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Question 1. Are you very interested in fashion and clothes?

Answer 1:- Yes, I am interested in fashion and clothes. I want to look dandy(bảnh bảo)/
fashionable(thời trang), so I always flow with time. Whenever new outfits(trang phục) come on
the market, I tend to purchase(mua) them.
Answer 2:- Well, I’m not keen on following every trend, but I like to try attires /əˈtaɪər/(trang
phục) which suit me.
Question 2. Do you have a lot of nice clothes?
Answer 1:- Yes, I have a variety of clothes. I have western, traditional and semi-western
clothes. I like to wear it on occasions like birthday parties, weddings and festivals.
Answer 2:- yes, I love to wear different attires at festivals or occasions, so I collect such
Question 3. What kind(s) of clothes do you usually wear?
Answer 1:- Well in my routine I love to wear casual clothes(trang phục dân dã) as well as jeans
t-shirt. I feel more comfortable in such kinds of attires, and also I get compliments.(lời khen)
Answer 2:- On routine days(hàng ngày) I prefer comfortable clothes such as jeans, t-shirts or
shorts or pants
Question 4. How often do you go shopping for clothes?
Answer 1:- Well, I am not a spendthrift(kẻ tiêu xài phung phí). I only buy when I need new
clothes. In this way, I save some money on buying other products. In a nutshell, I go shopping
once in a blue moon.
Answer 2:- I Mostly buy new clothes twice or three times a year. Mostly I go shopping around
summer and the new year.
Question 5. Do you like shopping for clothes?
Answer 1:- Yes, I love shopping for clothes. I think it’s fun to do the shopping. Also, we will
have new attires to wear. It helps me relax, too.
Answer 2:- No, not really. I think it’s tiring and boring. I don’t like wandering around the mall
looking for new clothes. So I prefer online shopping. It’s more convenient and comfortable.
Question 6. How often do you buy clothes online?
Answer 1:- Well, whenever there is a big discount(giảm giá nhiều), and a variety of clothes are
shown on the screen, then I tend to buy online; otherwise, due to a hectic schedule(thời khóa
biểu bận rộn), I think it is best to do shopping online.
Answer 2:- After covid 19 pandemic, I started buying clothes online, and I usually order
clothes when there is a sale.

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