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I Review Questions

A. Objective Type Questions

1. An algorithm depends upon a programming language. True/false?
2. ____________ is a sequence of unambiguous instructions for solving a
problem in a finite amount of time.
3. ____________ is a graphical representation showing the flow of control
among the steps in a program, people in an organization, or pages of a
4. __________ symbol is used to specify a condition in a flowchart.
5. Algorithm development differs from person to person. True/false?
6. A high-level language is a machine-independent language. True/false?
7. A _____________ compiles the whole program at once but an
______________ interprets one line at a time.
8. An instruction in machine-level language consists of two parts:
____________ and _________.
9. A ____________ is a set of logically related instructions that are
arranged in a sequence and guide the computer to solve a problem.
10. The process of writing a program is called __________________.
B. Practice Problems
1. Write an algorithm to find out the area of a circle and draw its
corresponding flowchart.
2. Write an algorithm to calculate simple interest and draw its
corresponding flowchart.
3. Write an algorithm to find the average of three numbers and draw its
4. Write an algorithm to find the area of a right-angled triangle and draw
its flowchart.
5. Write an algorithm to swap the value of two variables and draw its
6. Write an algorithm to check whether a number is an even or odd
number and draw its flowchart. (Hint: the number must be divided by 2,
and if the remainder is 0, then that number is even, otherwise that
number is odd.)
7. Write an algorithm to find the biggest number among three numbers
and draw its flowchart.
8. Write an algorithm to check whether a student is a pass or fail. Input
marks of five subjects out of 100. Find the average score. If the average
score is greater than or equal to 50%, then print “YOU ARE A PASS” or else
print “YOU ARE A FAIL”. Draw the corresponding flowchart.
9. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to find out the biggest number
among four numbers.
10. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to swap the value of two
different numbers.
11. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to calculate simple interest.
12. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to check whether a number is
a palindrome or not.
13. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to check whether a number is
a prime number or not.
14. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to check whether a number
is a perfect number or not.
15. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to reverse a number.
16. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to check whether a number is
an Armstrong number or not.
17. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to print all the even numbers
present within a range. The lower range and the higher range must be
supplied to the algorithm.
18. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to find out the factorial of a
19. Write an algorithm to compute the sum of the squares of integers
from 1 to 50 and also draw the corresponding flowchart.
20. Write an algorithm to read a number N from the user and print all its
21. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to find out the summation of
1 + 2 + 3 + … + n.
C. Subjective Questions
1. What is an algorithm?
2. What is a flowchart?
3. What are the characteristics of an algorithm?
4. Describe the different symbols used in a flowchart.
5. What is the difference between a compiler and an interpreter?
6. What is the difference between a high-level language and a low-level
7. Define the following terms:
a. Program;
b. Assembler;
c. Compiler;
d. Interpreter.

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