
better understanding of the people who buy their products and services.

3. Why is job analysis so important?

- Job analysis is a process that determines the roles and responsibilities,
nature of the employment, and lastly the qualifications, abilities, and
knowledge needed for an individual to do a certain job. Job analysis assists in
determining which duties are critical and how they are carried out.

4. What are the main sections of a job description?

- The main sections of a job description, according to the book of industrial and
organizational psychology, consist of eight sections: the job title, brief
summary, work activities, tools and equipment used, job context, work
performance, compensation information, and job competencies. These
sections describe the skills, knowledge, talents, and other characteristics
necessary for job success. It should be periodically updated to reflect the
employee ‘s allocated tasks.

5. Would a job analyst expect to find gender and race differences in the way
employees perform the duties of their jobs? Why or why not?
- According to Aamodt (2016), there are minor disparities in how white and
African American employees do their jobs. The example cited is that white
police officers provided more first assistance while African Americans were
more frequently involved in sweeps and raids. While there are minor racial
disparities, there is no clear evidence that gender influences work

6. How should a task statement be written?

- An action (what is done) and an object (to which the action is done) should be
included in a task statement. However, it may also contain where the work is
completed, how it is completed, why it is completed, and when it is
completed. A task statement should have one action done to one object, be
written at a level that a typical job incumbent can comprehend, be written in
the same tense, include the tools and equipment used to complete the task,
not include job competencies or a policy, make sense on its own, and indicate
the level of authority

7. Is external pay equity more important than internal pay equity? Why or why
- External pay equity, in my opinion, is more essential than internal pay equality
since market position can have a significant impact on the amount of money
provided for identical occupations in various organizations. Companies must
keep their wages fair and affordable in order to remain competitive. External
pay equity is the most relevant in the job market since it may be employed
from entry-level roles to senior positions. You can always compare what one
executive makes in one healthcare firm to what another executive makes in
another healthcare company. Wages should be competitive as long as the
title and work qualifications are identical.

Aamodt, M. (2016). Industrial/organizational psychology: an applied approach. Boston,
MA: Cengage Learning

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